
From Zok

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Mozik is the only god every to have been murdered. He the second-eldest of the war gods, brother to Dezzik and Gulzek and Hirzek. Mozik and Hirzek had a great deal of emnity for each other, and after centuries of constant war Mozik's youngest sibling became enraged enough to make a dark pact with Krai, and sacrifice his own life force and the life force of each of his followers in exchange for the power to destroy his brother. Mozik, standing on the Plains of Glass, was obliterated by the force of Hirzek's curse, and his blood rained down upon the Lands of the Dead below, blessing the ground as it fell {the origin of Godsblood Forest). Mozik's soul (for even Hirzek was not mighty enough to rend asunder the soul of a god]] plummeted down to land upon the same soil as his blood. It is forbidden for a soul to leave the Lands of the Dead once it enters, unless it is saved by a greater soul, and so Mozik's spirit was relegated to the same grey eternity as every other. He has erected a mighty city in the Lands of the Dead, and Mozik now reigns over all unclaimed souls. He has taken his death in stride, and now focuses his former abilities as a god of war against the minions of Krai who slither forth from the Damned Sea.


The Dead God

  • Intermediate Deity
  • Symbol:
  • Home Plane: The Eternal City, Land of the Dead
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Portfolio: Art, The Dead
  • Worshippers: The Dead, Gnomes
  • Cleric Alignments: Any Good
  • Domains: Repose, Charm, War, Good, Chaos, Trickery
  • Favored Weapon: Pick (Backscratcher)


Mozik's teachings haven't changed significantly since his death, though his Aspects were destroyed with his body, and though he has few living clerics. Mozik exhorts his followers to achieve happiness not through peace but through friendly conflict. He is the inventor of the practical joke (the first one was played on Zokthis, who greatly enjoyed it), and he claims that laughing at your opponent is often just as deadly a blow to his cause as striking his head from his shoulders. Where Gulzek and Dezzik focus on warfare's more physical aspects, Mozik joins with Hirzek in teaching victory through less conventional means. The best way to defeat an enemy general, Mozik claims, is to convince his soldiers to join your side; the best way to get people to join your cause is to convince them that the symbols of other causes are laughable and too silly to be given serious thought.

Mozik is the lord of the Lands of the Dead, though his control over his domain is in reality limited to a few days' journey from the Eternal City. As such, he claims the souls of any who reach the Lands of the Dead unclaimed, though he rarely exerts control over his subjects or forces them to do anything against their will. He is, after all, dead himself, and he's quite sympathetic to their plight.

Temples and Clergy:

Mozik's temples in the mortal world vary a great deal. In the largest Gnomish cities in Urthos, there are still great cathedrals venerating The Prankster and the Jade Prince.

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