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Revision as of 00:47, 25 January 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
(diff) ←Older revision | view current revision (diff) | Newer revision→ (diff) is a webcomic written and drawn by Onezumi. The comic follows the exploits of a group of

characters who, until recently, were unaware that they were the only defense of their universe against the forces of Chaos. started off as a series of one off comics which detailed the frustrations in life for the character Onezumi.

Things then quickly began to become strange with outlandish situations, anthropomorphic animals, animated inanimate objects,

extreme violence and other off the wall events happening with high frequency. The original tagline of the site "The Art. The

Comic. The Insanity" could be seen to possibly cover the outlook of the main character Onezumi or other characters, since in

many cases it's unclear what events in the comic are real and which ones may be insane delusions of some of the characters.

With the recent change of the tagline to "Stupid and Insane Defenders Against Chaos" it now seems more clear that the strange

events in the comic have to do with the influence of the "Geriatric Ones", who are a comedic goof on the H.P. Lovecraft mythos

"Old Ones" gods. As such it nows appears that the webcomic is actually set in a comedic horror universe setting.


[edit] Characters

  • Onezumi -
  • Harknell -
  • Assmunky -
  • Led Hammer - A man with a spike on his head that harbors a fanatical, obsessed love for anything Apple.
  • Stickfoots Cat/iCat - A cat that mysteriously appears in Onezumi's place early on in the story. As far as actually doing anything, Stickfoots doesn't do much. She became iCat after she accidentally ingested Led Hammer's iPhone.
  • LaCutest -
  • Knork and Spife -
  • Negazumi -
  • Garthnell -
  • The Geriatric Ones -
  • The Merfs -

[edit] Story Arcs

Up until relatively recently the comic did not have any direct continuity or story arcs. The characters would

occassionally refer to previous events, but most comics were self contained with a comedic punchline at the end. This has

changed recently with more storyline elements continuing past the end of each comic, though each comic still tends to end with

a comedic punchline. Some of the running themes of the comic are:

  • Onezumi is NOT a normal woman.
  • Harknell gets abused.
  • Assmunky is a representation of the goofy things that many people believe or do.
  • Wacky Apple Products.
  • Social Criticism.

[edit] Artistic Style

The artistic style of Onezumi's comic changed in almost every early comic. After the first hundred comics or so, the style of the comic more or less stayed the same.

[edit] Trivia

[edit] External links

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