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Raimundo Pedrosa, Xiaolin Dragon of Wind

Raimundo Pedrosa, voiced by Tom Kenny, is a fictional character from the animated television series xiaolin Showdown.


[edit] Character synopsis

Raimundo is the Xiaolin Dragon of Wind. He is a calm, streetwise kid, the jokester of the team and though he is considered more self-centred than the rest, he can be quite loyal to his own friends. Raimundo sleeps with a teddy bear named Ninja Fred, who is a "good luck charm". He also wears a medallion around his neck, the significance of which has yet to be revealed.

His battle style may be based on Capoeira(the Afro-Brazilian fighting style practiced by Christie Monteiro and Eddy Gordo from the Tekken fight game series), which originated in Brazil and uses kicks and sweeping motions along with numerous acrobatics.

There is some confusion as to the pronunciation of his first name (even within the show), particularly the first three letters. Sometimes it is pronounced like the word "ray," and other times like the word "rye." As both pronunciations are used within the show, it is unclear which is correct. (although, being a Brazilian character, the second one would be right)

[edit] Character personality

The young Brazilian can be best described as "carefree as a breeze". He is streetwise, as competent with technology as Kimiko and a jokester. Raimundo can be prone to daydreaming and is lazy, always seeking the shortcut to greater fame or to getting the chores done.

Raimundo can be quite cynical, often making sarcastic comebacks. He is all too happy to make comments on Omi's style of talking and sometimes teases Omi because of it. Raimundo is also the more self-centered member of the team, thinking of himself most of the times. His pet peeve is a multi-eyed jellyfish, which was a legend from Raimundo's village. His worst fear is not being strong enough to save his friends. He has broken the fourth wall on one occasion in the episode "Hannibal's Revenge"; when Master Fung says "Hannibal and Wuya have joined forces and it will be the end of the world", Raimundo replies with "Where have I heard that before? Oh Yeah," he puts his eyes toward the screen while they turn into the Xiaolin Showdown logo and says "Previously on Xiaolin Showdown." Everybody onscreen then give a brief thumbs-up.

He loves the city of Rio de Janeiro, surfing, beaches, warm climates and like the stereotypical image of a Brazilian, is quite obsessed with soccerand granola.In the episode 'The Dream Stalker', where we see Raimundo dreaming of Him in the game room Wuya gave him. Also in this episode, it confirmed that Raimundo has a crush on Kimiko, seeing as how he dreams about going on a date with her.

[edit] Character history

Raimundo Pedrosa in his Shoku robes

Raimundo was born in Tubarão, Brazil, raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and before he joined the Xiaolin Temple, was raised in a travelling circus. There, he helps with the chores (though often complaining of them) and worked with the other Xiaolin Dragons In-Training to stop Wuya from getting her hands on Shen Gong Wu.

After a severe bout of day-dreaming, Raimundo once managed to lose the Sword of the Storm to an obese ninja by the name of Tubbimura. However, the guilt of losing the Shen Gong Wu made him retreat to study more about the Shen Gong Wu, where he discovered the act of Shen Yi Bu Dare. He re-challenged Tubbimura and managed to defeat him with his new found knowledge of Shen Gong Wu.

Later, during an assault by Mala Mala Jong, Raimundo displayed his sense of justice by going back to the Temple, against Master Fung's orders. He was defeated and not given a Xiaolin Apprenticeship. This made him angry and he left the Xiaolin Temple, only to be tempted by Wuya to join the Heylin side.

Upon doing so, he used the Reversing Mirror and Serpent's Tail to give Wuya back her flesh and her magical powers. He replaced Jack Spicer as her "right-hand man" and stood by her side as she conquered the world.

However, he soon realized his mistake of failing to convince both his former friends to join the Heylin side and Wuya to let them live. He used the Chinese puzzle box made by Grand Master Dashi to seal Wuya away again.

When Omi almost destroyed the space-time continuum in his desperation to become Xiaolin Leader, Raimundo demonstrated unparalleled courage and resilience in the showdown that took place. Once Omi unfroze himself and set things straight, Master Fung chose Raimundo as Shoku Warrior (Team Leader) for his actions, magically granted a new robe. Omi was understandably upset at first, but followed his friend as leader with a huge smile.

[edit] Raimundo as the Xiaolin Dragon of Wind

As the Dragon of Wind, Raimundo often combines his powers with Omi's and Kimiko's to make the attacks stronger. He uses the Sword of the Storm in assaults, and the Eye of Dashi and Falcon's Eye in showdowns. After helping to defeat Hannibal Roy Bean in an attempt to take every Shen Gong Wu, he received the Spear of Guan #384, thusly becoming the 2nd Xiaolin/Wudai Dragon (other than Omi) to possess a Spear of Guan. His element strike is Typhoon Boom. His Wudai attack is Wudai Star—Wind. Since becoming a Wudai Warrior, Raimundo has also gained the ability to fly using his wind element at times. He can combine his element with (so far) the Sword of the Storm and the Eye of Dashi. His Wudai weapon is called the Blade of the Nebula, a sword that changes into a swirling hurricane attached to a chain. He is also, according to Master Monk Guan, going to become the leader of the Xiaolin Dragons. His elemental Shen Gong Wu is called the Crest of the Condor. By using the Crest of the Condor with the Blade of the Nebula, the sword can use its control over the wind like the Sword of the Storm can, but with far greater power. He has a lot of confidence on himself and sometimes that put him in trouble.

[edit] Relationship


Raimundo's mentioned that he has many brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins. It's unknown how many siblings Raimundo actually has (In one episode he said he has seven brothers and sisters, but in later episode, he mentioned having eight brothers and sisters. Whether this is an error is unknown, but it's also possible that Raimundo's parents could've another kid while he was at the temple. )



Omi was another monk at the Xiaolin Temple. Raimundo and Omi had a rough start, and seem to bicker on and off throughout the series. Raimundo constantly calls Omi out on his height or the size of his head, while Omi constantly looks down Raimundo as if he's not as good as the rest (Like in episode chucky choo when he said "Wudai Warriors, double your efforts! Raimundo,triple yours!"). When Raimundo joined the Heylin, Omi found it hardest to accept, and when Omi joined the Heylin side in season two, Raimundo seemed to lead the group in attempts to get him back. When Raimundo was named the Shoku Warrior, Omi was able to put his pride aside to be happy for him. Raimundo's the one who usually corrects Omi whenever he gets slang words or phrases wrong.

Kimiko Tohomiko:

Kimiko is an only girl in the team. And it seemed that Raimundo has crush on her.

Clay Bailey:

Clay is the cowboy monk at the Temple. He got along with him pretty well, at least better than he got along with Omi.



She is a Heylin witch.

[edit] See also

[edit] Did you know ?

  • He has a teddy bear named Ninja Fred. He stated that it is a good luck charm.
  • He is the first one to get his elemental Shin Gong Wu .
  • His first showdown was a Shen Yi Bu Dare. And Master Fung stated that it hasn't happened for 500 years because of its difficulty.
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