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Zippy Emails/inbox

From Wuw Archive


ZIPPY: Email me here, preferably below the line!

MITCH: After all, we aren't paid for nothing.

ZIPPY: And let's- let's not make it too creepy. And no virus/spam emails. We here have standards, you know.

MITCH: Yeah, no song lyrics either. Or poems. Just make it something we can answer.


Use this blockquote.

subject: awesome toy

Dear Zippy,

Do you he an awesome toy idea?

Strong Rad

attachment: brick_commercial.exe
Come to scenic Not Hawaii.
With its beautiful not palm trees,
our world-renowned not ocean breeze,
and the pretty ladies wearing not hula skirts.
Come to scenic Not Hawaii.


Papa Bear

Get your assless chaps, Papa Bear.
We're gonna go clubbing tonight
and you're gonna like it, ooh,
yes you are, you dirty little stain


Dear Zippy, As I was walking outside of your house,
I saw someone peeing in the lake.
Ziplandia must do something about this injustice!
Find out who was responsible!
-Anonymous Informant


Hey Zippy!
If you died, who or what would you
want to be reincarnated as?
-Man with a Knife


Dear Zippy,
As your name implies to me,
you seem to be pretty "zippy".
How fast can you run?
Your old gym teacher

electricity notice

Mr. Zippy, It has come to our attention that
You are overdue for a payment
on your home electricity.
Starting at 12:00 PM, we will
shut off your electricity.
This may have the adverse effect
of having your house invested
by vermin such as mice and roaches.
Have a nice day.
-The Anytown Electric Company

Urgent Notice!

Sir Zippy!
Your house has been infested with Nevada Wasps!
Nevada Wasps are deadly pests whose bites could calls a large rash, swelling, and sometimes death!
Please leave the building for a few days while we are killing the wasps.
- Odnetnin Infestation Control

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