AOTC: Anakin Skywalker, young, hotheaded, and easily turned.

From Create Your Own Story

You have the Geonosian guards lead you to Anakin Skywalker's cell and once there tell them to leave until summoned again. You enter, finding a dank and ugly cave with young Skywalker bound to the dark stone wall in front of you. Due to his youthful energy and dangerous abilities the Geonosians were forced to use a chamber usually only used to keep wild animals as are the restraints that hold him to the wall. He's been stripped down, leaving only a small loincloth to cover himself. His skin is wet from the leaking of underground water in the walls nearby, making his firmly muscled body glisten in the darkness. Smears of dirt and the black scorches of electrical burns from the guards weapons mar his smooth skin, and the murderous glare he gives you as you enter only completes the illusion that he is no man but some strange beautiful but feral beast. A beast you will enjoy taming...

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Count Dooku
Attack of the Clones

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