ASA: BNM: w4m: black woman seeking cute boy toy into feminization

From Create Your Own Story

You shoot her the standard "hei saw your add" email.

After many exchanges, she agrees to meet at a local cafe. It's close to your house... if you take the sub way. Through the exchanges you learn that she's 45, goes by the name Chantelle, and that she's prepared to turn you into a girly boy. Not a full shemale, as that would be expensive, but being a sissy is a start.

You arrive at the cafe, and spot her easily. She's the only middle aged black woman there. You exchange greetings, and notice her beauty and her age.

She has slight crows feet, worry lines on her forehead. Her hair is curly, flowing down to her breasts. It is the color of yellow leaves and mud. I looks quite lovely. Her eyes are a deep brown. She has voluptuous lips... for that matter a voluptuous body as well, but her waist is noticeably smaller than her breasts. 'Is she even wearing a bra??? ' you wonder.

She invites you to sit with her by pulling up a chair. You'd be sitting very closely.

ASA: BNM: Sit next to Chantelle

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