Last Surprise - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.5)

From Create Your Own Story

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  • You: We could always try to find Céline. She probably has the keys to my dorm, if I would get one.
  • Flora: Yeah, that seems best.

Just like that, you both head for the office where Céline and the principal probably are. Flora thought it would be best for you to go alone, since going together may let people get weird ideas.

Once you find your way to the office, you lure through the windows where you could indeed see Céline. She is toying around with a closet in front of her, resulting in her not seeing you. For the first time ever, you notice that Céline actually has a really outstanding beauty. Since she is bending forward in order to do something with the closet, her butt that isn't covered by her long blonde hair really stands out.

Flora: Is she in there?

You nod towards Flora. As reaction to her question you decide to knock on the door of the office. Céline quickly turns around and sees you through the door's window. She already approaches you, and opens the door.

  • Céline: Ah Keith. I was already looking for you! I had to tell you from the principal that Emilia, the nurse, has put keys to your dorm on your door's locker. It's Dorm M.
  • You: Okay, good to know. Thanks!

While you were talking, Flora accidentally had to cough. Céline walks past you and looks around the corner. She sees Flora, who shockingly looks at Céline.

Flora: Hi there! I was just 'chilling' here you know.

Céline faces you again with an unsurprising look on her face. After that she smiles at you.

  • Céline: Psst, having an affair already?
  • You: Huh? No not at all! We just have a common interest that's all.
  • Céline: Uhuh. I guess you should check out your dorm now. We'll be having a big lunch in the cafeteria in circa an hour.

With that in mind, you thank her and walk away, hoping to find the outside area. Flora walks a different direction than you in order to avoid drawing attention to the two of you. When you're outside, you see that Flora is close behind you.

  • Flora: Ready to go?
  • You: Yeah, you bet!

Once more, you have two options. You could go to your dorm, which is most obvious choice right now. You could also change your mind and still go to Flora's dorm since you're curious to know how it looks like.

What will it be?

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