Thirsty One

From Zok

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The Thirsty One is one of Dezzik's two Aspects.


As the Thirsty One, Dezzik takes on the form of an ancient and wizened goblin. He has dark, sunburned skin, and deep eyes of molten gold. He carries a flail of glowing iron, embedded with shards of multicolored glassteel, and his very presence sucks all the moisture out of a room. His bones creak slightly as he moves, and if he opts to dine he will consume food and drink as fire consumes paper. His robes, if he wears anything at all, are made of linked gold and copper chain.


The Thirsty One rarely appears in the mortal realm. It is Dezzik's greed and lust for that which belongs to others made flesh, and it is known for appearing to great leaders among the goblins and devouring the contents of entire feast halls without being sated. The Thirsty One demands opulence and luxury, and harems of the finest women of several species. It is as the Thirsty One that Dezzik is responsible for the rape of Tyani, and it is this aspect which greets those who die of thirst in the desert upon their judgement.

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