COA / Some extra discipline is needed. No alcohol, extra training, and establish a curfew.

From Create Your Own Story

You shout to your men, "Men, put away the alcohol. For the rest of this campaign, I wish to see no more of it. You men are becoming undisciplined, and as sergent it is my duty to apply said discipline. From here on out, you will also have extra training. You will start training directly after the march, and you will do so for four hours. You will be drilled much harder, and if you have a problem with that, take it up with the Lieutenant. You will also be in your tents by eleven o' clock, because you all wake up and march like a bunch of Russians. Any questions?" Many a moan or groan is heard as you walk back to your tent.

The next morning, you wake to a six hour long march east, eventually camping just outside of Hohenlinden, a small Austrian town. "Alright men, form a column!" You call to your men, just after setting the tents. You notice that the men are much wider awake, which they will need. Your men line up behind you, at attention. You could do one of three things.

COA / Practice formations and marching.

COA / Practice shooting on some straw targets.

COA / Practice melee combat.

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