
From Zok

Revision as of 02:31, 19 November 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Gern is the youngest of the Wild Gods, created by Zokthis at Tyani's reqeust for a consort. Zokthis bade his second child carve whatever mate she would have into stone, and he would bring it to life just as she brought life to the first plants. Gern was the result, and he retains both his earthy nature and his love for Tyani to the present day. The father of the dwarves, Gern is on extremely good terms with Gulzek (who strove to defend the Lady of the Waves from Dezzik's untoward advances.) The rape of Tyani is Gern's single greatest failure, and he has sworn to exact his revenge a thousand times upon the Thirster for his crimes.



The Earthkisser, The Soulcarver, The Suncrusher

  • Greater Deity
  • Symbol:
    • Flames upon a hearth
    • Any stone from your own hearth
  • Home Plane: Plains of Glass, Thigul
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Portfolio: Chivalry, Loyalty, Justice, Dwarves
    • The Earthkisser: Bards, Brawling, Earth, Hearth, Home, Husbands, Love
    • Soulcarver: Crafts, Common Sense, Engineering, Honesty, Life, Mining, Fire
  • Worshippers: Dwarves, the Homesick, Seekers of Justice/Revenge, Miners, Craftspeople, Husbands
  • Cleric Alignments: CN, CG, NG
  • Domains: Earth, Fire
    • Earthkisser: Community, Strength, Protection
    • Soulcarver: Artifice, Healing, Creation
    • Suncrusher: War, Good, Chaos

Favored Weapon: Earthkisser: Warhammer (Suncrusher) Soulsculptor: Axe (Stonesplitter)


Clergy and Temples:

The Earthkisser:

The Soulcarver:

The Suncrusher:




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