
From Storing Don

The heirs to Svael Dragonslayer, Vadal is the preeminent naval power of Maris, with the most advanced navy and the best sailors the continent over. They hail from the northern isles, which are kept safe by the vigilance of the swift Vadalian ships and skilled crewmen, as well as the many Runestones that protect the Vadalians from magical attacks and evil. The Vadalians originally settled in lands far to the north, but due to the population of dragons, they were forced to flee and settled in the islands that now bear their name, which were originally purchased from Ilia.


[edit] Vadalian National Information

First Ruler: Svael Albendroth

Previous Rulers: Skeid Odyr

Current Ruler: Gulbrandr Albendroth

National Weapon: Avamagnos

Heraldic Color: Orange

Estimate Population: 890,200

Major Imports: Plunder

Major Exports: Fish, Whale skins, Amber, Soapstone, Plunder

[edit] Vadalian Military

The Vadalian military is, appropriate to an island nation, navy based. Two main contingents, the Vadalian Royal Guard and the Vadalian Royal Navy, act as the backbone of Vadalian forces on land and sea, respectively, and as such are highly trained and skilled warriors. Most of Vadal's forces in any given battle, though, are the Raiders, which are the civilian warriors that operate as pirates and raiders, as their name implies. The raiders are usually used to flank or pursue enemies, as they are lighter armored and thus faster than the Royal Guard or Royal Navy. They normally operate independently of the Vadalian crown, but during times of war they are obligated to obey.

The usual numbers of Vadalian raiders:

  • 20 Jarls
  • 1000 Huskarls
  • 10000 Mercenaries
  • 10000 Lancers
  • 10000 Fighters
  • 15000 Archers
  • 7000 Mages
  • 7000 Druids
  • 1000 Bards

Total Men: 60,020

Supporting Roles: As the raiders as civilians, the supporting role is the population of each Jarl's territory.

The Raiders usually have 60 Frigates and 150 Caravels, both of which are hardier and faster than other nation's ships, given the Vadalian special building methods.

[edit] Vadalian Religion

Rannos - The All-Father and Lord of Aerheim, Rannos is the King of the Gods and the leader of the Aer, the current race of gods. He is a god of war, justice, and nobility, and is favored by the warriors and nobles of Vadal than by the common man. Rannos is clever and is known to play tricks on mortals and on the other Aer. His penchant for wandering in strange shapes makes Vadalians very hospitable to strangers: any could be Rannos in disguise. Rannos weaves the threads of life for all men, women and creatures; their fate is fixed, nothing can stop it. Fear profits a man nothing, as he will live to his appointed time regardless of actions. It is for this reason that Vadalians are known as daring and courageous.

Otharin - A warrior god, Otharin is favored by the people of Vadal for his fairness, pleasant nature and his fierce loyalty. He also draws the Sun across the sky in his chariot, pulled by three fearsome wolves. Otharin is a bit slow-witted, although he is very wise and sees deeper than many who are more intelligent. He is the fiercest of the Aer, and is known for killing many dragons and giants. He is the son of Rannos and Navarra.

Navarra - The Queen of the Aer and Wife to the All-Father, Navarra is a goddess of mothers, children, and fertility, making her a favorite of farmers. She is beautiful and just, the pinnacle of Vadalian womanhood. Navarra is the mother of many of the Aer gods. Otharin, Aurox and Elaeus are her sons, just as Anshar and Idriane are her daughters.

Aurox and Elaeus - The Eternal twins, Aurox and Elaeus are considered two halves of the same god. Aurox is massively huge and stupidly loyal to his brother, although he is just as fiercely loyal to the Aer as Otharin. Aurox is the god of dedication and hard work. Elaeus is physically weak and frail, but is incredibly intelligent and virtually omniscient. He is the god of intellect and memory, and all Skalds follow Elaeus.

Anshar - The forge goddess of the Aer, Anshar is served by the Dwarves in her workshop, were adamant weapons are made and enchanted for the other gods. She is the patroness of all blacksmiths, carpenters and others who create by the skill of their hand and the sweat of their brow.

Idriane - The Aer goddess of beauty and love, Idriane is the only being more beautiful than Navarra herself. She is prayed to by all young couples or suitors, seeking her blessing. Idriane is known to be a bit hedonistic, and many demigods and even the famous Svael Albendroth are among her children.

  • Note: Svael Albendroth was not a child of Idriane, its just mythology.

The Minor Aer - There are eleven minor Aer gods, who play no real part in the myths but are still Aer. They are Telin, the God of the Moon; Poius, the Goddess of the Sea; Taman, the Lord of the Hunt; Mantal, the Master of the Winds; Gawin, Lord of Blades; Waen, Queen of the Runes; Seirn, Guardian of Aerheim; Sariel, the Keeper of the Slain; Altwyn, the Giantborn; Idunn, the Eternal Child; and the Aeron, the Triple Goddess.

Fenrisulfr - The great white wolf, Fenrisulfr is the herald of doom and death. He is not Aer, although he is allied with them. It is Fenrisulfr that takes the souls of the damned from this world and throws them screaming into Niflheim. He is the Hound of Rannos, and rides with his master to war.

The Valkyries - There are thirteen of these terrible maidens, the servitors of Sariel, the Mistress of the Hall of the Slain. Although beautiful and frail-seeming, the Valkyries are the collectors of the slain, and are more than skilled in the arts of battle. They are not Aer, like Fenrisulfr, although they serve the Aer.

The Giants and Dragons - The sworn enemies of the Aer, these fell beasts want nothing more than to create another Sundering. The Aer fight to prevent that, but they are only eighteen to legions. The Giants are more intelligent than the Dragons, but are weaker, and so the two have a precarious partnership.

It is Vadalian belief that throughout the history of the world, there have been almost innumerable races of gods, but each one was destroyed and replaced by a world-wide event like the Sundering, which the Vadalians believe was just another Ragnarok. The Vadalian apocalypse, Ragnarok, is not permanent, it just serves to create a new world and race of gods. The purpose of each race of gods is to hold of the next Ragnarok as long as they can, but in their hearts, they all know that it is inevitable, and that they will all die. It is the duty of believers to fight to keep it in the distant future.

Vadalians are expected to be noble and pure, although they often fall far short of this expectation, especially in regards to their raiding. Honesty, courage, purity, chastity, dedication and loyalty are the main Vadalian virtues, with courage, dedication and loyalty usually given in greatest abundance, the result of which is that purity and chastity are valued higher.

Honor is important among the Vadalians, although they have a much looser code than the Lequallians, and their social standing isn't determined almost entirely by the amount of honor or shame accumulated. It is also intuitive, and not specified anywhere, which is why the Vadalians pay it much less heed than Lequall.

Vadalians burn their dead, along with most of their worldly possessions. Suits of armor and weapons are never burned, as these are given to children of the deceased. They think the smoke acts as a signal to the Valkyries or Fenrisulfr, depending on the destination of the dead.

Knots and braids are considered sacred by Vadalians, and thus only priests, priestesses, and skalds are allowed to braid their hair. Great, stylistic and impossible to make knots decorate many temples and suits of armor, as do the braided pattern now known as Vadalian braids.

[edit] Typical Vadalians

Complexion and Appearance

Skin: Fair. Although they are very pale, Vadalians do not look unhealthy.

Hair: Most Vadalians have blond hair, although a few have red. Brown and black is unknown entirely.

Eyes: Blues are most common, although grays and greens are possible. Brown or darker eyes are not found in Vadal.

Height: Vadalians are one of the tallest races of people on Maris. Most stand over 6'0", with the tallest standing at 6'6" and 6'7".

Weight: Vadalians are naturally muscular, and thus weigh more than most other races, if they're the same height. Vadalians typically weigh in between 180 and 240 lbs.

Armor/Dress: All Vadalians wear thick wool, because of the cold nature of their home. They are usually green, blue, or red, primarily, with yellows, browns, and whites as a secondary color. Fur cloaks are common among all people, although the nobles prefer more expensive furs, such as ermine. Cloaks are held together by a brooch, with men putting the brooch above the left shoulder, in order to show off the weapons at his hip, and women at the neck. Women typically wear unrevealing clothes with high necks and long sleeves, usually lined with fur to help keep in warmth. The dresses are usually simple and unadorned, and most women wear aprons on top, as well as the fur cloaks. Nobles usually wear more expensive versions of the peasant garb.

Vadalian armor is primarily leathers and chain mail, because they favor quick or stealthy attacks, which are much harder to achieve with the clattering of plate mail. The leather armor is always decorated with runes, usually prayers to Rannos to keep them safe. Most nobles wear full plate armor and other southern styles, which are almost always embossed and gilded. All Vadalian warriors have blue facial tattoos, usually located on the sides of the face. These are homages to Svael Albendroth, and are gained upon the day the warrior reaches adulthood.

Vadalian Life Most Vadalians live in their family's longhouse along with cousins, aunts and uncles, as well as grand parents and occasionally great-grand parents. Most villages have several longhouses, as well as a house for their Elder. All longhouses are built as defensive structures as well as living quarters, a result of the time living among the White Dragons. A child usually plays with wooden swords and spears, as well as practicing archery. When the child turns 12, they are apprenticed to a member of another family, and continue their training in the ways of war, as well as learning a new skill set. They are not allowed to come on raids until 16, which is when they are given their tattoos.

[edit] Vadalian Holidays

  • The Day of Souls - A festival held on the Spring Equinox, each Vadalian wears a ribbon around their left bicep, colored with the god they are most devoted to. Rannos has orange, Otharin uses white, Aurox uses red, Elaeus has blue, Navarra has purple, Anshar has gray, and Idriane has pink.
  • Dragonslayer's Day - October 31st is the celebration of Svael Albendroth as the Dragonslayer, but since Skeid slew Aztaliat, he has been celebrated on this day as well. Every major town and city has a parade of several men all in a long dragon costume, with a man acting as each claw (the wings don't move). At the end of the day, the Dragon is "slain" by a man dressed like Svael or Skeid.
  • Day of Refuge - Celebrating the agreement between dead Ilia and Vadal that got them their homes, and on this day, travelers are entertained for free (inns hate this day).
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