“Maybe what you both need is a little bit of a nudge.”

From Create Your Own Story

You give Cindy a supportive look. "Maybe what you need is a little nudge to encourage some naughtiness out of Tyler," you suggest.

Cindy thinks that over for a few moments. "What sort of nudge, Stacy?"

It's about 1 pm in the afternoon so you have plenty of "nudging" time available to you. And since no one will be waiting for you at home, let alone expecting you to cook dinner, you could very well spend all night here.

"We could head up to his room and play a game together... say, truth or dare?" You are briefly concerned that Cindy may take your self-invitation into the day's events the wrong way, even though that is the sort of the way you intended it. But if she is offended she doesn't make it known.

"I'm not sure he even knows what that is Stacy. After all... he's only 8." Cindy reminds you, causing you to giggle.

He's not nearly as innocent as you think he is baby. You think to yourself. You are well aware of the fact that all in attendance at the twins' 9th birthday party, Tyler included, played it while you were away. Having to leave town that weekend for a work function, you had appointed Heather and her best friend Nicole to oversee the party and sleep over. When you managed to overhear some of their more scandalous plans for the party you had tried your very best to get out of work... to attend the party of course! Sadly you'll never know exactly what happened that weekend, but even just the thought of that night still manages to get you wet.

"Not to surprise you sweetie, but... trust me, he knows what truth or dare is!"

With that said and without waiting for Cindy to comment on that you get up and start towards the stairs.

Cindy quickly shrugs her shoulders then hurriedly closes the gap between you, following you upstairs. "What the hell," Cindy exclaims. "Let's try. Besides, Eric won't even be home tonight."

The two of you stop in front of Tyler's door. Cindy looks as if she's about to barge in on him, something she no doubt has done time and time again, before instead knocking sweetly.

"Tyler, sweetie, can we come in?" she asks. After receiving a barely audible "yes" from Tyler, Cindy opens the door and you both walk inside. Her son is sitting quietly playing a video game by himself.

"Baby, we were wondering if you would like to play with us?" Cindy asks gently with a bright smile.

The little boy's room is furnished much the same way as your son's. A small TV is in the corner hooked up to a gaming system a few feet from an over-stuffed bean bag chair. Posters of super heroes, including some rather racy ones of Wonder Woman and Black Widow, adorn the walls. The primary difference is Tyler's bed. Where Timmy has a twin sized race car bed Tyler has a large full sized bed in the middle of the room. A bed positioned under the very window that he used to peek at you changing, or rather stripping for him, the night before. That's a pretty big bed for such a little guy... you muse to yourself as Tyler pauses his game and turns around to look at the two of you. "Sure. What did you wanna play?"

You and Cindy share a knowingly look before Cindy runs with your suggestion. "We were kinda thinking... truth or dare. Do you know what that is?"

"Yeah, of course" Tyler promptly responds with a shrug of his shoulders. You can't help but give Cindy a nudge and a chuckle.

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