1. “I didn’t know what to do…” you reply nervously.

From Create Your Own Story

Nan rolls her eyes at your apprehension. You already know what she’s going to say before the words tumble from her mouth. You’ve been treated to an undeserved tongue lashing too many times before not to see it coming. ”Stop being so timid, girl.” She says scathingly. “Are you not the daughter of The Seat? Have you no shame? Keep your chin up. Next thing you know, you’ll be jumping from your own shadows...” She doesn’t say it aloud, but you can hear the unvoiced ‘like your father’ tacked on to the end of her speech.

She’s being terribly unfair to you. She scrapes a chair across your plush carpet and squats down behind you. Without so much as a by your leave, she rakes the comb through your hair with all the gentleness of a feral cat. You can feel the teeth digging into your scalp, and she tears straight through your tangles with a sadistic ferocity you haven’t been witness to in years. After the first few strokes it is clear that something is bothering Old Nan. She’s being especially ruthless today; something must be wrong. Do you dare ask?

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