HeeroYuy135 is Burning Archives (September - November 2006)

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September 2006


  • Eureka seveN Ep. 19 "Acperience 2" - I may sound like a broken recond, and Talho will agree on this, but HOLY MOTHERFU*CKING SH*IT. That's my reaction to seeing this episode, and after watching it came with the conclusion that this is one of the best episodes that I've seen in a year, up there with watching the ending to CB again, some Eva episodes, the next episode of E7, and a few others. I got a few questions though...one, why was everyone assuming that Renton was the one driving the Nirvash? Oh that's right, because it's all Renton's fault for what's been going on. And while we're at it, let's also assume that Renton drove the Nirvash by himself the last episode and let's pretend that the miner never had a pistol. Yeah right...two, was Holland playing favorites? I know many people noticed this, but it was like: "We won't wait for Renton, but we'll wait for Eureka." Maybe that's because they already had to wait to wait for Renton...rememeber, when he was perched up in that room of his? And finally, I noticed that Holland and Talho were playing mindgame chess with each other...it was a stalemate before they realized they were about to die. Then everything happend...
  • Holland at the end of Ep. 19 - I had to give this subject it's very own burn. Like everyone else, everyone now hates Holland after this episode. And mostly, because of this last part after Holland starts interrogating Renton. First, Renton doesn't fu*cking know what would happen. Renton would like to know what happened, but missed the first part of it; he was only there for the second part of everything. Two, for the love of god, PLEASE SH*UT THE **bleep** UP AND LISTEN!!! I hate to sound like a broken record again, but this is the 2nd straight week that he's blasted on Renton without letting Renton speak his side, or at least what Holland wants to hear. At least this time around he didn't like bodyslam him onto the rock...and Talho wasn't there to intervene again. But what puzzled me the most was that the whole entire time, Eureka was a pile of goo. Ummm...aren't you going to find a way to help her? Or are you too worried about Renton, so you had to blast him before getting help? I thought you cared about Eureka...
  • Eureka at the end of Ep. 19 - My, oh my, what a heap of trouble this girl is. And for what, answers? I know she's all confused ever since Renton and that Amita Drive showed up, so many she wanted to back to those days. And what's up with the flashback scene? Why would you want to open a book at the middle? Wouldn't you want to open it at the beginning? But anyways, that doesn't give any excuse to end up in a pile of goo. By the way, what happened to her clothes? Did they disappear, or are they under that pile of goo?


  • Eureka seveN Ep. 20 - My, oh my...where should I start? Well, let's start at "Renton pulling a Shinji in Episode 19 of Eva." And like 5 minutes ago, he was all confused and **bleep** then all of the sudden he starts killing everyone...a bit too much in fact. A few things pop into my mind: one, why didn't anyone tell Renton that the real reason for Holland going on that "suicide" mission was to go retrieve a priest that could heal Eureka? Maybe if Renton had known, then maybe we wouldn't have that 80mph Talho slap. *shudders* That had to hurt. But then again, Renton was assuming things - like what Holland was doing the past two episodes. And the question that's on everyone's mind: how far did Holland and Eureka go back? Because for all I know, there's something deeper than their SOF days...when they were killing everyone.
  • Bleach Ep. 1 - I didn't jump on the Bleach bandwagon the first time...but slowly jumped on. To be honest, I was too lazy to download. But now that Bleach has aired, I am offically on the Bleach bandwagon. Soon enough, I'll be buying anything Bleach-related...including Tide with Bleach. Nah, I'm just kidding on that last part, but the dub was very good. I love JYB as Ichigo, and I'm waiting to see some of the other major players to show up in the next few episodes. However, I can't seem to see why everyone is complaining about Kon's voice...everyone says that it's a "4Kids voice." Then again, I didn't watch the subs so I really wouldn't know.
  • Trinity Blood Ep. 1 - First impressions are everything, and TB brought me a good first impression. I love how the series finds a way to inject comedy bits in the otherwise dark storyline. But, this is the first episode (same applies to Bleach) and I have to see a few more episodes (and more VAs) to get a accurate sense of where the series is going. I already have a sense for Bleach, but not for Trinity Blood. But so far, I'm liking it. And the gore factor is like jacked up to 13...me like.
  • End of Evangelion - You know, I've been an advocate to get EoE aired on [adult swim] for awhile. Then again, I haven't seen the movie in over 4 years...so when I saw EoE yesterday and today (with the very good commentary track), I thought to myself "No wonder it won't get on [adult swim]. Everyone was right - like half the movie would of been edited even if there was a TV-MA rating." But like I've said, it's good to see EoE again...and the mental mindtrip you go through. Be sure to have some asprin by your side if you plan to attempt to understand any of what you saw, especially all the live-action bits and Shinji's mindtrip.


  • Eureka seveN Ep. 21 - You know, with episode 20 in the rearview mirror, I think some of us...ok all of us kinda forgot about Ep. 21 mosty because there wasn't a episode preview. And maybe there wasn't a episode preview for a good reason. Personally, I do feel really bad for Renton...he had a certain vision of the GekkoState, and throughout the whole time his vision's been false. What about the vision of him protecting Eureka? Nope. So what do you do when you feel rejected by everyone (except for Gonzy, because he was actually nice to Renton in that episode)? You bail out. Seriously, I don't blame him for doing so...although he better expect one Talho spanking when he gets back. A few questions do linger after this episode: how will Renton interact with Ray Charles...errr I meant Charles and Ray? What's their history? When will Anemone come back?
  • Bleach Ep. 2 - Again, it's one of those impression episode since most of the characters haven't showed up. However, Orihime has shown up. Her voice is pretty good, and it's sad to hear her backstory. Other than that, it's nothing much than fighting more hallows and figuring out that you just faught her dead brother. I know there are 90+ episodes, and maybe I am waiting for them to get into the Soul Society arc...yeah, like next year or something. LEEKSPIN FTW!!!
  • Trinity Blood - For some odd reason, I missed TB this weekend. And the thing with that is when I miss the first few episodes I kind of lose interest - ok, more like lose interest all together. The same thing happened to me when I was watching PoT (Prince of Tennis...you know, that anime about tennis)...I missed a few episodes and soon enough I lost all interest in the series. Now, I have a feeling that it won't happen with TB, but that means I have to watch the next few episodes. I probably will.
  • Action Rerun Thursdays - Remember when they used to air all the episdoes that aired the week before in preperation for that Saturday? Remember that if you missed a weekend episode you had the chance to catch it on Thursday? Well, they seriously need to do that. With all these episodes that can either be confusing, one that you want to see again, or some other reason I can't think of, they should be airing them again. But no, they got rid of it. I have an idea: use the fix and make it Action Rerun Thursdays on the Fix. That would be a really good idea. Or, bring back Action Rerun Thursdays.


  • Bleach Ep. 4 and Trinity Blood Ep. 4 - I'll be honest: I wanted to watch Bleach and Trinity Blood this week. But, I didn't. Why? Because I was actually busy with my house hosting my dad's birthday's party. It also kind of goes to the point of why Action Saturday ratings are down: because we're doing stuff Saturday night. But enough of that...I don't mind missing Bleach since they really don't advance anything in the storyline, but I'm getting worried that I'm gonna be lost in Trinity Blood - which also goes to the point of why Action Saturdays are down: because these shows have storylines that go throughout the series, and if you miss one then you've missed them all.
  • Eureka seveN Ep. 22 - However, I did catch Eureka seveN on the Fix on Friday, and I thought it was a good episode. I continued to feel bad for Renton, up to the part when white people were attempting to rave and everything happened and then Renton joins up with Ray Charles...err I meant Charles and Ray. I also do feel for Gidget - I don't blame her for wanting to start a Talho/Hilda relationship, but there's a problem when the only girl you know is really...quiet. I got a feeling though that Eureka's breaking through in terms of her feelings...but I'm waiting for the day when someone's got the balls to tell her that Renton went bye-bye. And Dominic, what are you doing? Did that inside information really help you?
  • [as] Fantasy Football League - I don't know what's up: maybe my 2 league wins last year and this year is a down year, or I had a bad draft...but I'm about to go 0-3. Who's to blame? Probably the whole team and some decisions that were hard to make in the first place. For example, start Culpepper vs. TEN or Carr Vs. WAS...and for the 3rd straight week in a row, Carr will probably have more points this week than Culpepper. RB? Jones and Johnson are on a bye, so probably my backup RBs didn't do good for me. The only bright spots are Jeff Wilkins and Denver's D, which have given one touchdown in 3 games. I hope to have better weeks now that Jones and Johnson are back on the field, but I'm afraid that if I start Carr over Culpepper then Culpepper is gonna have a moster game. Throw in the fact that it's MIA @ HOU makes it tougher. *sigh*

October 2006


  • Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie - So anyways I got around to buying the FMA movie for about $25 over at Suncoast. I wanted to wait for the $50 special edition, but I'm not sure if I want to spend another $25 on features that I'll probably watch once. But anyways, I thought it was a well-done movie, and it did bring much closure to the most asked question coming into the movie: Do they get back together? And if you've watched it, then we all know that they do get back together again. I'm trying not to spoil anything else, but are some twists and turns I didn't see coming, and stuff like that. I would go deeper into the movie, but I got other things to do, like...
  • Eureka seveN Ep. 23 - I really liked this episode because it kind of touched to real-world events. But of course, many say that what happened in the series doesn't mirror real world events - and of course, the Arabs weren't denied medical service after 9/11, but they were discriminated and racially profiled by the majority who were seeking revenge after a terrorist attack. But let me move on to the episode itself...I really loved how Renton is quickly growing in love with the Beams and how its the complete opposite from the Gekko-Go because for all we know Charles is opposite of Holland, Ray is opposite of Talho, and well...everyone is opposite of no one. I also noticed how Charles reacted differently after the whole kidnapping, like he actually sees a different side. And I give props to Charles for not pulling a Holland on us, and even joking about it. And speaking of Holland, he needs to grow some balls and take the blame for Renton leaving.
  • Bleach Ep. 4 - I finally got back to watching Bleach, and its another episode that introduces more characters (Chad) and more hallow fighting. So far, that's what all it's been...so yeah, Bleach is starting out slow, kind of like how Eureka seveN was. Like what everyone has said, it gets better once they enter the SS (Soul Society, not that secret German special forces) arc, but I got a feeling that many of us can't wait. It's like they want action off the get-go...and Bleach (as well as E7) are one of those animes that build on characters. And for me, I like those shows that can build on characters.
  • Trinity Blood Ep. 4 - I also finally got back to watching Trinity Blood, although I was lost as hell trying to figure out what was going on. And since it was the 2nd part of a two-part episode, I was more lost. All I got was that some vampire was trying to burn the earth with some satellite called the "Star of Sarrow." First off, why in the hell would you name a satellite the "Star of Sarrow?" I forgot who said it, but there was some goth/emo theory behind the naming of that satellite. Then it went into a backstory of blah blah blah I didn't get it. The only thing I did get was something like Abel saying some crazy sh*it and BOOM the episode was over. Maybe I need to start watching TB more....


  • Trinity Blood Ep. 5 - For some odd reason, I didn't get a chance to watch Trinity Blood this weekend. Why? A number of reasons. One is that I usually close at work, and the place where I work at they close at 9. But since it's a restruant, I'm usually there until like 9:15 cleaning up. By the time I get home I'm catching the end of TB. But then some would ask "Why don't you watch it on the Fix?" Because I have a habit of only watching Eureka seveN on the Fix. Also, I'm kinda getting into that "If I missed one, I missed them all" mentality which I mentioned last week. I hope to get back on track, but if I miss a few more then I'm gonna be completely lost. And that doesn't make me a happy camper.
  • Eureka seveN Ep. 24 - Speaking of that robot show, I really loved this week's episode. I gotta say Holland, it took you about 20 motherfu*cking episodes to figure it out. Now's your chance to go out and correct yourself my friend, am I right? I probably would be. Too bad Renton's "Paradise" was "Lost" (hence the title of that episode, "Paradise Lost" when he found out that the Beams were really after Renton's girlfriend...I mean Eureka and the Nirvash that he used to pilot. So what is Renton to do? Jump out. But at least he said thank you before leaving. I loved the bit at the end where Renton and Eureka really realize that they really need each other...like in the next few episodes. And one more thing: Will someone please bring Anemone back? I'm starting to miss her.
  • Bleach Ep. 5 - Again, not much of a plot advancer in terms of the main plot, but this is more like a "Chad kicking a$$" episode. He's like a blessing and a curse at the same thing: he can hit hallows, yet can't see him. If anything, at least he can hit them because then all you need is someone like Rukia or Ichigo to weed them out. Other than that, another alright episode, and I know that the fangirls can't wait for next weeks episode...that guy with the hat is showing up. Forgot his name though.
  • Icons - HOLY SNAP!!! Whoever's idea of showcasing user-made icons should get a pat on the back. Seriously though, the number of icons just skyrocked, and now everyone can have their own unique icon...well not really, but you know what I mean. I think this'll also get more people to participate the next time submissions open up so that more icons can flood the already saturated list. Congrats [as] for doing something kicka$$.


  • Eureka seveN Ep. 25 - Hmmm...another one those character development episode. This time, Renton takes a step away from civilization to a nice place out in the middle of nowhere - and meets a guy named Will. Figures out, Will's got a wife that has desperation disease...you know, the one where they keep starring at a Compac Drive and they look like they're dead when they're really aren't? Apparently, Will defies the "desperation" in desperation diease, leaving a normal, happy life like he would if his wife Martha was actually living. You know what? That takes willpower, heart, a bit of balls to stick by her like that no matter what. I think there was a powerful lesson in that love is eternal, no matter what. We also learn that if the military's on your arse, then it's no time to be looking for Renton, even if you did promise her future lover.
  • Bleach Ep. 6 - Again, not much in the way of plotline...just introducing more characters, like that guy with the hat the girls go crazy over, and more creative fanservice. Can someone say "SUPERSIZE?" But seriously, if I didn't know what Bleach was - and I knew nothing - and I was tuning in for the first time, I'd be like "Is this what this is? Where's all the action those subbies were talking about?" Of course, we have about 60+ episodes before we reach the SS arc, so it could be awhile before Bleach does get good and it gets people talking...
  • Trinity Blood Ep. 6 - I'll be honest here: I did watch this weekend's episode. But I was also gaming with my PSP and was on the forums, so I didn't really pay attention. All I knew was that a whole bunch of crap happened and that there was some kickarse swordfight - or something like that. Man, I really need to start paying attention...and doing some serious catchup for the series. I'm probably wating for reruns whenever they run it.
  • Eureka seveN Ep. 26 - Ahhh yes, Ep. 26. The episode in which everything is supposed to come together. From the episode preview, and from everyone's word on the boards, it's probably one of the greatest episodes people have ever seen. But the crappy part is that I will be in San Diego that Saturday - but then again, I always watch the Friday Fix, so I will probably have seen the episode, and maybe I might be able to catch it on CN...assuming the Catamaran Resort (the place I am staying at for this Conference) has CN. If not, at least I will have seen the (overdue) reunion and a whole lot of other crap that will happen.


  • Eureka seveN Ep. 26 - Hey, if you're not on board by the end of this episode, there's something really wrong. Either you don't you like Eureka seveN at all, or well...something's wrong with you. Also, if you think that Eureka seveN belongs on Toonami *cough*Zeni*cough* then by all means slap yourself. Seriously please, slap yourself. This episode is as beautiful as it gets, and it only will get better and better from here. Of course, there was both action and character development, especially the MAJOR evolution of the Eureka/Renton relationship...as well as the standstill of the Holland/Renton "I fu*cking hate you" relationship is still in effect. Really, he comes back, everyone is like "Hey, welcome back!" and he's like "...no." At least Renton has grown some "balls" (as the sub would say) to actually start admitting that he has something going with Eureka. As for the future episodes, it only gets better and better...and a lot more interesting. Expect some major events in the next few episodes to kick off "Season 2" (and props to [as] for going through and airing all 50 episodes in a row).
  • Bleach Ep. 7 - Meanwhile, Bleach is getting a bit better...with the introduction of the lovable Kon ala Lion plushie with a soul. Either than that, nothing else...*still waiting on SS arc*
  • Trinity Blood Ep. 7 - No, I didn't watch Trinity Blood, and this is why...
  • NCSL (National Conference on Student Leadership) Conference - I would love to give props to everyone who helped make this conference a great, great experince. BTW, if you ever see Patrick Combs on your campus, attend his seminars. It's probably one of the most powerful seminars you will ever go to, I sh*it you not. Now, I still have about another day and a half here (I will be back in Sacramento, CA by Tuesday afternoon) and we're halfway through with the NCSL Conference. If you ever get a chance to go to one of these, do go. It's seriously one of those "life-changing" events. Maybe I'm preaching to 1% of the choir, but trust me, do it.
  • Eureka seveN Ep. 27 - Oh yes...27. The episode throws everything out the window and makes something new. In this case, it's a E7 version of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell...you know, sneaking around, shooting people, killing people. You can also call it a E7 version of CS (Counter-Strike), depending on what your view is. Either way, it's one kick arse episode, and again, the episode throws everything out the window and makes something new.


  • Eureka seveN Ep. 27 - May I say something really quick? HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT. Seriously, this episode kicked some major rear, and there wasn't even one mecha battle. Instead, the boys take it on the ground and go all Splinter Cell on each other, and by the end Charles is dead and Ray is one pissed bitch. Because after all, she got her assed kicked by Talho and found out that Eureka is a mother. Now, the reason why will come by next episode so it's not like we all find out in 10 episodes, it's the next episode. I've noticed that there's a platoon of Holland fanservice that the girls are going crazy over like Justin Timberlake at his concert, like I called. Come on, a guy in stealth paint only wearing spandex? I don't recall Sam Fisher or Solid Snake going all commando like that...well maybe except for Raiden, but he was actually naked and that's a whole different issue alltogether. And finally, my boy Renton. You actually stood up for Eureka without a mech by pointing a gun. It may not seem that big of a deal, but for a series that's driven by character development, it's big. Maybe Eureka should take note of this...
  • Bleach Ep. 8 - Didn't really pay attention to, but I did watch it.
  • Trinity Blood Ep. 8 - Ditto. BTW, I'm starting to get lost and at the same time starting to lose interest. However, them sisters are hawt, have you noticed? I'd hit that.
  • The CB Extra Hour - Call me stupid the first time around, but when you have daylight savings time ending and you have one extra programming hour to fill because of the schedule? Just play one of the two finest episodes in anime history - The Real Folk Blues Part I AND Part II. Everytime I watch this episode, it sends chills down my spine knowing what's coming up, yet is so action-filled and full of suspense. The first time when he died (and we all know who did), I actually teared up a bit. I think we all. Kudos to [as] for filling that hour with something meaningful, not just Inuyasha filler.

And now it is time for my Final Burn:

  • Inuyasha finale - My, oh my, what a piece of crap that was. For starters, where the hell is the real ending? It's like you're making us want to create some crappy fanfiction because the ending is so open. Homeboy Naraku not dead? Check. Still looking for Jewel Shards? Check. Still no resolution to Miroku scoring? Check. What was the only thing resolved? They got out of that fucking cave after 3 minutes of Inuyasha/Kagome drama. Seriously, my grandma, my cat, and my crappy PC can write a better ending than that. And for what? So that we can "burn" our money and read the gazillion volumes of the IY manga? I might as well spend my money getting Dennis Green some anger management. Come back to me when there is a real finale. Not some manga ending (although if they do decide to actually make a ending, that they should go off the manga) or some fanfiction that resemles EVA-R, the real thing. *taps foot* I'm waiting...

November 2006


Setting it straight:

In the 6/24/06 issue of HeeroYuy135 is Burning, I said that "...[Anemone's] lines involving the words "fry" and "brains" didn't spook you a bit." I should of been "melt" and "brains." Her line in that episode was "Melt away! Melt away! Melt away!" and I forgot what she said after that, but I know it involved the word "brains." (See Eureka seveN Ep. 11, Into The Nature)


  • Eureka seveN Ep. 28 - "Woah Nelly! We had ourselves a barnburner here!" Seriously though, you do not want to mess with a crazy bitch like Ray in a state like that. It's like PMS times a trillion and then some. Speaking of Ray, she's dead. She got blown the **bleep** up after her failed suicide attack resulted in "BOOM [SHIP] HEADSHOT!" from Holland. She follows Charles Beams, who also got blown the **bleep** up after being blasted in the abs by Holland's G3 assault rifle after their botched invasion of the Gekko-Go. And I thought the Beams were going to be major players for the rest of the series...instead, they both die after 7 episodes. So much for Dewey's plan...BTW, does Talho have something against Di...errr Renton's older sister? And how about that hat...err soup Eureka? Maybe one day I'll get you some Clam Chowder...
  • Bleach Ep. 9 - I didn't pay much attention, and I still understood what happened in that episode. Hallow parades over mom visiting time, Ichigo fights hallow, Ichigo wants reverenge, Ichigo wants to get stronger, blah blah blah blah blah. Someone, please wake me up when something really happens that I'll want to pay attention.
  • Trinity Blood Ep. 9 - Is it me, or am I really losing interest in this series? Maybe it's because I've lost track of where the **bleep** they are in the storyline because I haven't been watching some of the episodes and/or not paying attention when it's on, or maybe it's dropping off like everyone initially said when TB was annouced...but please TB, give me a kick **bleep** reason to come back to your show.
  • Blood+ - Kudos to [as] for picking up Blood+. Now, I haven't seen the series, but I do know that it's a spinoff of the movie "Blood: The Last Vampire." And I actually liked that movie, so I hope that Blood+ can catch my attention. Now, when it comes on is anyone's guess...
  • Johnny Young Bosch's "E7's gone" Myspace blog - I'll be honest here: I thought when I first saw that blog from JYB via Myspace saying that E7 was getting the boot, I totally freaked out. I got a friend who is a big E7 fan and he almost kicked my **bleep** (online). But then I really thought about it: was [as] that crazy to pull it from its timeslot? I noticed a few things about the blog: one, he just said that it was being getting the boot, but he didn't say why; two, it's MYSPACE. Since when Myspace was legit source for news, even if it's a blog? I came up with the conclusion that Bosch saw the schedule and noticed that E7 was not airing for a few weeks because of the IY movies and the Bleach marathon. I think Bosch took it the wrong way. Besides, if E7 was canceled, there would be a ton of fans, including myself and my friend, who would very mad at WS. And you know what happens when fans outnumber you...


  • Trinity Blood and Bleach Ep. 10 - I'll be honest here: I didn't really watch those episodes on Saturday. For one, I knew that Bleach was still in "We're introducing all the characters" arc and I hope that the ball gets rolling soon. As for Trinity Blood, well I'm **bleep** lost and I feel that I'm way way way behind in the series to understand what the **bleep** is going on. So, what was I doing that whole entire time? Watching the news, then playing Scarface: The World Is Yours videogame that I'm trying out for about 3 hours. However, I did watch one [as] action show...
  • Eureka seveN Ep. 29 - So, we all found out that Eureka's a "Coralian." A what might you ask? Well, for one, it's not human. But I really shouldn't go that far...I'll let you all go deeper into the rabbit hole. As for the episode itself, its back to the character development plotline, this time revolved around Dominic's snooping around, a farcry from the last few "We're killing each other" part of the show. If anything, it's a complete change of pace, and I like it. However, Talho went out of bounds in "dropping the bombshells" in front of everyone during dinner when everyone was feeling good for once (capped off by Moondoggie's yelling over his bathroom - hell, I'd do the same if I found my bathroom to be that clean). If I was here, I would of pulled them aside and told them behind closed doors - it's more courtesy that way. However, I think it was more practical to tell everyone the true intentions of the Gekko State. But I need to go back to Dominic for second. I love the jacket, but what's up with shirt? Why, oh why?
  • Scarface: The World Is Yours videogame - I thought for once I write something on a video game. And so far, I'm loving this game. The game puts you in a "alternative reality" perspective of the Scarface series, in which Tony Montana actually survivies the last scene gunfight, but in the process loses everything. Now, his goal is to take back everything he had and kill the person that sent the hit on Tony in the movie - Sosa. It plays a lot like GTA, but with 100% more **bleep** you and 1000% more coke. I actually like the game - it really puts you in the world of Scarface, and it plays very well. It should hold me over until the next real GTA game comes out. I give the game a 4.5/5.


  • Trinity Blood - You know what? I'm done trying to catch up on Trinity Blood. In fact, I'm done watching Trinity Blood. I'm so freakin' lost that if I watch an episode I'll feel bad because I don't know what the **bleep** is going on. Sorry to the people who actually read my Trinity Blood reviews, but I'm just not interested anymore.
  • Eureka seveN Ep. 30 - You know, for an episode called "Change of Life," it really does offer a "Change of Life." It may be a farcry from episodes before, but I like the change of pace, going back to the development of characters during downtime. For one, there's a new Talho in town. Gone with the skimpy two-piece, she now wears a one piece that resembles the 70s. I would go into further detail, but I do have a segment reserved for her later. Also, Eureka changes, but she just gets rid of that flapper hat. However, the Nirvash is getting the "Pimp My LFO" treatment, getting a "Extreme Makeover" to accomedate the growing (or, evolving if you want to go by the show) Nirvash. The "old-school documentary" part was very educational, as it digs into the history of the Nirvash, the facility the Nirvash was made, and Eureka. After all, she was the first one who could actually make that sucker move. One more thing: what's up with the "techno party hour?" In fact, it does remind me of that part of The Simpsons when Homer and Bart were at the gay steel mill, and they started to dance...
  • Bleach Ep. 11 - About dang time something interesting came up. No, it's not more of "I wanna get revenge for my mother," but someone new has entered into the picture. Meet Ishida, a Quincy. A Quincy you ask? Let me break it down: Soul Reapers "purify" hallows. A Quincy actually kills the hallow. So anyways, for a person who's a dickhead, he is the smartest person in the class, and he's got the 1337 sewing skills. He also got a grudge against Ichigo since he's a Soul Reaper. In fact, he basically trashes Ichigo, and challenges him to a duel. But the way Ishida is - come on, he put a headshot on that hallow with a bow and arrow! How many people can do that? - is should be a interesting battle between Ichigo and Ishida. Despite being a dickhead, Ishida's pretty cool, and I like him.
  • A new-look Talho - Like I said, gone with the skimpy two-piece, and in with the jumpsuit. Throughout AD, the reactions are mixed - but for the most part, everyone is mourning the loss of Talho's hawtness. But for me, it really doesn't matter what she wears - it's Talho being Talho. In fact, I really do like the new wear - it's retro (in her opinion) and it really shows her maturity as a person. At least people now will take her more seriously. What I would of liked is if she wore a hybrid of the two-piece and the jumpsuit - maybe she could of kept the staps, and maybe make it like a dress...like Eureka's, but in her colors. So, in conclusion: new Talho = old Talho.


  • Bleach Ep. 12 - Dang Post-Thanksgiving get togethers. I had a packed house, and the dang kids were watching Disney Channel the whole entire, watching such crappy programming as Hannah Montana, That's So Raven, and other boatloads of crap. So I wasn't able to watch Ep. 12 of Bleach. But I do have a sense of what happened - the duel between Ichigo and Ishida is actually a challenge to find who can kill the most hallows. Of course, you need hallows to actually do this, so something happens and all of the sudden it turns to open season. I shouldn't have missed this episode, but at least I know what happens without having to see it.
  • Eureka seveN Ep. 31 - Where do I start? How about putting a hit on Dewey for being an asshole? I mean, he's trying to provoke a war between the humans and the Coralians for control of whatever planet they're on! And what does he use to make his plans happen? A bunch of grade-school children, brainwashed and trained to a) shoot really good and b) do whatever they need to do and have fun at the same time. I mean, they make it seem like it's all a game! Also, whoever knew that Mischa was actually married to someone like Greg? I mean, that's one big ass motherfucker - no wonder they call him "Dr. Bear." I kind of have a understanding of what he said over in his lab, but for the most part, remember this: Eureka equals some old 1970s gold record. By the way, nice try Renton to get the score, but some shit happens and he's like "Oh fuck!" Don't worry boy, you'll get your chance soon.
  • Thanksgiving goodness: If you didn't notice this week, it was Thanksgiving, a time where family get together, get fat, and watch football. It's also a time to give thanks (although I don't know anyone who does that anymore). Anyways, I am thankful to the [as] board for ranking me up to SwimLengend - the 2nd highest rank to Order of the Owl, the highest rank on the boards. I've been here for about 2 1/2 years, and I must say, it's been one hell of a journey. I remember back when I ranked up to SwimIcon back in December of '05 - and now it's November of '06. I hope that before anything happens, I can reach that golden platform of Order of the Owl. I probably will within the next two years - or maybe next year.

HeeroYuy135 is Burning chronology
May - August 2006 September - November 2006 December 2006 - February 2007
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