Dimitri Greeneye

From Zok

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Expulsion Era

Dimitri Greeneye is the lead general of Hakra Chainbreaker's army. A bantling, he stands just over six feet tall, with a rampant mass of tangled black hair covering his pointed ears. Precisely which elf can be blamed for his existence is unknown, but Hakra found him leading a small tribe of humans (presumably the tribe of his human parent) in the southwesternmost part of Kashrak. He joined her fledgeling crusade against elven oppression shortly after they met, and brought his best warriors (the Vartak) to her service. Together they took several of Kashrak's satellite towns, freeing the human slaves and increasing the size of their force as they went. They were even able to persuade many elves of the righteousness of their cause, and added the elven armies of various minor nobles to their own.

After a four-month siege, it was Greeneye's surprise assault on the Royal Citadel at Kashrak that led to Hakra's conquest of that city. Greeneye's Vartak troops entered the throne room undetected by making use of an artifact that allowed them to travel through Nightmare and charge out from behind a tapestry, slaughtering Kashrak's finest generals as they advised the queen on combat strategy. Capturing her, they negotiated the surrender of the city. The various elder nobles of the country were able to hold out for another week, but without the support of the queen and her army, they were forced to retreat north or surrender. Since then, he's served as the commander of Hakra's armed forces, marshaling her armies for their invasion of the northern lands. His loyalty to the Chainbreaker is unswerving, and his men have learned from several fatal "lectures" never to question her motives in his presence.


Greeneye is known and widely feared for his prowess on the field of battle. He's singlehandedly taken down dozens of elite soldiers at the same time, and rumor says that he's made a pact of some sort with the fey, as he's survived wounds terrible enough to instantly fell the mightiest warriors, laughing them off before tearing into his foes anew. His own men claim that he is a favored child of Cernin, gifted with strength enough to leap over castle walls. They say that the god has imbued him with the fury of a tiger and the eyes of a hawk, and they claim that once his blade, fashioned from a dragon's fang, is drawn, he cannot sheath it until it tasted the blood of nine men. Elven soldiers whisper that he devours the bodies of those he leaves dead on battlefields, while human slaves claim he personally buries every man he slays, in a traditional tribal rite to honor one's prey. Small armies have surrendered rather than face his standard.

His physical prowess and massive reputation aside, Greeneye is a brilliant tactician. He makes skilled use of the abilities his mages can bring to bear, and he's willing to violate traditional rules of warfare if it gains him an advantage on the field. Perhaps most importantly, he has the tremendous charisma and force of will that makes a great leader. Many stubborn elven elders have argued with him for ten minutes in captivity and come away believing firmly that humans are intelligent creatures and that their slavery is an abomination whose end is worth a long and bloody war.

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