From Seattle Nwod
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[edit] Concillium
[edit] Space Needle
- Prime Sight - Stylized as a tower depending on Path of the viewer
- +10 to casting at very top; must be activated
- No spirits that are not servants present
- Windows out of offices are enchanted with dominant Arcana of Councilor
[edit] Councul Members
[edit] Maab
Mabb a.k.a. Miranda a.k.a. Athena Acanthus - Gaurdians of the Veil
Mabbs mastery of fate and time has destroyed any motivations she may have had. She has continously reincarnated, (via manipulation of her own destiny), and things of life as a game. Ancestor is her favorite thing to play with, because he fights on a level which makes it intresting for her.
When Running Mabb, be flighty and Ecentric. She often speaks in riddles, and hints at all sorts of possible things. She is hyperarrogant, but enjoys playing with people, like toys or pets. Assume she knows mainstream history for the last thousand years at least, and has 'visited' (Scryed Upon temporally and spoken with ghosts of) the ancient greeks and the druids of Britain before the arrival of Rome.
The one consitant thing in her appearance is her face. It looks elven, straight out of high fantasy. She has long elf ears, and her hair is long and flowing. When in the Consilium, She has sparkles about her.
- Status 5 Guardians of the Veil
- Gnosis 7
- Fate 5, Time 5, Mind 4, Spirit 4, Death 4, Life 4, Prime 4
[edit] Active Spells
Cunjuncted Supreme Augmentation + Supreme Honing, Maximum Successes, (This means that all her mentals and socials are effectively 9.)
Superlative Luck + Craft Destiny, (She effectively recieves at least 10 Eight Again pulls per night, and recieves +5 to any pull which put her closer to Winning the Game (With Ancestor).)
Universal Translator.
[edit] Ancestor
Ancestor a.k.a. Grandfather Moros - Mysterium
Ancestor, unbeknownst to most, holds out hope for the awakened. However, he believes that most are to foolish to understand what must be truly done. In his eyes, the end justifies the means. Ancestor is 2000 years old. He knows every language that has been spoken in the western world. Most of his power comes in the form of manipulative power. He knows quite a few people.
Ancestor appears totally cloaked in black robes. No one has ever seen his face, and his hands appear old and regal.
- Gnosis 5
- Status 6 Guardians
- Status 5 Mysterium
- Knew Kain before the Hilo incident; turned him into the Mysterium
- Death 5, Fate 5
[edit] Omniverse
- Space 4, Mind 5, Matter 4
- Gnosis 5
[edit] Predator
- Life 5, Spirit 3-4
[edit] Lattice
- Hierarch
- Prime 5
[edit] Cabals
[edit] = Artisans
Located: Opera House, Seattle Center
[edit] Kain
- Truly dead
- Left behind Apprentices (Selena), imagos with some of his memories spread about
- Selena was formerly his apprentice, was fucked in the head by him; is now infatuated with Sandman, who defeated Kain
[edit] Archmasters
- Pact between archmages has been broken; archmagic has been used in Fallen World
- Guardians trying to keep it quiet
[edit] Notable Items
- Door Openers
- Owned by: All of Cabal
- Teleports them from any physical location to the boat; boat to any position
- Can't jump to unknown positions w/o Space;; can calibrate place with panel on boat
- Lightning Stone
- Owned by: Jack Frost
- 1 Mana per 1L of Forces damage