
From Adrian Union

Portsmouth is the capital city of the Newport province of Talleyrand. With a population of 1,453,194, it is the largest city in Talleyrand. The city is also the third largest and most populous metropolitan area in Newport and is currently the second fastest growing major city in Newport after Riverside.

Porstmouth was founded by a group of peasants who established a colony only to be conquered by Sutherwish settlers in 1755.


According to historians, Portsmouth was founded by a group of poor peasants led by Geraldo Ramirez, who fleed the city of Corona to establish a village near the upper east coast where they are able to fish and grow crops on the fertile volcanic soil. By 1713, the Geraldo Colony was founded.

On June 13, 1755

Flag of Newport The Republic of Newport
Major Cities

Newport City | Corona | Portsmouth | Riverside | Bayview | San Mateo


Austa | Gato Islands | Mayberry | National Capital District | New Scotia | Saresa | Suprema | Talleyrand | Tawi | Quiln | Southern Scandin

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