(C) Take Keisha to the art museum, then walk with her back to her house

From Create Your Own Story

You don't want to rush things, even if Keisha does. So you walk with her over to the art museum.

"I've never been here before," she says, looking around in awe. You guide her through the various wings, pointing out the famous paintings, sculptures, and other objects d'art as you view them.

"That was surprisingly fun," Keisha grins as you depart. "Not something I would normally do."

"I've been here a few times before," you tell her. "But this was special... because it was with you."

Keisha blushes violently and snuggles more closely against you as you walk her home. Her father greets you at the door. "The art museum?" he says, doubtfully. "I know you are trying to take her mind off your body, but..."

Keisha giggles. "It was actually fun, dad."

"Don't invite me in," you tell Keisha. "Otherwise you'll use your feminine wiles to seduce me into your bed." You kiss her on the cheek and turn to leave, but Keisha tugs at your sleeve.

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