The Arena

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The Arena is a giant sporting collisuem where epic battles take place. It was the area where the ultimate epic battle between Mr I and ? Block took place in Plot 1.

[edit] Plot 1

After wishing for a final epic fight without an endless cycle of repetitive fighting, Mr I warped himself and ? Block to The Arena for their final, epic duel. Many of Mr I's cohorts, such as pure-???, Mimi, and Piccolo were also put in the stands of this epic area (along with an idiot named Zero). Many powerful attacks were launched here, such as ? Block's Omega Beam and Classroom of Doom, and Mr I's Koopa Clown attacks. The two also brought in fighters to help them, namely End Boss, Mega Koopa, P.T., and The Dryest Bones. After Mr I gained the power of the undead blocks and the Mothershroom and ? Block killed himself, The Arena hasn't been seen since.

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