COA / Line Infantry

From Create Your Own Story

You are a sergent in the 27th RĂ©giment D'ligne. It is the spring of 1809. You are in control of just a small portion of your section of fifty (or so) men, commanded by Lieutenant Argus Erlee. Austria has responded to the annexation of Genoa in force. They have invaded Bavaria, and Napoleon has come out from Boulogne to confront them. While walking back to camp one day after a full-day's march, you notice that your men talk very loudly, and stay awake long into the night drinking. You will surely lose your post if your men continue to act like this. You decide that...

COA / These men need discipline. Have them all whipped.

COA / Some extra discipline is needed. No alcohol, extra training, and establish a curfew.

COA / The men deserve some rest after a day of training. Do nothing about it.

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