...still in some pain

From Create Your Own Story

"How are you feeling?" you ask Emily.

"It's a bit better," she replies. "But I still hurt."

"Maybe you should take it easy today," you say. "I'll stick around and help you get well."

"You're very sweet," Emily says with a smile.

It takes a few more days for Emily's shin to heal. During this time, you find yourself getting along better and better with George, who can't believe what good care you're taking of his daughter. It turns out that George, although very protective of his only child, is a gentle, good-natured guy who shares several common interests with you.

Emily is just about fully recovered when George takes you into a small anteroom for a private conversation. "I want only the best for my daughter," he says. "I've never met anyone worthy of being with her... until now. It appears she's healed, and I thank you for that. Would you like to leave, with a generous token of my regard, or would you like to become Emily's fiance?" He gestures to a table, where on one side is a box containing $10,000 and on the other side a smaller box containing a matching set of rings. One is sized for your finger and the second for Emily's.

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