Bausteine des WM

From Km Frameworks


Framework Data

English Title

Building Blocks of Knowledge Management


GILBERT J.B. PROBST, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • PhD/habilitation in business administration; Consultant; Professor for organizational behaviour and management
STEFFEN RAUB, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Dipl.-Kfm.; diplomé ESSEC; PhD in Management; Assistant Professor at the School of Management
KAI ROMHARDT, Dr. Kai Romhardt Consulting, Berlin, Germany
  • lic. oec.; PhD in Management; independent author, moderator, management trainer, and consultant


  • [Ger] Probst, G. J. B. et al.: Wissen managen. Wie Unternehmen ihre wertvollste Ressource optimal nutzen. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 5., überarb. Aufl. 2006. XII, 307 S.; ISBN: 340939317X (hkb)
  • [Ger] Probst, G. J. B.; Romhardt, K.: Bausteine des Wissensmanagements - ein praxisorientierter Ansatz. Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner (Hrsg.): Handbuch Lernende Organisation, Wiesbaden. Gabler, 1997: 129-143. 3-409-18694-8 (hkb) (online verfügbar: Link, zuletzt abgerufen: 29.03.2007)
  • [Eng] Probst, G. J. B. et al.: Managing Knowledge. Building Blocks for Success. New York et al.: John Wiley & Sons, 2000. 368 p.; ISBN: 0471997684 (hkb)
  • [Eng] Probst, G. J. B.: Practical Knowledge Management: A Model That Works. Prism, 09 (2), 1998: 17-29. (online verfügbar: Link, zuletzt abgerufen: 29.03.2007)
  • There are so, so many ...

Framework Summary/Abstract

short description of the framework

Framework Images

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Framework Components

Knowledge Base Model

KB Definition:
"The organizational knowledge base consists of individual and collective knowledge which the organization can use to perform its tasks. The knowledge base also includes the data and information upon which individual and organizational knowledge are built." (Probst et al 2000, p. 24).

Knowledge Base Components

Knowledge Hierarchy: The data/knowledge continuum (data...information...knowledge)
Knowledge Types: individual knowledge/competencies, organizational knowledge/competencies, collective knowledge/competencies
Knowledge Carriers: individual knowledge assets, collective knowledge assets

Knowledge Management Model

KM Definition:

Knowledge Management Process

  • Management Processes: insert (strategic) management processes and put sub-processes in brackets.
Example: strategic planning (goal formation, internal/external analysis, strategy formulation/choice)
  • Knowledge Processes: insert knowledge processes like knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, or knowledge utilization. Put sub-processes into brackets.
Example: knowledge preservation (select, save, update)

Knowledge Management Instruments

  • Organizational KM instruments:
  • Technical KM instruments:

Knowledge Management Environmental Influences/Factors

  • KM Factor Components:
  • KM Barriers:
  • KM Enablers:

Qualitative Indicators

Theoretical/Empirical Validation

Has the framework an appropriate theoretical and/or empirical foundation?
  • Is the framework's underlying theory properly justified and referenced?
  • How was the framework compiled and tested? (e. g. literature research, discussion, action research, benchmarking, field studies, survey research, interviews, delphi study, real-life projects)

Framework Description

  • Does the framework contain all required major componets?
  • Are the framework's components and their interrelations clearly and precisely described in a comprehensible/logical manner?
  • Is the framework too complex/abstract?

Practical Application

Cite institutions and their industry/function where the framework is/was in application. If the framework was applied in the past but is disused, also add the reason for rejection. Finally link to references.

Associated Frameworks

  • Framework: link to other KM, related, or integrated framework developed by the same author(s)
  • Comment: Is this framework a parent/follower of this framework? Is there a visible relationship between the frameworks or are they totally independent from each other?
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