Original Psycho Bonus Stage Page (BSF)

From Psycho Bonus Stage

The following page was copied directly from the Bonus Stage Fanstuff Wiki, and as such may contain missing links/images/templates. These will be fixed in time.


Original Page (copied from the Bonus Stage Fanstuff Wiki)

The First Sign of Progress on this awesome fanfiction, times two!

Psychosis' interpretation of Bonus Stage is one filled with mystery, comedy, and possibly drama. This is how the tale unfolds...

Joel, late for a date with June, forgets a vital piece of an invention vital to the survival of Bonus Stage. The repercussions are many and fatal, and ultimately ends in the destruction of Bonus Stage. But lots of other things happen before the mayhem is fixed, and the gang have to battle evil while trying to create a new Bonus Stage.


Shortly after Bonus Stage is destroyed, several concerned Bonus Stage fans rally together to find out what's going on. ...They only found 4 other members. But they set off anyway, un-knowing that they would soon be part of one of the greatest webtoons of all time...rebuilt.


Bonus Stage 2 is officially running perfectly, save for a few new villains. A stowaway Fanbase member, Clan rHrN, has been erased from the simulation by Phil, who was under mind control. Rya, now wanting Phil, finally convinces Phil of the opinion that the relationship isn't forced. Everyone learns of the true meaning of friendship and the crew prepare for an interview, from someone that may just be familiar...

Welcome, to the new...

(Image coming soon)

S3 This Webseries is currently on Welcome to Bonus Stage v2.
CHR This series has enlisted the collaboration of Rubyrulez, Hagurumon, and Mandy.
 ? One of the Episodes, Behind the Characters, requires some ideas for use as the characters' secret lives. Submit your ideas here.
 !!! An animated version will soon be developed by the existing contributors and YesIAmAnIdiot of Idiot Studios!


Any contributors (aka. Mandy, Ruby, Clan, as well as Nick and myself) may offer to write any of these episodes. I guess that's just a bonus! Stage.

Writing Key:


Jump to Episode:


Charismaville Crisis

  1. Rip
  2. Behind the HTML
  3. The Day The World Did Stuff Me Up
  4. Last Exit to Bonus Stage

Fanbase Adventures

This plot takes place at the same time as Charismaville Crisis. It also introduces fellow members of the fanbase: Mandy, Rubyrulez and Hagurumon. And Psychosis. After this plot, Mandy, Ruby and Bates will join Psychosis and the BS2 Crew LIVE on stage at Charismaville, for Joel's newest wacky adventures. For now, let's introduce them to the show!

Fanbase Invasion

Mandy, Ruby, Clan and Bates enter the program one at a time for some reason. The Episode will be written by the person named in their episode.

Welcome To Bonus Stage V2

Our first season. Everything has been setup for now to begin the season. So with that opening note, enjoy our first proper season.

Each PBS contributor is entitled to two episodes to write on their own, while the two remaining are collaboratives.

To Contributors: don't wait for the previous person to finish! Work on your own when you're done with the invasion!

When all single-author episodes are completed, we will begin the collaboratives.

Behind the Webtoon

((TALK SHOW)) - ((TALK SHOW HOST)) chat with the BS2 Crew about Life, the Universe and Everything.


The Rest of The PBS Episodes

These are the rest of the plots. Unlike Welcome to Bonus Stage V2, these are set in sagas.

This takes place after every plot and season above here.

Each saga will be allotte d to the person named in the Saga title. Some people may have to team up for sagas.

Normal Saga

Normal 2 Saga

Virtual Tear Saga

The Switch Saga (Collaborative)

Final Saga (Collaborative)

Unofficial Episodes

Perhaps done in the spare time of a contributor, these episodes are not part of the main plot, and take place in High Score. And please follow the character plot. Please ask if you wish to make an episode inbetween a certain two episodes.

  1. The Fancreation Invasion

Unofficial Sagas

Psycho Bonus Stage Epilogue (Collaborative)

Note that all of these are collaboratives and/or specials. Also note that this is unofficial, and is not part of the canon PBS line-up.

  1. Future Frenzy
  2. Sonic Heroes Spoof
  3. Death By Boredom
  4. Omega's Commentary

Back To Bonus Stage (collaborative)

Lemme get the plot straight. Joel builds another time machine, but the Fanbase 'borrow' it from him and (for no reason) try and fix some bad plots in some random episodes. And have some fun. I guess.
These episodes are ranked in descending order of release.



From the Home Shopping Network

Joel's Inventions





External Links

  • View Storage Site (IN CONSTRUCTION) (Link is down)
  • Psycho Bonus Stage Forum (Link is Down)


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