
From Arcadia

[edit] Sacred Grove

Sacred Grove in Verdandi is right near the university, just west of Central Garden. It's an excellent source of business as many from the university as well as other parts of Verdandi come to this part of town. It's called Sacred Grove, which is a feature in mythological landscapes, like Norse mythology.

Central Garden - Candor University is surrounded by numerous buildings, but off to the side, is a spacious park, in the city. It veins out quite a bit, with it's paths, designed like you were walking in a forest for the most part. No park is complete without some sort of open space, which outlooks the university. Used for any sort of sports, separating itself from it's mini forest, and with it's own little green house filled with flowers. It's maintained by the city, but visitors are welcome to come in and visit so often. Popular spot for antisocials walking about or for couples. If you want to get away from the stupid, this is the place for you, too.
Bakery and Candy Shop - Specializes in sweets and in pastries. During the winter season, they go all out, with your average pastries and candies, up to the most expensive, from all over. The candy and bakery makes another good haunt for locals, looking over the treats. You would have to have a huge sweet tooth to be in here.
The Chimera Bookstore and Cafe - Like Starbucks, all over Arcadia.
Connie's Tex Mex - We don't have these where I'm from...
The Belhelmel Hotel Bar and Grille - LALALALA.

For off campus locations, seek the whole city of Arcadia.

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