Hand the pimply-faced clerk a beer from your six-pack of Coors for helping

From Create Your Own Story

You wrench loose a can from the six-pack of Coors and hand it to the pimply-faced clerk with a quick "Thanks, pal" as you haul ass out of the 7-11 before Monica can grab your arm again.

After hustling a couple of blocks away and cutting through an alley to make sure Monica doesn't follow your trail, you look around and see a couple of interesting sights. There's a young homeless woman dressed in rags and very poorly covered with a newspaper passed out on the ground nearby with an empty vodka bottle next to her. She's skeletally thin but has a decent chest. There's an all-night restaurant at the end of the block, and there's a shadowy figure skulking behind a parked car on the other side of the street. It looks like it may be a woman dressed in a black bodysuit -- the ultimate cat burglar, perhaps?

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