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Daughter to Cernin and sister to Hskthrita, Srililayolai is the benevolent patron goddess of the beasts of the sea. While her consort, Auin, rules over the bright and varied creatures of the coral reefs, Srililayolai. She helped her father populate the oceans, and she considers most everything in them to be her children. While she's not as devoted to predation as her sister, with whom she occasionally does battle, she has no objections to the consumption of her children by other children farther up the food chain. However, she supports the maintenance of a balanced ecology, while her sister supports free consumption of everything, which (according to Srililayolai, anyway) would lead to a few perfect predators wiping out oceanic life and then starving.

Mother whale is generally seen as a kind and loving figure, and serves ocean-dwelling races in much the same capacity that Tyani serves those who live on land. She's worshiped as the source of crops and livestock, as well as a protector-deity who opposes her sister and her insatiable followers. She has a special connection with cetaceans, and it's said that the mighty leviathans who guard pods of smaller whales from harm are her children by whales who pleased her.



Mother Whale

  • Lesser Deity
  • Symbol: A white fin on a dark field
    • The swim bladder of any non-predatory aquatic animal
  • Home Plane: Undersea
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Portfolio:
  • Worshippers:
  • Cleric Alignments: Any nonevil
  • Domains: Seafolk, Ocean, Water
  • Favored Weapon: Net


Clergy and Temples




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