
From Storing Don

Adamantine Enhancing (Strength) Beastslayer Armorslayer Guard Langets Enchanted (Area of Effect High Powered Light) Keen Edged Spear

The Lance of James von Reichter, Escalon was used during the Sundering to slay Valistrix's second, a fearsome Dragon whose very name has been forgotten. Escalon was used to consecrate the Cathedral of Stars in Dessau, where it is kept between the funeral of the old king and the coronation of the new.

Escalon has a seven foot haft, apparently made of indestructible, incorruptible wood. The grain itself sometimes spells out words in the Old Tongue, testament to Escalon's ancient and magical nature. It is even said that the wood used on the haft came from a branch of the Tree of Life, the Tree that bears the golden fruit which sustain the gods. About a third of the hilt is wrapped in red silk, which is adorned with thread of gold in patterns sacred to Aodeyn and patriotic of Ainor. The head is a simple adamant lance head, although it bears two quillon guards, and the adamant is langeted to the haft. Although the shape of the head is simple, its simple elegance in form is contrasted by the twining runes on the head itself, which always glow with a golden light.

Escalon increases the physical power of the wielder, and is extremely dangerous to monsters and those in heavy armor. The most notable feature of the lance is the fact that when it strikes, bursts of golden light spiral out from the head, damaging all enemy combatants within fifteen feet, give or take a few inches.

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