It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:44, 26 December 2017 by Cheekybastard (Talk | contribs)

This is the story of the Stewart family during the Christmas break of 2017.

Your name is Mike, you are 18 years old and the baby of the Stewart family, including all of the extended family. The only "present" you want this Christmas is getting laid with someone, even they are in your family.

Your mother is Susan, who divorced your dad about a year ago and is getting hefty some hefty alimony money. She has short, curly brown hair, and is 40 years old.

Your sister is Becky, who never was very athletic, but thanks to genetics, maintains a great figure. She has short, reddish-brown hair, and is 21 years old.

Your twin cousins are [[Madelyn and Mary]], who are two of the hottest girls you've ever seen. They both have long, braided blonde hair, and are 17 years old.

Your eldest aunt is

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