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Vornik is the second-oldest of the Wild Gods, born before Tyani and after Uraine. His early temperament was similar to his older sister's, but he was more devoted to studying himself and his family than he was to studying existence. And he was more devoted to figuring out how things worked (and how to stop them from working) than appreciating their beauty. As the family of gods increased in size, Vornik's inner nature became more apparent: he would constantly trick the other gods, talking them into fighting each other or helping each other in order to further his own aims. While the other gods were creating the world and populating it with life, Vornik was already thinking about who would control it. When Tyani created plants, he was content to help her paint them in beautiful colors. When Cernin made animals, he was happy to help his older sister protect her children, and invented poison and thorns and strangling vines. When Tyani's plants began to overwhelm Cernin's animals, he was happy to teach the animals how to get around these tricks. When the Mother of All Insects complained to him that his people were eaten by the fish and the birds and the rodents, and had no way to defend themselves, Vornik gave the insects stings and acidic excretions and taught them to weave webs and cocoons and hide themselves under the earth. In exchange for his gifts, the Mother of all Insects, granted him the eternal service of all vermin.

Impressed at the devotion of the servants he had stolen from Cernin, he began to seek those who suffered in other societies. The Venomlord reached out to those who were denied their ambitions, and he taught them how to achieve them. The existence of the assassin and the spy are Vornik's doing. He taught his followers to hide from their enemies, to cheat their way to prominence over those more worthy. As the Blackened heart, the Aspect he donned upon creating Anata, he offers power over one's own body or those of others. He teaches his followers to heal themselves, or to heal others (for a price, of course), or to coerce others through pain or blackmail. Vornik's reach is long, and his hand is everywhere, uplifting those who would take that which does not belong to them. Nobody is quite sure why Vornik is so devoted to it, but his only goal is to give everyone the means to get what they want.



The Venomlord, The Blackened Heart

  • Greater Deity
  • Symbol:
    • Anything painted in bright "poisonous" colors.
    • Red needle on black
    • Any venomous vermin.
  • Home Plane: The Night Forest, Pnugul
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Portfolio: Jungles, Poison, Assassins, Spies
    • Venomlord: Insects, Intrigue, Jewelers, Strategy, Trapmaking
    • Black Heart: Healing, Medicine, Killing, Retribution, Oathbreakers
  • Worshippers: Assassins, Jewelers, Healers, Spies, Conniving Aristocrats, Jungle Tribes
  • Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, LE, N
  • Domains: Corruption
    • Venomlord: Charm, Trickery, Greed
    • Black Heart: Healing, Pain, Knowledge
  • Favored Weapon:
    • Venomlord: Darts or Blowgun
    • Black Heart: Dagger


Clergy and Temples:

The Venomlord:

The Blackened Heart:




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