AOTC: You always wondered what was under a Jawa's you want to know if you can fuck it!

From Create Your Own Story

You rent a landspeeder and head out into the desert, sweating under the hot sun. After a few hours you see a glint on the horizon, letting you know you've found what you were looking for. Cruising up closer you see the hulking giant that is a Jawa Sandcrawler rumbling over the dunes. The driver sees you come near and stops the thing to a grinding halt. The hatch opens in the side and you climb inside to the chittering awe of the tiny smelly creatures.

"Sup you weird little motherfuckers..." you say loudly to the whole assemblage of Jawa crew. "I've traveled across half of the goddamn galaxy to solve this little problem of mine" gesturing to your penis "and I have deemed you little freaks to be the answer."

The Jawas hiss angrily. They're insulted by your unclean speech and try to hustle you off the crawler. You expected this.

"Now I know you all are businessmen, you want your piece of the pie, and I get I'm willing to offer you compensation for any services you might render me and my cock..." You draw a fat fistful of Republic Credits from your tunic pocket, glinting brightly in the dim light. The Jawa's react with surprise and greedy lust; they've never seen this many credits in one place.

"If you want my money though..." you continue, "then I'm going to participation from everyone. That means even the motherfucking driver has to be on my dick at some point during this little transaction. You dig? Now we got a deal or do I got a bunch of dry pussies on my hands?"

The Jawas all look at each-other nervously before nodding their heads in unanimous agreement.

"Well alright then..." and you drop your pants.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Mace Windu
Attack of the Clones

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