"Er, just looking around! Don't mind me!"
From Create Your Own Story
You don't really know what this talking corpse is all about, but it probably isn't anything good... best to play it safe and not offend him.
" Eye?" The corpse asks in his horrible voice. " Aye, okay, I was just wonderin'. 'Aven't seen many visitors 'round lately; 'specially dreamers like yerself. Mostly jus' things wantin' to eat me after the grave; birds 'n foxes 'n the like."
He gives a strange sort of gurgling sigh. " No, if it's gold yer lookin' for on my clothes, traveler, t'ain't nothin' to find. I lived a poor man and died a poor man. Sorry, but I cannae help yeh there."
The corpse seems chattier and friendlier than you thought he would be.