
From Zok

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Bibrin is the son of Monsos and Uraine. He inherited his mother's love of order, his father's love of change, and from each of them he inherited a love of the sky. These combined early in life into wanderlust, and Bibrin has spent his existence roaming the world and mapping it all. On the few occasions when someone recognized him (he was travelling in an orcish form while mapping the North), he explained that he simply loved maps, feeling them to be the best way to describe a land to those who cannot know its Name. Cernin took a liking to the young god after Bibrin taught several animals how to find their way back to their respective spawning grounds (everything had been a little chaotic and willy-nilly for Bibrin's tastes beforehand) and created the birds as a gift to the young god. Bibrin took to his new role as their leader happily, and gave all those birds strong enough to serve him by observing changes in the landscape the ability to find their way about the world during their long migrations.



The Mapmaker

  • Lesser Deity
  • Symbol:
    • A disk with a blue center, gray middle, and a ring each of blue, green, red, white, and black.
    • Any map
  • Home Plane: The Skyweb
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Portfolio: Explorers, travellers, scholars, birds
    • The Mapmaker: Maps, discovery, truenamers, pilgrims, roads
  • Worshippers:
  • Cleric Alignments:
  • Domains: Travel, Knowledge, Rune, Destiny
  • Favored Weapon: Sickle


Bibrin is

Clergy and Temples







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