Character Movement and Interaction

From Time Travel Game

How does the player character move and interact? -Movement -Combat -Special Actions -Mapping -Using Items -Inventory (Images detailing how these concepts work will help)




In order to keep things simple the player can only move at a steady pace at around the speed of a steady jog. The game's equivalent of a sprinting ability will come from a time travel related power that players can use to speed themselves up for a brief period of time.


Players can press the shift key to make the main character crouch. Players will be able to move while crunching if they wish. This ability will be used to allow players to duck down behind cover and to crawl through small spaces.



Aiming and firing will be down via the game's mouse for precision control.

Combat Time Travel

Over the length of the game players will slowly unlock a selection of special time travel abilities that can be used during combat. These range from temporary boosts to character speed and more precise aiming. To deadly attacks that can instantly kill enemies.

Special Actions

Time Travel Abilities

Players will also have access to an array of time travel abilities that can be used to aid int he solving of puzzles and obstacles they come across, including combat situations. These abilities include; pausing time, slowing time down, speeding it up and rewinding time to correct past mistakes.

Items & Inventory

Changing Weapons and Items

Over the length of the game players will acquire a wide range of weaponry and items that they can use to aid their progress. Players can quickly and easily switch between these items and weapons along with their various abilities so that they can quickly use several of them in quick succession. (See the Controls and In Game Information sections for further detail)

Using Weapons, Items and Powers

To use their selection of weapons, items and powers players simple have to click the corresponding mouse button (See the Controls section for further detail)

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