Take Cindy up on her offer.

From Create Your Own Story

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You give Cindy a brief nod and she turns her attention to her son. “Tyler baby, why don’t you head up to your room and play for little bit, give me and Ms. Stacy a chance to catch up.” Tyler nods his head and moves to walk down the hallway but stops and heads back towards his mom. Once at her side he leans into give her a kiss on the cheek and then even goes as far as to lean down and kiss her belly through her jump suit. Then he walks around to you and kisses your cheek, which you smile and nuzzle into playfully, before he takes his leave of you and head to his room.

Cindy beams, “God, I love him so much, I’d have gone clear out of my mind by now without him. In a few years the ladies won’t know what hit them. He is going to have all of them chasing after him.” She says with a gentle smile. 'That time is a hell of a lot closer then you think sweetheart.' You think yourself nodding you head. “So, You and Steven...” Cindy begins, “How long has it been since.., you know.”

You find Cindy, straight forwardness refreshing and don’t show a hint of shock at her question. “Almost 6 months, but I haven’t had a climax that I didn’t give myself in almost 5.” Cindy nods her head understandingly. “How about you?”

“Oh well, basically since we found out about our little bundle of joy here.” She said leaning back in her chair, rubbing her belly lovingly. “He said it was because we had to be careful around Tyler. Eric said he caught Tyler peaking on me while I was changing a few times and that I needed to be less affection towards him.., be more careful with what I wore around him.” Cindy just shook her head

“Actually sweetie, there may be a little truth to what Eric is saying.” You tell her softly before clarifying your position.”Don’t get me wrong I think that Eric is just using that as an excuse but Tyler is definitely a bit of a voyeur.” You let out a long breath. “Last night I caught him watching me change for bed. I don’t know how long he had been there, but yeah..., he got quite a show.” It’s not entirely accurate but it works for your purposes. “And Just before when he came in and you were leaning into the fridge, I caught him trying to look down your top.”

Initially, you were concerned you may have pushed it too far and gotten the little guy into to trouble. However, Cindy doesn’t look at all surprised or even irritated, in fact you notice that her nipples have hardened and are now poking out against her jump suit. “But you already knew that, didn’t you baby?”

Cindy stares at you for several seconds before finally answering. ‘Yes...” She nods, “I think he has a bit of a crush on you.”

That may be, but you can tell she is still holding back. “But that’s not what’s making your nipples stiff right now, is it sweetie?” You try to confirm, slowly sliding you hand across the table and cupping her left breast and rubbing your thumb against the hardened nub causing Cindy to gasp and moan. “You like the idea that your little boy is all hot for mommy.., I’ll bet you have even gone out of your way to make sure he could watch you get naked.”

You continue to roll her nipple back and forth through her jumpsuit and it takes Cindy longer to respond then before. Finally she makes eye contact with you while arching her back, pushing her tit into your hand. “Yes..., damnit to hell,” she whispers. “He makes me so fucking horny. My god Stacy, what do I do?”

How should you respond:

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