CYOAA: Play as Snowball

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:15, 20 December 2011 by Snowball (Talk | contribs)
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The General pushed you into a room and left you to the proccess of writing out the scene you'd promised before leaving,also handing you some communicator type thing with one button. You look at the laptop in front of you and frown. It isn't like you to mess with these stuff. They were the goverment, it would be something they'd do... However, you didn't think they'd sink to drugging your group and such. You start typing a forest scene but before you do, you notice a file on the other end of the table. The General was briefing his people and doing other General-type stuff. If you dared, you could Sneak a peek at the file.You might not read much, and even if you did, the General could return. You had doubts about how long the General could keep you here, but he had the wiki as a 'ransom' of sorts. You glance at the screen again and wonder what the army would do with the unlimited throes of fiction in their hands. Whatever it was, they wouldn't settle for just that. You could attempt to trick them about the scene but they might find out.

(More content to arrive)

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