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Wikihood III/eps/6

From Wuw Archive

Episode 6 - "Camping Without a Stove"


CAST: Sephiroth, Gilligan, Strong Sader, Zoo977, Ekul, Raiku, Unholy Tracy, Noxigar, Meek Sader, Kyves, Pizzaboy/borg, Specter, Dark Sader, Nived


{Open to an exterior shot of the fortress. The grey goo comes off, and it's as good as new.}

SEPHIROTH: I love grey goo.

GILLIGAN: Me too! ...Wait, what?

STRONG SADER: YARGHH! I just swallowed some!

SEPHIROTH: That's a good thing. It's cleaning the inside of your body as we speak. Do you know what the Grey goo is made of?

STRONG SADER: Nanobots. They're altering my make up on a sub-atomic scale to make it efficient and painless.

SEPHIROTH: Oh... yeah.. Whoa.

{zoo walks in. he has his head stuck in a blue jar}

ZOO977: {muffled} Hi, guys!

SEPHIROTH: {Punches Zoo in the face, breaking the jar.} Hello.

ZOO977: Finally!

SEPHIROTH: THERE'S A GIANT BUG ON YOUR FACE! LET ME GET IT OFF! {Punches him again.} ....No seriously. There was.

ZOO977: {his under bite slightly bent} Thats cool. {takes some toxic waste brand gum out of his pocket. gladly chews a piece.}

EKUL: Wait, does that make you the guy we all help because he's clumsy, or the guy who always takes all the pain of everything we do?

ZOO977: I dont know. {blows a bubble. it coveres his head when it pop's.}

EKUL: Okay... go check to see if those turrets over there are on.

ZOO977: Ok! {walks over to the turrets} Nope. Should they be on?

RAIKU: Okay, so we need the turrets on, some food, some water and beds, and to try and find a way out. Zoo, you turn on the turrets. Ekul, you get the water. Sephiroth, you get the beds. Badstar, you try and find a way out. I will get the food. Any questions?

ZOO977: Nope! {switches on the turrets.}

UNHOLY TRACY: {walks in} ...Is it THAT HARD to just get Specter or someone to carry me if I'm asleep when you all go somewhere?!

ZOO977: Are the turrets working? Or are they out of ammo?

{Cut to Noxigar inside one of the turret windows, coming out of a tent}

NOXIGAR: {yawns} Anything happen while I was asleep?

RAIKU: Just in time! I need you to try and build some communication machines so we can contact the outside!

NOXIGAR: I planned on taking apart some of the turrets to make an electric armor so I can go outside to do so.

UNHOLY TRACY: ...Whatever. I'm gonna spy on the bad guys. {walks off}

ZOO977: {looking in the turrets} Here's the problem! {takes out two boxes labled ammo, and puts them in two turrets. just like that, zoo begins getting shot repeatidly} ARGLEBARGLEFUIRTYFISHPASTEDRINGLEBLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- {continues}

UNHOLY TRACY:{walks back} They were eating waffles. {almost is shot by the turrets} AAGH!!! {blocks the bullets with sword}

ZOO977: Whew. Thanks! {looks down, notices he's full of holes} Nothing a few hundred corks couldn't fix!

UNHOLY TRACY: Why do that when you can use that grey goo?

ZOO977: Because I don't know what else to {removes his hardhat, takes a trash bag out of it labled "1000 corks"} do with them.

UNHOLY TRACY: You could load them into an airsoft rifle and fire them at hobos? There are a few survivors a block and a half from here.

ZOO977: Nah, I have someone for that.

{an explosion is heard in the distance. a hair band falls in front of bell. dot then walks by in the background}

UNHOLY TRACY: ...Whatever. I'm gonna go try to fix my TARDIS. Could you get Pizzaboy to help? He's the one that broke it.

EKUL: I haven't heard from him since the nuclear reactor blew, he could still be in the dome for all we know.

UNHOLY TRACY: ...Right. I'll go find him. {summons a shovel, starts tunneling through the ground}

EKUL: Shouldn't you check the fortress first? He might not have helped us blow the dome because he's lazy or something.

UNHOLY TRACY: ... {climbs out} The dome's destroyed? Okay, now I'm confused. Besides, my TARDIS is still there, albeit shaped like a capsule and the innards covered in cheese.

EKUL: Oh, well bad news about your TARDIS then.


EKUL: I'm pretty sure it's either badly damaged or destroyed. It might be under one of those pieces of the dome.

UNHOLY TRACY: ...So? If it was destroyed, the inner universe would spill out around us, and as ,long as I can still enter it, it'll be fine.

{Cut to the inside of the dome, amoung the wreckage, Pizzaboy is writhing in a puddle of cheese in severe pain. Cut back to the fortress, Meek Sader and Kyves are examining the simulation, cutting out the melted or unneeded circuit boards.}

SEPHIROTH: Guys, this is getting a bit outta hand. We have everything we need here. This fortress does have bedrooms you know. And also, be careful with the turrets. Keep your distance. When they overheat.. well...

{Cuts back to the turrets. Boxes labled "C4" are on top of the turrets. Ticking is heard. Lit torches riddle the ground.}

ZOO977: Don't worry.

SEPHIROTH: Now, if you excuse me, I'll be getting ready for whatever we're gonna do.

MEEK SADER: Well, a good 40% of the simulation's hardware is screwed. The hard drive we installed has finished downloading a copy of the information, so at least we haven't lost it for good.

{Pan over to the left. The simulation has now been removed from its frame and the functional boards layed out on the floor. Sephiroth walks in with a cybersuit, and holding a helmet in his arm.}

SEPHIROTH: Just finished it. Like it? There was leftover technology from the mecha we destroyed, so I decide to innovate it.

{cut back to Pizzaboy's destroyed body. T walks in, and notices Pizzaboy}

UNHOLY TRACY: Oh there you-Oh, holy {bleep}! Hold on. I'll help ya. {summons a stretcher and a large shovel, picks up Pizzaboy with it, lays him on the stretcher} Hmm... You're pretty messed up. Don't worry, kid. I'll get you back to the group {wheels the stretcher offscreen}

{cut back to the turrets. UT wheels the stretcher onscreen}

UNHOLY TRACY: I found him. He's pretty screwed up, but he's still alive. I think I can help him, but I'll need some of the grey goo.

SEPHIROTH: {Gets out a bucket full of it.} Make him drink it.

'UNHOLY TRACY: ...He's unconscious you dolt. {grabs the bucket, starts blasting it with a purple aura} Since the nanites likely can't understand the concept of pizza/human, I'll reprogram these. {stops, pours it onto Pizzaboy's body. He is already starting to heal. When it is complete, he looks even more human, but smells like cheese and has a yellow-orange skin tone, and has irises with pepperoni-like color. He is also wearing a grey jumpsuit, made from the nanites} I also reprogrammed then to be symbiotic so they can heal him whenever necessary.

ZOO977: {walking in, covered in corks} Ok!

SEPHIROTH: {Pores some black goo on Zoo977.}

ZOO977: Eww. Issn't the healing goo grey? {the goop begins drying. zoo is stuck to the ground} Crap.

UNHOLY TRACY: ...Okay, something's wrong. Pizzaboy isn't waking up. There should be a little bit of the goo left in the bucket. {pulls out a syringe, gets some of the remaining grey goo, injects it into Pizzaboy's head} His sausage brain and/or onion nervous system may be damaged. Those nanites should be able to fix it.

{the stuff on zoo stops drying. his head isn't stuck}

ZOO977: I'm sad inside of dried goop.

{The grey goop starts buzzing.}

SEPHIROTH: Zoo, you are now officially our Baldrick.

ZOO977: Guesuntheid.

UNHOLY TRACY: Hmm... The buzzing means they're telling me something. {holds something labeled "Spaceballs the Translator" to Pizzaboy]

TRANSLATOR: Brain completely intact. Nervous system severed and destroyed beyond repair. Much onions needed.

UNHOLY TRACY: Hmm... Onions. Where would we find onions?

SEPHIROTH: In the kitchen. If you want, I'll turn this fortress back to a skyscraper. And by the way.. {The Black goo starts shocking Zoo.}

{zoo falls unconsious. his head bends, so it points towards a deserted onion stand a block away}

UNHOLY TRACY: Thanks, Zoo's divining rod head! {runs to the onion stand, summons a shopping cart, loads a lot of onions into the cart, wheels it back, stops it right beside the stretcher}

{the nanites pour out of Pizzaboy's mouth, and the nanites that are still left in the bucket pour out of thay. They carry some of the onions into Pizzaboy's mouth. Old, rotted, strands of onion fall out of Pizzaboy's mouth}

UNHOLY TRACY: Good, they've already removed the old nervous system.

{Pizzaboy emerges from his coma like state. He gets to his feet and stretches, as he does so, nanobots are visibly forming parts of his skin.}

PIZZABORG: Wow! I feel totally revitalised! Those nanobots couldn't repair all of my damage so they've just formed together to replace some of my functions! Look, I've even got automatic exposition built into my brain!

UNHOLY TRACY: Neat. But, why call yourself Pizzaborg? And why have the nanites visible?

PIZZABORG: Pizzaborg? That's a WAY better name! I'll take that! Anyway, I don't have control over the nanos, they're just doing what they want.

SEPHIROTH: Interesting.. Actually, you might. Hold your arm out.

PIZZABORG: Sure. {Holds out arm}

SEPHIROTH: Hmm... Interesting.. Yep. The Nanobots have infused with your DNA, Making you more Machine than Pizza. And yes, over a while of time, you'll be able to control this, but at the moment, you need to learn how.

PIZZABORG: Neat. I feel hungry, are there any oreos in this kitchen?

UNHOLY TRACY: ...You DO know I can just tell the nanites to hide under his pizza-skin, right?

PIZZABORG: They want to be seen. They're been speaking to me through my thoughts. they want to know what it's like to form an organism. I don't really mind.

STRONG SADER: Hmm... This gives me an idea! Seph, can I borrow some of this grey goo stuff?


{Strong Sader collects a sample of grey goo from a dispencer in the wall. He then dashes off on his unknown project.}

ZOO977: {getting up} How do I get out of this?

UNHOLY TRACY: Huh. But, like that, you look like a badly-made Star Trek costume. What if they form your hair? Maybe even a beard...

ZOO977: Star... trek? RAAGH! {his eyes begin twitching, as he foams at the mouth. he breaks out of the mold, and runs off. screams are heard}

UNHOLY TRACY: {yelling offscreen} I was talking about Pizzaborg, you idiot!

PIZZABORG: {While searching through a cupboard} I can't really control them, so I can't really tell them to do something right now.

{police sirens are heard. police men soon drag zoo back onscreen and offscreen, in a giant woven bag}

UNHOLY TRACY: ...But I can!

MEEK SADER: {Walks in} Hey, guys! What's going on?

EKUL: I'm not sure, but I still don't trust Pizza Boy. Now we have an easy way to take him out if he betrays us though.

SEPHIROTH: Yep. {Holds out keypad.} A device that will single-handedly make everything I made self destruct. Except Specter. You need a password though.

EKUL: Excellent.

{A strong wind starts to blow towards the nuked town}

EKUL: Man, I really hope the wind doesn't change directions.


EKUL: Well, the town's going to generate radiation for at least 10 years. If it blows towards us, we will either have to move or bunker down. Plus, the radiation could cause interference in the simulation-tracker.

SEPHIROTH: Let me try something that could work.

{The flying fortress starts blowing more wind towards the town. It conflicts with the other wind, and it starts to form a giant cloud that absorbs the wind.}

SEPHIROTH: This is special wind. I call it Zephyr. It overpowers any other wind by transforming into a Windcloud. It's quite complicated.

EKUL:Well that's good to know, we're safe from the radiation. Well, in order to get past those cannons, we should build an artillery.

SEPHIROTH: Personally, I think we should temporarily take the fortress apart to make individual little fortresses. It's way to big for what we're gonna be doing.

EKUL: Yeah, I agree. I can get to work immediately.

SPECTER: I'll do it!

SEPHIROTH:' ......I CALL KITCHEN! {Rushes to the kitchen to disconnect it.}

EKUL: I get the chemistry lab!

{Ekul sections it off}

KYVES: Hey, I wanted that!

EKUL: Fine, I'll take the garage, you can have the chemistry lab.

SEPHIROTH: Actually, screw the kitchen, I'll have the living room! Operate a machine at my couch? YES PLEASE! {Runs to the living room, and starts working on it.}

EKUL: Fortunately, the garage doubles as a food storage. Ha ha!

SEPHIROTH: I've got a minifridge!

{Cut to the garage, Ekul and Meek Sader enter and begin disconnecting the bolts and plates holding it onto the surrounding fortress. Strong Sader is in the corner, he has partially reconstructed the simulation's circuit boards. The casing has been placed against the wall as scrap. Clockswipe, and there are several tank-like fortresses instead of one big fortress.}

EKUL: There we go! I altered the turrets and added more since they are now divided up. I'm going into my garage.

{Ekul flies up to the hatch and climbs into it. Strong Sader and Meek Sader place a few nonrusted and decently undented panels over the simulator's frame. Strong Sader Examines the portable hard disk from earlier, now hardwired into the core of the simulation.}

STRONG SADER: Okay, we're preped for phase two.

EKUL: Hold on, I just got an idea. We're still being generated by the simulation, right?

STRONG SADER: You, Kyves and Meek Sader are. You and Kyves' bodies must have migrated for the winter. They were probably destroyed by the perimeter turrents outside. Why?

EKUL: Well, if we're from the simulation, could I not do this?

{Ekul presses a button, and his Trash Can forms from out of the system}

EKUL: This thing has plenty of highly advanced computer technology, couldn't we use the holograms from the system itself to hold the system in a sort of self perpetuation?

{A rumbling is heard and felt. It stops soon after.}

SEPHIROTH: {Offscreen} I'M DONE!

STRONG SADER: At the moment, the simulation is operating at minimal capacity to prevent overload. {Picks up the jar of grey goo from earlier} I've programmed these nanobots to adapt the simulation to maximum efficiency while repairing all damage at the same time.

{The garage door opens. Sephiroth walks in.}

SEPHIROTH: Need help?

MEEK SADER: Hey Sephiroth, we just need to implant these nanobots directly into the simulation's core.

SEPHIROTH: Is that all? Childsplay. {Walks up to the simulation, and starts working on it. He gets a syringe, and puts the grey goo into it.} Where's the core?

{Strong Sader points toward the portable harddrive wired into the center of the computer. Sephiroth goes towards it, and starts to add the nanobots to it.}

SEPHIROTH: That should do the trick.

{Strong Sader closes up the casing of the simulation.}

STRONG SADER: Okay, the simulation is very complex, I would think it'll take another couple of hours for the nanos to sort the information and repair the damage so we should concentrait on the matter of the assault cannons for now.

SEPHIROTH: Try adding plasma to them. I've got a few plasma rifles you can take apart for it.

STRONG SADER: Lets not be hasty, lets just leave then nanos that complete the work. If they're interupted in some way we could loose the simulation althogether.

SEPHIROTH: The Cannons Silly.

UNHOLY TRACY: ...Well, Pizz isn't answering, so I'll just go ahead and do it. {lls out the translator again} Nanites that are not part of Pizzaboy's jumpsuit! Cover yourselves with excess cheese so Pizzaborg doesn't look like a Star Trek fanboy!

{the translator emits a buzzing noise. The nanites inside Pizzaborg do what they were told}

UNHOLY TRACY: There. ...You know, Pizzaborg, I COULD just give you the power to command the nanites. Or do you want to pad out the episodes via a subplot involving learning to do so yourself?

EKUL: Sephiroth, the cannons he's talking about are the enemy cannons. That's why he thought you were talking about the Simulation.

STRONG SADER: The cannons are already in alert mode because of the destruction of the dome. If we try anything big they'll make short work of us. I suggest that we find a way to cloak ourselves from them, but they're going to be hard to trick.

EKUL: Wait, I've got it! We can make an army holographic kamakaze robots using the simulation! That would take no materials, have no risks and have infinite resources!

STRONG SADER: A nicely original idea. I'll begin, programming a model for some kamikaze robots. Once the nanos are done, we can put them to work on the cannons. Although if they site the simulation as the source of the attack then they'll likely attack it.

SEPHIROTH: This might be time to unveil one of my longest creation. The Xenobot. 99% Unbreakable Titanium, claws and teeth as sharp as... something really sharp, 360% senses, and 500km/h speed. It could be a distraction, and it could be able to make the cannons too busy to notice us.

EKUL: Well, we don't want the simulation to be in danger. Hold on a second... I think we've been misunderstanding how holograms work. So far, any attempt to bring a mechanical object into the real world with the simulation has failed... I think the holograms are actually run through the mind to produce our hologram bodies. When Chwoka was copied into the simulation, he couldn't log out of the system with a hologram because he wasn't really Chwoka and didn't have a mind. That must mean two things. If our bodies die we can't become holograms, only ghosts. And Homestar and Strong Bad must be a part of some other people's minds.

SEPHIROTH: Homestar you say? I can think of 1 or 2 people...

STRONG SADER: Homestar and Strong Bad must have left am inprint of themselves inside your head when they were in there. When they separated out again the simulation it must have mistaken then for a personality fragment like Meek Sader and generated them when it broke down.

SEPHIROTH: Interesting... But I thought they enemies were outside the simulation.

EKUL: Exactly, that's because they were real personalities inside Chwoka and Strong Sader's heads. Since the hologram can't copy personalities, it conveys them. Then our pure personality is mixed with the projection to give the version of ourselves we see on the hologram. That explains why I have hair and clothes and stuff. That's why we're still mortal even though our physical forms aren't real.

STRONG SADER: That's also partically the reason I haven't been able to die. My body got so much practice in coping with death and heavy trauma from my deaths in the simulated environment that it now knows how to continue to operate with and heal heavy damage. The ghosts must be a hang over from the simulation. When it senses my deaths, it generates a soft light ghost on reflex.

SEPHIROTH: So interesting. .....So you're pretty much indestructible? {Pulls out an X-Men comic with Wolverine, and looks at it, then looks at Strong Sader.} Hmm... {Goes offscreen, comes back with some knifes, and makes Strong Sader hold them between his fingers.} Yeah.

EKUL: Strong Sader, I just had an idea. What if you ran across the border, got killed and showed us how the enemy turrets work? Then you could just float through as a ghost and see what's on the other side.

SEPHIROTH: Interesting.. However, we could send tiny nanobots to help us.

{zoo walks back in. he is in a straightjacket}

ZOO977: Hello!

{Sephiroth does a huge punch in Zoo's face. his underbight moves again}

SEPHIROTH: Will you stop just moving everywhere, and stay somewhere!? {Glues Zoo to the floor.}

ZOO977: Wait, isn't the glue still wet? {stands up}

{The glue suddenly dries right as Sephiroth pushes Zoo onto the floor.}

SEPHIROTH: Now it isn't.

ZOO977: MUST GET UP! {attempts to chew through the straight jacket.}

UNHOLY TRACY: That's a lead-lined straight jacket. You'll kill yourself if you do that.

STRONG SADER: Well, he can help us with one of our problems.

{Strong Sader rips Zoo from the floor, taking a small chunk of the flooring with him. He then tosses him out the window and into the field below. On his way down, hundreds of explosive rounds hit Zoo before he land on the surface of the field, where a land mine blows up beneath him an propels him back up and into the window where he was thrown from. Zoo is alive but charred in a cartoony fashion. The Straight Jacket is unharmed, and still on him.}

STRONG SADER: The defences seem pretty effective.


{Pizzaborg walks into the garage, his nanobot skin secions have now adapted a colour similar to his skin tone.}

PIZZABORG: Hey guys, anything up?

SEPHIROTH: We tested the enemies defense with out scapegoat. It took quite a toll on him.


{A buzz comes from the simulation. Pizzaborg convulses. The grey goo portions of his flesh begin pulsating ominously.}

SEPHIROTH: Uh oh. Does anyone have any magnets? That is probably the cause of the problem.

EKUL: Kyves has magnetokinesis, could it be him? He's also got turbine-swords in his arms that are run by magnetic fields.

SEPHIROTH: That's highly possible.

KYVES: Well I guess we're just going to have to stay apart from each other.

EKUL: On the other hand, you could pretty much enslave him with your powers.

STRONG SADER: Something's overriding the nanobots' primary directive. They're recofiguring into a new state.

{Pizzaborg melts down into a puddle of grey goo. The goo slithers away, leaving only a pizza. A small slit on its surface acts as a mouth.}

PIZZA: What just happened?

SEPHIROTH: Well... You're just a pizza now. The Boy, and Borg part just disappeared.

EKUL: We should sell the pizza as a fundraiser.

STRONG SADER: The nanobots must have taken the human part of his DNA with them. Technically he's an entirly new species: Pure living Pizza. I claim discovery of this new species: Pazzarium Saderus

SEPHIROTH: What are the Nanobots doing then?

STRONG SADER: Hmm... Where are the little guys?

{Cut outside. The grey goo slithers from the fortresses across the plains and toward the ruins of the domed town. Cut back.}

STRONG SADER: Probably nothing to worry about, they won't get far and they're programmed to self destruct after a set time without a task.

GILLIGAN: How come I just sensed that we're gonna get attacked by grey goo? And how long have I been here?

SEPHIROTH: Don't worry. The grey goo can't attack us. I programmed them for defensive purposes only. However, if it does go into the wrong hands, I can make them all explode, causing a huge explosion.

ZOO977: {walks in.} Hi, guys. Did you know lead-lined straight jackets makes your stomach tingle?

STRONG SADER: The tingleing is probably some heavy metal poisoning. I'd write my will now, if I were you.

SEPHIROTH: I'll help you. {Gets out a piece of paper.} I give my house, my money, my pets, and all my possessions to Sephiroth. There.

{Ekul adds a footnote}

FOOTNOTE: I forgo all previous ditribution and requisition the entire estate and all of my patents, copywrites and ideas to Ekul.

EKUL: It's what the lawyers insisted. You don't want to get in trouble with the law do you?

STRONG SADER: Well, it seems that night is falling again. {gestures toward the sunset outside} Maybe we should consider settling down and starting fresh in the morning.

EKUL: We need to stay as far away from the do(o)med city as possible. In the morning, I believe the LoE tracker should work.

STRONG SADER: Tomorrow I'll start the reboot software, then we should be able to access the tracker.

{Sephiroth crosses out what Ekul wrote.}

SEPHIROTH: Nice try. {Grabs the paper before Ekul tries to, and takes it away.} Off to business now.

EKUL: Oh, well, it's a good thing I have another copy. Time to fax it.

{Ekul puts it through the fax machine.}

STRONG SADER: One problem as far as I can see: You just faxed the document without Zoo's signiture, they're not likely to accept anything from you now.

SEPHIROTH: But I have! {Holds the document with Zoo's signature.} I made him sign it. I stuffed a pen in his mouth, and he signed it. I had to use force though.

ZOO977: I already have my will written!


{A noise is heard, as someone comes in. Kyves draws his swords and looks at it. Ekul ignores it.}

EKUL: I'll pay you money while you're alive if you give me your stuff when you're dead.

SEPHIROTH: Fine. You can have his stuff. Jeez. No need to be desperate.

{The small figure moves past Kyves, even moving his blades away. He moves towards Sephiroth, and tugs on his pants leg.}

????: Seph, may you please explain this to me? {Points to Zoo.} I told you not to experiment with Hobos. They smell up the place.

SEPHIROTH: Oh, sorry dude.

{Cut to the inside of the wrecked dome. Pizzaborg's former nanobots slither under a bombed out building. They nestle in a corner and begin work on something. Cut back to the fortresses. It's now night. Inside the garage, Meek Sader is keeping an eye on the simulation.}

ZOO977: {crawls in through the airvent, looks around} How many places are connected to my house by passages?

SPECTER: Excuse me? This isn't your house. You do not live here.

PIZZA: {On a table} This is quite nice actually. It's far more peaceful then it was before.

{OOC: How, and WHY is Zoo popping up all over the place?}

{OOC: Why not, I guess. But I agree that Zoo must be a more active participent in the central story.}

{OOC: It's just getting annoying. Zoo, if you're gonna be everywhere, at least do something.}

SPECTER: If you want... Pizza? I can preserve you.

ZOO977: I just found a weird room in my house. it was covered in holes, and I fell in one. Now I'm here! {looks a tthe pizzaa} Yum yum! {takes out a vile of vanilla}

PIZZA: AHHHG! Preserve me! Quick, Please!

ZOO977: {attempts to pour the vanilla on the pizza. ends up hitting his foot} Aw...

{Ekul runs in with a large piece of machinery and slams it on the table. Unfortunately, he doesn't notice the pizza. SPLAT.}

EKUL: Meek Sader, Specter, look! I found a discarded turret targeting system! I'm guessing it's some type of prototype or something.

ZOO977: My snack!

EKUL: Snack? wait, it was a pizza? {he suddenly realizes} Oh. Oops. Well, serves him right for stealing some of my DNA. Wait a second, I'm a hologram right now. What the crap?

ZOO977: Whats wrong with pizza? {takes a container of cumin out of his back pack. swallows it, bottle and all.}

SPECTER: Turret Targeting System? This is excellent! We can reproduce them, and upgrade them for our benefit. And Pizza, I'll help you. {Lifts up the machinery, and puts the Pizza inside him.}

{a giant lump appears near the bottom of zoo's head}

ZOO977: {speaking hoarsly} My neck feels funny.

UNHOLY TRACY: Specter, let me handle him. I have experience with freaks if nature who switch sides randomly. And as for you... {kicks Ekul in the teeth, picks up Pizzaborg out of Specter, runs off}

ZOO977: {now dazed} Lookat the swam! {points at UT}

EKUL: I don't have teeth, I'm a penguin. Also, he's not Pizzaborg anymore, and he's already safe inside Specter.

ZOO977: Weee! {goes unconsious. rolls offscreen}

UNHOLY TRACY: {from offscreen} No he's not! He will surely die without my help! I am the only one who can help him. Him living in my capsuleified Tardis and the reprogrammed nanobots have morphed Pizzaman/boy/borg/whatever into a being that is technically part of my mind! And only I know my mind!

STRONG SADER: Well, if he's inside Specter then I guess Specter will have to find a way of demerging your minds then.

{Cut back to the nanobot lump in the dome city. It has now grown into a large pulsating mass afixed to the wall. Cut back to the garage.}

MEEK SADER: Specter, what are you doing with Pizza in there? Are you altering his genes again to make him a real boy?

UNHOLY TRACY:{offscreen} I have him, you idiot!

EKUL: You changed the script retroactively, that's not fair.

{zoo walks in. his voice is normal, and the lump is gone}

ZOO977: Somehow, a container of cumin got stuck in my throat.

{Specter punches Unholy Tracy and takes Pizza back. He then locks him up in his torso. Cut to the LoE headquaters. Dark Sader and Nived are talking at a water cooler.}

DARK SADER: So, how are them countermeasures coming along?

{cut back}

UNHOLY TRACY: ...Right, whatever. When Pizza dies a very painful death locked up inside Specter, don't come crying to me. {eyes turn red, clothes turn black. UT rips open a portal and enters it}

SPECTER: Don't worry, he's gonna come back to us. You wait and see.

{cut back to the LoE headquarters. UT warps in}

UNHOLY TRACY: Hey, uhh, can I join this thing? The other side's full of idiots, just like- {bad hungarian accent} -my hovercraft is full of eels.

DARK SADER: Fine, "hungarian" stranger. Now about those countermeasures.

NIVED: Well, as I was about to say, Ekul, Strong Sader and Kyves escaping will only benefit us in the long run. Once they track down my body, Ekul's body and Kyves' body, {Dramatic zoom in} the LoE will finally have more power than anybody in the universe! HA HAHAHAHA! ...sadly this will strengthen anyone who is a hologram from the simulation. However, it will remove our weakness to the simulation. All in all, the rewards outweigh the risks. As for the content of the plan... leave it to me.

DARK SADER: Yes, everything is falling into place...

{Cut back to the garage.}

STRONG SADER: So, what now?

SPECTER: Well, we have quite a lead now. Earlier on, I had secretly implanted some tracking chips in all of you. As Judas.... I mean Unholy Tracy left us for the LOE, we can use it to our advantage.

STRONG SADER: Him, I think I saw him remove his before he left. He seems pretty alert to that sort of thing.

{OOC: Sorry to halt plot development like this, but discovering the location of the LoE seems like something we should reserve until the end of the season (epsiode 12).}

SPECTER: Darnit.

{OOC: I understand. BTW, should we end the episode? It's quite big now.}

{OOC: Addition to what Strong Sader said: As a rule, drama is most satisfying when the obstacle is set up carefully and then the resolution takes three times as long as the set up. Scenes tend to be more awesome when they take their time rather than if you just pull out a deus ex machina or even just a quick resolution. As for the length, I think it is long enough. But I'm not a mod, so...}

EKUL: Nice job though. Wait, so I have one of these things?

STRONG SADER: I suppose you must do. Hard light holograms have just as much a physical presence as a normal person.

{Cut to the dome city. The grey goo lump has now grown and is now pulsating rapidly. outside, the sun sets beneith the horizon. Fade to back, credits roll.}

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