Kenton McBean

From Glengarryceltic

Kenton before playing the fiddle in Belgium.
Kenton was born June 4th, 1984, in Cornwall Ontario. A son of Billy and Cheryl McBean and grandson of R.D and Clara MacLeod. He first took classical lessons from Madame Laberge in Cornwall at the age of nine. He was getting rather fed-up with these classical lessons, but it was hard to find another teacher. One day Kenton was dropped off at Ian MacLeod's farm home, with orders from Clara for Ian to give Kenton a lesson. This was Ian's first pupil ever, and Kenton did very well with him. He also took lessons with Kelli Trottier for a time.

Kenton played in many competitions. He placed 6th out of 28 contestants at Shelbourne in under 12, and won first prize at Lachute in the same category. He won first place in the under 18 class in Bobcaygeon and Druro. After Druro, he came home and announced "no more competitions". Soon after, he joined the group Antrim, had a short stint with the Crofters and the Pulers, and went back to Antrim, which now has two fiddle players.

Kenton plays a Yamaha electric fiddle, which he loves, and also owns a wooden fiddle of French make that is over 100 years old. His great grandmother bought this fiddle in Chatham for $10 many years ago, and it was bought for and given to Darrel MacLeod. To get his hands on that fiddle, Kenton traded his sister Kayla's piano. Darrel was the inspiration for Kenton's beginning in fiddle playing.

Kenton had played in many parts of the world for the MacCulloch Dancers. He played twice in Mexico, Monterey and Zacca Takous, Belgium, and once in Bulgaria and the U.S. While in these countries he played many towns and cities. These countries just loved Canadian music and dancing, and treated all very well.

Kenton plays by ear and by reading music equally well. He uses Dr. Thomastik strings, and loves playing Ottawa Valley style.

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