Characters/Darkstar Saga

From Abnormalia

  • Fantasy/Science Fiction
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The Darkstar Saga consists of five novels and several related literary works. All are by Karyn N. Anderson. These works are so far unpublished by their author.



Cail Darkstar was only a child when his father and mother were killed by the Ihreakin Overlord. He escaped with his half-brother Olocip who was eleven years his senior. They took refuge with a family friend, Raeg, who owned the local inn. A year later, still distraught by his parents' death, Olocip took to wandering, leaving Cail in Raeg's care.

Cail seldom saw his half-brother. He grew up basically alone and as a result became a recluse, a man of few words and a dangerous fighter. When he was old enough, he wandered himself and made a living by being a bounty-hunter, catching thieves and often killing Sevlow Erem Ihreakin which were common on the planet. After one such encounter with the Sevlow Erem demons in his twenty-third year, Cail sought to spend the night at the inn owned by Raeg. There, and later in the forest, he met a young woman named Rinna Centauri who was being chased by cloaked men in black and trained Sevlow Erem. Once the men witnessed Cail helping the young woman, they assumed him to be her aide and targeted him just as they targeted her.

Suddenly Cail found himself thrust out of his normal lonely lifestyle into a perilous adventure in which he was charged with the protection of Rinna -- and the item she carried.

In her possession, Rinna held The Waker, an ancient and mystical item of unknown and seemingly unlockable power. An Ihreakin leader was after the Waker and the power it held and thus posed a very dangerous and very real threat to Rinna.

Through the trials, dangers and near-death experiences associated with their journey, the Cail and Rinna discovered they held feelings for each other.

After coming across a band called the Wandering Brotherhood, with whom Cail was friends, Rinna and Cail stayed at a tavern for the night. When Cail went to call upon Rinna, he discovered she had been taken.

Upon the timely arrival of his brother Olocip and with the help of the Wandering Brotherhood, Cail tracked down the men who had kidnapped Rinna. His findings led him to the lair of the Overlord who had killed his parents.

After Cail had fought and defeated two extremely strong Sevlow Erem, he fought the Overlord himself. But the Overlord was far too powerful.

As Cail lay dying at the Overlord's feet, The Waker activated and bestowed its power upon Rinna, who became an all-powerful being known as The Sleeper. As The Sleeper, Rinna destroyed the Overlord and his minions.

After she had returned to her normal state and as she held the dying Cail in her arms, Lady Titania, wife of Lord Oberon, king of the Elves and Faeries came to them and took them back to Avalon where Cail was healed.

After Cail had returned to them, Lord Oberon himself summoned them to his throne. He appointed Cail the leader of the Dark Moon, Rinna his second-in-command, and all of the Wandering Brotherhood and Olocip to be officers; they would be charged with ridding the Alvarunus of Ihreakin and saving innocents.

Cail and Rinna were married this same year and later have two children; a son, Tain, and a daughter, Carin.

The Blade Rider: A Forgotten Past

Carin Vekina Darkstar and her brother Tain were born to the legendary swordsman Cail and his brave hearted wife, Rinna, who were both officers of an Ihreakin (demon) hunting organization known as the Dark Moon. But when Carin was only eight, they were killed by the Ihreakin Overlord, and she and her brother were flung far from their friends and family in order to escape the same fate.

Not long after, Carin was even taken away from her brother by the scientists collectively known as Z.I.M.G.R.R. Z.I.M.G.R.R. (Zinnar-Ishtar-Manisk-Gage-Rede-Riya) were splicers, changing and mixing DNA, and kidnapping innocent Aliens for unwilling subjects in their experiments. While imprisoned she met Ayon and Rek and grew to love the latter, who had already been spliced, so beyond recognition that his own people would not know who it was if they saw him. He vowed to never let Z.I.M.G.R.R. splice Carin, but was powerless when they chose to do so.

Unlike the other victims, however, Carin did not change in appearance when her splicing was complete, and was deemed a failed experiment. She was drugged with the amnesiac Hisu serum, and left to die in the middle of a desert. She nearly did, but was instead rescued by Queen Rage of the Shadow Force, who took her to the safety of the planet Layor and the Shadow Force Base. There, Carin was treated, trained and housed as a soldier. After being in the service of the Shadow Force for several weeks, the Shadow Force healer, Queen Rage and King Ratheye discovered and informed her that she had been spliced.

Three years later, Carin and the other soldiers of the Shadow Force took part in a battle that lasted two days; during which Carin transformed into an extremely powerful Vampire-like being known as the Vampyrian, for she had been spliced with Vampire DNA by Z.I.M.G.R.R. After the battle was over, Carin cut her hair and asked permission to leave the base to try and gain some of her lost memories.

When she returned one year later, she met up with Ayon, who too had been spliced with the DNA of a Dragon, and with his magical abilities restored her memories. With her past restored, Carin went back to the Shadow Force Base where she recognized one of her closest friends as her uncle, Olocip. With Olocip, she traveled back to the Dark Moon�s Headquarters on the planet Monev, Tiaaia�s Hold. There, she met up with the rest of her non-blood family. From the Hold, they traveled to the Z.I.M.G.R.R. laboratories to save Rek and the other experiments being held there.

After the entire affair concerning Z.I.M.G.R.R. was over, Carin was named head of the Dark Moon, and Rek and Ayon joined in as officers.

The Blade Rider II: The Second Wave

The Blade Rider III: The Return

The Blade Rider IV: The Last Swordsman

Character Guide

Related works:

  • Across the Gap: A Crossover by J. Cabotage & K. Anderson
  • A Guide to the Ihreakin Species
  • Loki
  • The Wandering Brotherhood
  • Teilo
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