Sexy Silver - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.4)

From Create Your Own Story

Previous Choice

Even though you like Grace, and you fell for her at first, it's obvious to you that Flora knows how to steal your heart with her hobbies and beauty alone. It was clear for Grace that you want to spend time with Flora as well, and that she would less attention as a result. As reaction to this, she responds in a polite tone, that obviously was meant to be irritated. Flora notices this as well, but she also prefers to spend time with someone who admires her hobbies.

  • Grace: Hey guys, sorry but I don't feel very well. I think I should go see the nurse.

As much as you'd like to see Emilia again, you feel like she can wait. Maybe it will also be for the better, since she may be busy right now.

  • Flora: Ah, that sucks! Get well soon okay?
  • You: Likewise, get well soon Grace!

It was obvious that she faked it, but she didn't want to feel like an outcast to your conversation. Once Grace left the hallway, only you and Flora are left alone.

Flora: Well, I don't want people to discover our hobbies like this. Maybe we should continue in one of our dorms?

That seems like an amazing choice! Although, you're not sure if you've got one already. You could always go to Flora's dorm, but you could also look for Céline real quick to ask for a dorm.

What will it be?

End of Chapter 1.4

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