AOTC: Obi-Wan Kenobi, a worthy opponent and a thorn in your side.

From Create Your Own Story

You have the Geonosian guards take you to the cell in which your nemesis Obi-Wan Kenobi is being held, and once there tell them to leave until called for. You find they've set Obi-Wan up in one of the nicer cells, with white metal walls and comfortable quarters. He sits meditating in a corner, patient as always. His restraints are minimal for a Jedi but excessive for a normal person, looping around his neck, wrists, and ankles all adjustable and reinforced. He is bare except for a small pair of regulation military shorts, leaving his sharply toned body visible to the observer. He seems calm and unfazed by your appearance.

"Dooku..." he says with his casual confidence. "These accommodations are surprisingly comfortable. If I didn't know you were evil I'd almost believe you were treating me rather than holding me hostage."

You smile to yourself, things were going to get far less comfortable for the overconfident Jedi Knight...

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Count Dooku
Attack of the Clones

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