Caius Leonis
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Better known as Cataphrak Stormraider, both names being titles that are accepted as names, his full name is Caius Nordcliffe Ambervale Wang Leonis. He has the rank of Fleet Admiral of the Freikorps BattleFleet, and is a member of the General Staff. He is also the Commander-in-Cheif of the entire Freikorps organization, as well as its noncanonical founder.
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NonCanon Information
Cataphrak, being the founder, was the very first Freikorps member. It is unknown exactly when the Freikorps came into existence, but the first base was established at the Fire Emblem Sanctuary of Strategy, the Freikorps formed in its second iteration, the site is ended in its fifth.
Personnel File
Other officers rarely use his official rank of 'Fleet Admiral,' instead preferring to call him 'Commander' or simply 'Cata.' He is very knowledgeable, but is rather laid back in many areas of command, being viewed as one who expertly balances sternness with delegation.
The Freiheit Exercise
Main Article: Freiheit Exercise
Cataphrak and Chaz Natlo, who was then not a member of the Freikorps, conceived the idea of the First Freikorps Military Exercise. Cataphrak himself began as a judge. He laid down the ground rules, chose the battlefield, and assessed the gains, losses, and efficiency of the participating parties. Later, when Zeth Holt was unable to continue in his role as commanding officer of the Freikorps forces in the exercise, Cataphrak swapped places with him for the duration of the exercise.
The Stahlhelm Exercise
Main Article: Stahlhelm Exercise
Cataphrak was initially approached by a forumer called Piggie with the idea that sparked the Second Freikorps Military Exercise. Cataphrak admitted Piggie to the Freikorps, but assigned him to aid in the leading of a rebellion against the Freikorps under the command of Zeth Holt, whom Cataphrak would contact soon. This resulted in the Stahlhelm Rebellion, which was a hoax in and of itself, actually becoming the exercise. Cataphrak remained as the leader of the Freikorps forces. He led the overwhelming defense of Terra Magna in the Terran Engagement, but allowed subordinates to initiate the Battle of Centauri, an offensive maneuver. He was also the one who dueled with Field Marshal Zeth to end the exercise, where it was revealed that the Rebellion was a hoax.
During the exercise, Cataphrak dabbled with enhanced versions of weapons that had been previously created, and introduced the Centauri Kriegwerke Special Operations Weapon (CKW-SOW), which would become his standard personal weapon.
Just about every major direction, event, or rule of the Freikorps has either been entirely conceived or majorly influenced by Cataphrak.
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