D&D: The Chalice Seeker: Lauren

From Create Your Own Story

Lauren is a mercenary. Tall for a women and tougher then men. She was raised on a farm until she could learn the swords. Once she was old enough, she left her family to joins a band of mercenaries. Once she was better then most, she got into all sorts of disagreement which made her begin a solo career. She was recruited after a bar fight, after some men believed her to be an easy mark as she was alone. Nieva immediately wished to hire her as added muscle to the team after she demolished 3 armed man with nothing but a mug and elbow-grease.

D&D: The Chalice Seeker: Valan Male human dark knight and the leader of the party.

D&D: The Chalice Seeker: Nieva Female human sorceress

D&D: The Chalice Seeker: Shureil Female elven rogue

D&D: The Chalice Seeker: Arganzh Male Half-orc Alchemist

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