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Wikihood III/eps/5

From Wuw Archive

Episode 5 - "The Waiting Game"


CAST: Ekul, Chwoka, Strong Sader, Strong Bad, Meek Sader, Kyves, Darlon, Nived, Dark Sader, Unholy Tracy, Zoo977, Sephiroth, Blue Guy, Specter, Raiku, Raggon, Raggonix, Noxigar


{Open to Sephiroth's skyscraper. Ekul is playing Ping Pong}

EKUL: Man, I wish the RAM wasn't destroyed or this would be going alot faster...

{Chwoka walks in}

CHWOKA: hey guys how ya doin

EKUL: Oh, hey Chwo- CHWOKA? What is up?

STRONG SADER: Chwoka!?! Where've you been?

CHWOKA: in hardlight holograph limbo oh btw im not real

EKUL: Aw... So are you the same Chwoka that appeared back in episode 13 of Wikihood 2?

STRONG BAD: yup im hardlight too

EKUL: So is HoLimbo-Vanhock here too? ...Say where IS Vanhock?

MEEK SADER: {Walks in} What in Sandfarb is this?

{Kyves enters behind him}

KYVES: When did Chwoka get here?

EKUL: He's not, this is just a holographic version of him.

HOMESTAR: Strong Bad! What's going on!? Is it the Louie?

CHWOKA: speaking of louie...

{Cut to the LoE's main base .Darlon and Nived are strollin' down the hallway}

DARLON: Anyway, now that we have Will hostage, what should we do with him?

NIVED: I say we either perform hideous experiments on him or implant a 10 megaton bomb into his stomach and release him into the dome.

{Dark Sader falls out of a vent above.}

DARK SADER: I've got it! We'll send someone in to detonate the nuclear reactor in the power plant! Then they'll all die slowly and horribly from radiation sickness.

NIVED: That takes away the irony of having their friend walk back to them and killing them all... And I like irony. It makes the job fun. But it is a nice idea. The pain factor is important too sometimes.

DARLON: No, we can't save him or use him as bait. Can't you see!? He's the perfect vessel, the only one we have that's not hardlight! The only other one is Strong Sader. And if we can find the real you, Nived, and the real Ekul...

{Nived chuckles}

NIVED: My current body will be fused into my real body soon enough... then... My simulation form will be my real form! I am a phoenix, and once I trigger my death in this machine, my hardlight form will combine with my corpreal form.

{Nived chillingly laughs. He abruptly stops, and looks morose.}

NIVED: But unfortunately something else strange happened. When our consciousnesses got more integrated with the system, my body wandered south with Ekul's body and Kyves' body. Because we ARE birds you know. I'm... still trying to find them.

(OOC: Zoo, stop encroaching on our plots uselessly.}

DARLON: Yes, yes... but what of Strong Sader? If we destroy the hardlight projector, everyone but him will be dead. And he's a crafty fellow.

UNHOLY TRACY:{hanging from the ceiling} Hmm. Sounds nice. But you seem to forget me. I am a Mary Sue. Radiation will not affect me and my teammates, for I will not allow it.

NIVED: Oh good. I have a secret technique known as ANTI-MARY SUE! It allows me, Ekul or Kyves to automatically godmode whenever a Mary Sue comes along. GODMODE!

{Unholy Tracy appears back at the dome with no recollections of the events that just happened.}

NIVED: There. Now. Ahem. Strong Sader is a nuisance, but there's a remedy. All we have to do is have Strong Sader enter Dark Sader's hologram and shut it off. This will cause Strong Sader to remain in the simulation. Now, shutting off Ekul and Kyves might have some weird effects. I can't guarantee it, but I think they may have a way to transfer their consciousness. Either way, we must get to the simulation. There's a thunderstorm tomarrow, and apparently our little friends have found a way to destroy the dome.

{cut to UT}

UNHOLY TRACY: Hmm... I feel as though I have forgotten something. Hmm... I'll just do this. {explodes, a clone takes his place} There we go. Hmm... Neat. But, I won't reveal this to my comrades. MWAHAHAHA!!!! {walks off}

{Cut back to Ekul Strong Sader and Chwoka. They've now stipped off the paneling of the simulator and are examining the components inside. many are rusty or melted.}

STRONG SADER: Hmm... If we can create a loop between the cache and the processor, it may increase the data retrieval process.

CHWOKA: Yeah, but it's only you who can do anything at all. Me or Ekul wouyld likely disturb things.

EKUL: If we do that, we could be able to track the LOE as soon as tomarrow night. Right after the thunderstorm that we can use to destroy the dome.

STRONG SADER: The simulation's systems aren't completely ruined. I'm pretty sure that we can recycle some parts once we've tracked the Legion of Evil.

ZOO977: {invisible} BLAAAAAAAARG! {fades in} These new powers are fun!

EKUL: Who are you?

KYVES: He's Zoo... You know?

EKUL: No, I don't.

KYVES: You know, he made a statue out of your shadow...?

EKUL: How do you remember? You weren't even there.

KYVES: Good question. I'm not going to answer it.

{Pizzaboy walks in.}

PIZZABOY: What's happening? What are you guys doing?

{A helicopter can be heard outside the window.}

MEEK SADER: What's that?

{Sephiroth comes in.}

SEPHIROTH: That was a good feast.. Oh, hey guys.

STRONG SADER: There's a helicopter of some kind outside.

{The helicopter lands and the blue man from the previous episode jumps out. Cut back.}

STRONG SADER: Sounds like it's landed. one of us should go check who it is.

SEPHIROTH: I will. {Jumps out of the window.} {While Falling} I AM PERFECTLY FINE! NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT MY SAFETY! {Lands right in front of the Helicopter.}

BLUE GUY: Oh my god! I'm caught! QUICK! TO THE BLUE MOBILE!!

{The Blue Guy leaps for the mentioned vehicle. Being non-existant, he flies off the side of the skyscraper. It looks like it is going to crash, but a pong paddle quickly goes up from the side and reflects the Helicopter. The helicopter explodes half way up. A charred Blue Guy flies up into the skyscraper lands in front of Sephiroth.}

SEPHIROTH: Alright. {Pulls out a gun and aims it at blue guy.} Who are you, and what is your purpose here?

BLUE GUY: Okay, you caught me. I'm a secret agent-robot-mummy-bank robber designed to self-destruct when held at gun-point by people going by the name of Sephiroth.

SEPHIROTH: And I'm Michael Jackson. CHAMONE! OH! .....But seriously. Who are you.

BLUE GUY: Okay, I'm a geneticly flawed Lumpfish.

{Sephiroth also pulls out a knife.}

SEPHIROTH: Tell me, or I'll stick this knife through your eye. ....What? In a moment like this, anything can be a threat.

BLUE GUY: Okay! Fine! You want to know, I'm just a guy who happens to be blue!


BLUE GUY: Your Mom and your Mom.

UNHOLY TRACY: Seph, it seems your Geass isn't working correctly, or he's just a idiot. ...Wait. How long have I been here?

SEPHIROTH: Failure to answer questions. He's a threat alright. Let's kill him.

BLUE GUY: No, I am not bad! It's just, I'm not allowed to state my true identity!

UNHOLY TRACY: Hmm... are you by any chance related to a man named JCM? Or is it Jicem? I'm never good with names. Or staying awake. {falls asleep, collapses onto Blue Guy}

BLUE GUY: Erm... Huh?

SEPHIROTH: Fine. {Tightly fits a collar around the Blue Guy's neck. The collar locks so it can't get off.} I'll trust you. But if you turn out to be bad, well.. say goodbye to your head.

UNHOLY TRACY:{gets up, still sleeping, summons a knife, is about to start stabbing the blue guy, wakes up} Huh? Wha? {looks at knife} Oh, sorry. I sleepkill, and I'm narcoleptic.

SEPHIROTH: Don't worry. I put an explosive collar on him.

EKUL: Explosion you say?

{Ekul gets an evil look}

UNHOLY TRACY: So, um, how do you set it off? {smiles, a halo appears above his head, it flickers, a la a generic cartoon portrayal of a neon sign}

SEPHIROTH: Easy. It monitors his his mind, and the moment he does something evil, he'll go bye bye.

UNHOLY TRACY: Oh. Um... is it possible to set it off remotely? {halo buzzes, shorts out, falls, and lights the ground on fire}

SEPHIROTH: Nope. Sorry.

{The blue guy starts to sweat as he looks at the collar on his neck.}

UNHOLY TRACY: I want his head to explode. Hmm... Aha! {pulls a baby holding an oversized lollipop out of backpack, holds it in front of the blue guy} ...Nevermind, I want that. {takes the lollipop, eats it, throws the baby against a wall, making the baby explode}

SEPHIROTH: Don't worry man. I'll take it off you if you last a week with it on. By the way, wanna know something that happens in the future?


SEPHIROTH: In 5 years, pretty much all modern technology will be rendered useless as our electricity will die out. Soon we will back in the Steam era again. Just a heads up.

UNHOLY TRACY: And? I need no electricity. I have my Mary Sue powers.

SEPHIROTH: Oh. Okay then.

KYVES: There will never be a lack of electricity as long as we have magnetism and water, steam or something else that has kinetic energy. There's no way for electricity to die out without taking all life with it. Since technically for electricity to die out...

EKUL: Yeah, yeah. Shut up. Well anyway, I guess we should do something now. I'm going to make explosives.

SEPHIROTH: Oh yeah, by the way, I have something that you might prove to be useful. {Pulls out a little device.}

SPECTER: Ooh. What's that?

{OOC: He nearly faded away. :(}

{OOC: Oh, right. I'll try to use him a little more}

EKUL: Is that some type of explosive or EMP?

SEPHIROTH: It's a power amplifier. Watch. {Gets out an iPod and turns it on. He makes the volume 1%. He then attaches the amplifier and plays a song. The song is heard around the city.} That's just with an iPod. Imagine it with anything else.

EKUL: Like... a laser?

{Ekul takes out a laser pointer}

EKUL: What would happen if we amplified this?

{Sephiroth attaches the amplifier to it and points it at a patch of grass. The laser burns it.}

SPECTER: So would it be possible to attach it to my rockets, heavy lasers, hovershoes or sword to it?

SEPHIROTH: Umm... I could add it to your power battery.

SPECTER: I assume that it works by output, so I think it would overload me if I used it on my battery instead of a particular part.

SEPHIROTH: Good point.. Umm... I'm thinking of adding it to your database to increase it.

EKUL: That reminds me. I have a wristband that augments super-powers, kind of the same thing. Wait, where is it?

{Ekul looks at himself}

EKUL: I'm still a hologram?! Kyves, how about you?

KYVES: Yeah... it's the same for me... Strong Sader is still a human... what gives?

SEPHIROTH: Hologram? Ooh! Time for my new testing! {Sticks a "H" on both Ekul and Kyves. He pokes them.} YES! IT WORKED!

{Raiku, Raggon and Raggonix walk in. They are holding A lot of Smoothies and Icies.}

RAIKU: Me and my gang are back. We got free Smoothies and Icies for everyone!!! There is a AM-PM in this dome. Isn't that cool?!?

{the fire created by the lazer pointer speads to UT, setting him on fire}

UNHOLY TRACY: Looks like my trip to Hell. And, no, no it is not, Raiku.

{Sephiroth points the lazer at Raiku's forehead. Strong Sader poke his head into the room.}

STRONG SADER: The data restore process is fully automated now. It's going to take at least a day to finish. I'm going back to the ice cavern to see what else has survived from Eric's house. Anyone else wanna come with?

SEPHIROTH: I'll come.

EKUL: There's ice, so I can come to thaw or manipulate it.

{Cut to the cavern, the ice has begun to melt already and is beginning to pool at the base of the cave. Cut back to Sephiroth's.}

STRONG SADER: It won't be long before the ice begins to melt from the internal heating of the planet. If the power plant's cooling tunnels flood then the heat of the reactor will cause a steam explosion of massive proportions.

SEPHIROTH: And that can't possibly be good.

ZOO977: {walking in} All we need is a giant air conditioner!

SEPHIROTH: That actually could work.

STRONG SADER: I though that too, but unfortunatly the giant air conditioner's union has gone on strike.

EKUL: Oh no, that could ruin my plan-

{Ekul gets a call on his watch}

KYVES: It's starting to rain! The storm is starting!

EKUL: Oh great. Quick everyone, to your positions! Just perfect. It couldn't have picked a worse time to start.

SEPHIROTH: {Quickly runs into the skyscraper, and the skyscraper starts to go into the ground. A fortress comes up from its place.} {From intercom.} So... what are the plans?

{Cut back to the cave. The ice is now almost completely melted. Hot air from the cooling tunnells blasts into the cave, and the water begins to boil.}

{Cut to the outside of Eris's former house, Strong Sader, Sephiroth and Pizzaboy arrive.}

STRONG SADER: Okay, we'll need to act fast if we're going to prevent the reactor from going up.

SEPHIROTH: {In a pod with legs.} Should I try to shoot it down?

STRONG SADER: Erm... I don't think-

{A massive geyser of steam rips upward from the pit. Several smaller steam explosions rip through the asphalt in the road and blast through the roofs of houses. Debree begins to fall out of the sky.}

SEPHIROTH: Crap. {Starts shooting at falling debris.}

STRONG SADER: {Into a walkie-talkie} Ekul! The steams started to erupt! Get out to the power plant! The steam is going to destablise the reactor!

SEPHIROTH: About the Simulation. What's so important about it that you guys are risking your lives just for its safety?

STRONG SADER: There's still some information in it that we need. It can help us find the LoE and Ekul and Kyves' bodies. Alos, it's projecting Ekul and kyves' homographic state, so they'll die with it if it shuts down completely. Now RUN!

{A large piece of debree lands just behind Strong Sader.}

SEPHIROTH: Quick! To the fortress!

{They run, with debris falling around them.}

PIZZABOY: I'll help!

{Pizzaboy picks them up and carries them faster then they can run.}

SPECTER: There! {Points to the fortress. The quickly get in.}

{A number of large cracks spread through the neighbourhood. Eventually, the street collapses and folds in on itself, sucking down a number of houses into a giant crater as deep as the former pit. A number of smaller geysers continue to burst through the rubble. Soon after, the only thing standing is the fortress supported by all the building works deep underground. Cut inside.}

SEPHIROTH: We better act real soon.

STRONG SADER: Ekul and Kyves are still in the power plant and it's about to blow! {Begins working on the simulation} If I can get control of the hologrammic projection unit...

{Ekul and Kyves pop into existence back in the fortress. Cut to the outside. The reactor blows, taking the power plant with it. The explosion doesn't so much as scratch the dome or weaken the electrical field. A plume of radioactive dust fills the atmosphere of the dome outside of the fortress.}

SEPHIROTH: Well, we can't get out now. WHO PUT THIS STUPID DOME HERE?

MEEK SADER: Does this building have any parts which are airtight and lead-lined?

PIZZABOY: Yeah, what he said.

SEPHIROTH: Luckly enough, the whole thing is. I could explain to you the reasons why I built this if you want. Because it is quite suspicious that I have this, isn't it?

{Cut to Noxigar outside the fortress, walking towards it}

NOXIGAR: I am late for whatever meeting Strong Sader's trying to have. And what's with all this radiation? {coughs}

{Noxigar is suddenly transported inside.}

SEPHIROTH: Do not breathe the gas. It will kill you.

NOXIGAR: Thanks.

SEPHIROTH: By the way, this place is oxygenated, so you don't need any gas masks. I do recommend you bring food. We've got quite enough, but you can't be too safe.

NOXIGAR: Any windows to go through?

SEPHIROTH: In the skyscraper, yes. Here, no.

NOXIGAR: I'll stay here and keep guard.

SEPHIROTH: I suggest you try one of the turrets.

{Noxigar goes to a suggested turret}

SEPHIROTH: Activate Airfortress now!

{The skyscraper goes into the fortress, and the fortress rises from the ground. }

STRONG SADER: Nobody go outside. The atmosphere is deadly. You'll die like this.

{Strong Sader falls over dead.}

STRONG SADER: {Ghost} See?

SEPHIROTH: Wait.. How did you die? We're not outside.

{OOC: Great, just great. The weekend I have the most homework is the weekend everybody decides to show up. That's just great.}

{OOC: Sorry. I kinda know how you feel sometimes.}

STRONG SADER I can die at will, if neccissary.

{Kyves' hologram begins to flicker}


KYVES: Oh no! My coordinates weren't properly moved! I- I-

{Kyves hologram is flashing in and out, his words become staticky}

KYVES: {Partially unintelligible}'m bei.....ansported betw....two....ations

{Kyves is now unable to speak because the static is too great. He aims his sword at the wall and electrocutes this: ILLBOK. He then fades out entirely}

EKUL: Oh no... Kyves! And that means I must be next... We were too close to the explosion...

{zoo walks in. he's drinking out of a cup with a skull and cross bones on it}

ZOO977: Hey, guys!

SEPHIROTH: Crap. Kyves is gone. Umm.... {Gets out a little machine and puts it at Ekul's feet.} That might keep you standing for a short while.

{zoo again drink out if the cup. his head suctions into the cup, and become all smushed in it. the cup doesn't break}

SEPHIROTH: {Ignores Zoo.} If we are gonna make this out alive, chances are, we WILL need to break the dome. However, most attempts haven't worked. I am thinking of using Ekul to freeze it, and then rapidly heat it. That would cause it to expand, damaging it. Any questions?

UNHOLY TRACY:{breaks the cup on Zoo's head} Yes. Why not just get ME to do that?

STRONG SADER: Lets not get ahead of ourselves. We're going to have to decontaminate the area out side before we can even think about destroying the dome.

SEPHIROTH: Good point. But how....

EKUL: Well, if Kyves is still inside the dome somewhere he can start using his magnetism powers, because magnetism protects against radiation. So maybe it's not that bad that he's not here.

MEEK SADER: Perhaps we could use some kind of large vacuumb to suck up the radioactive steam and dust.

SEPHIROTH: And where excatly, do we get one of those?

EKUL: Besides, it wouldn't work, the irradiated gas particles would be gone, but most radiation is like light. It doesn't have a form. It vibrates atoms and makes them unstable to produce more radiation. I have a better idea. I do the whole icing up of the dome, preferably with some kind of radiation suit. Then we make a huge electromagnet and we use it to focus the radiation onto one spot of the dome and bend all the radiation into one spot which will not only shatter the dome, but destroy everything in a 2 mile radius.

SEPHIROTH: Suit? I can do that!

EKUL: Perfect! While I'm icing the dome, you can also make the electromagnet right? you might have to take apart some of your robots for the parts...

SEPHIROTH: I've got lots of failed prototypes.

STRONG SADER: No need, I'll bind the radioactive material into some stable particles with my electric manipulation.

EKUL: Well, you can't fix the nucleus of an irradiated atom with electricity unfortunately, so I don't think that's possible. It would probably instead make the atom explode. Awesome.

STRONG SADER: All primary particles have an electronic charge. Once I put them together, strong interaction will take over and stablise them. For example:

{Strong Sader focuses on light from an above lamp. The light is compressed an reordered into a small piece of carbon.}

EKUL: Right, but electricity is the flow of electrons, and the nucleus is held together by protons and neutrons. Adding or taking away electrons from atoms has unstable consequences. I do believe you can separate atoms from each other though, because you aren't damaging the atom itself, only the bond

STRONG SADER: Anyway, I can just throw the radiation into the sun. I'll just use my electrical powers on a lump of metal to create an electromagnet. The dome is transparent, so it should slip through.

EKUL: If you focus the frequency into gamma, we can destroy the dome after I weaken it with ice! Then we're never coming back to this place.

STRONG SADER: No reason to stick around, the entire place has gone to Hell now.

EKUL: Yeah, seriously. I swear, I'm going to torch this whole place after we take care of the LoE.

SEPHIROTH: Wait... My Skyscraper/Fortress?

STRONG SADER: Well, you could give it a great moat now.

EKUL: Oh. Right. Well, we could also use your robots to move it, or attach a gigantic drill.

SEPHIROTH: Well, it is floating as we speak.

EKUL: I thought it was underground, safe from all the radiation...

SEPHIROTH: It was. But I compacted it and put it into airfort mode.

{A pinging noise is heard. It progressivly gets louder and higher.}

SEPHIROTH: It sounds like someone wants to get in.

STRONG SADER: No, it's the simulation, the file recovery must have finished. The file compression must have completed.

UNHOLY TRACY:{holding head} Ugh, how long was I asleep?

EKUL: {To Unholy Tracy} About 6 hours. You only have six weeks to live. {To Strong Sader} Well, I guess this means my neural projections are complete on time.

{Cut to the ground. Kyves sparks in, and he instantly puts up a magnetic shield}

KYVES: Whoa! That's not good. Aha! There's the fortress.

{Kyves magnetically creates a metal dish to focus the radiation with.}

KYVES: That might be useful later. Now how do I get back there?

{Cut back to the fortress interior. The simulation core, still without casing, is sparking and whirring ominously. Strong Sader is at the interface trying to make sence of the flickering screen.}

STRONG SADER: Something's stretching the simulator's processing power. The entire system may fail.

EKUL: I'd suggest you shut down all nonessential systems and reroute the processes throughout. Sephiroth, got that radiation suit?

{Strong Sader fires a thin bolt of electricity at the pocket of his body. He pulls in a heavily adapted USB Harddrive. He plugs it ion the interface. The USB socket sparks and fizzles.}

STRONG SADER: This is our last resort. This hard drive has a terrabyte of space, but I haven't tested it yet.

EKUL: If this fails, I doubt we can ever use the simulation again. If it doesn't look like it's working, shut it off.

{Sephiroth holds the radiation suit. Strong Sader begins presing a number of keys. The simulator begins to ease but is still in a bad state.}

STRONG SADER: The extra memory is stabalising the essential functions. All unneccissary systems have been shutdown. It should be good for a while now.

EKUL: Good. I have to go now. Thanks, Sephiroth. Come on, Specter.

{Ekul puts on the suit and steps on a trapdoor with Specter. He pulls a switch, and the room shuts from the rest of the building, then the trapdoor opens up and Specter and Ekul fall out. Ekul starts flying towards the center of the dome. He lands next to a fire hydrant}

EKUL: Specter, pressure that hydrant so that it shoots towards the sky. I'll do the rest.

SPECTER: Okay, Ready? go!

{Specter hits the ground with incredible force and the hydrant erupts and irradiated water sprays into the air. Ekul starts using the gyser-like flow to ice the dome from the center down, using the spread from the center to the sides to speed up the time. As he is doing it, Specter makes an analysis}

SPECTER: My analysis suggests that the water has been transformed into heavy water. This could make it more heavy.

EKUL: Really? Is that bad?

SPECTER: Considering the high isotope counts, this will shatter much more easily. Some of the water has been turned into the acidic hydrogen peroxide which is very corrosive to humans. Uh, that is, it could melt your skin.

EKUL: Awesome. This is great, let's finish this then.

{Suddenly, the blue guy from earlier in the episode runs onscreen.}

BLUE GUY: Do any of you know where Sephiroth is? I want to get this collar off my neck now!

EKUL: Oh man, do I feel bad for you. As you speak, an incredible amount of radiation is probably penetrating your clothes, skin and organs. And you're breathing so your lungs are probably deteriorating too. I think you'll die within the hour. And your hair falls out and you become blind. Uh, you might want to get inside Specter, you could survive long enough to be treated.

BLUE GUY: What's Specter?

RAIKU: Our robot. He was made from a robot that we stopped from attacking us.

SPECTER: You guys should get to a safe place. Preferably in the fortress.

{Kyves walks over, with his magnetic shield around him}

KYVES: Oh man, you two might want to get inside this magnet shield, although I have to warn you, it will hurt to walk through.

{Strong Sader, now alive again, flies in holding an electromagnet in his hands. He lands nect to Kyves.}

STRONG SADER: Kyves! Gather the radiation from thew air and project it at the dome! At gamma ray frequency we should destroy at least part of it.

{A giant energy maximizer comes out of the dome.}

SEPHIROTH: Hit the weak point for massive damage!

KYVES: You got it!

{Kyves places the dish behind him and creates a series of fields used to hoard radiation toward the dish. As radiation hits the dish, it focuses into one thick ray. The ray fully charges and sends out one huge gamma laser. The laser hits the frozen dome, and it is weak enough to puncture through. Cut to the outer space, where the earth is visible. A flash of light and a pillar erupts where the dome is. Cut back. The dome tries to repair itself, but the ice short circuits it and the combined laser and ice overloads the dome. It begins exploding.}

EKUL: We have to get out of here!

{Ekul dodges as a piece of the dome nearly hits him.}

EKUL: Strong Sader, I can carry you out. Kyves will stay behind us and try to redirect any huge pieces. You just keep that electromagnet working

{Strong Sader uses the electromeagnet to toss around some of the larger pieces, throwing them into safer areas.}

STRONG SADER: I'll be fine... LOOK OUT!

{A large section of the dome falls from the sky, it crashes into the side of Sephiroth's fortress and destroys its floating mechanism. The Fortress crashlands, taking much damage. It still is in one piece. Cut inside. Everyone inside is all over the place.}

SEPHIROTH: {Gets up.} Ugh... Is everyone okay? {Goes to main computer. It shows the damage at 27%.} Not too bad.. Oy vey...

EKUL: Kyves, push it along!

{Ekul ices the ground up. Kyves stands on top of it and magnetically pushes the building towards a gap in the collapsing dome. Ekul gets on top of it as well and unleashes a flame to speed it up.}

EKUL: Specter! Destroy anything that will hit the fortress! Sephiroth, do you have any thrusters?

{Cut to the outside of the dome. A few sections fall from the edges of the destroyed areas. The sides of the dome are still intact, with a large hole in it's south-easterly side, which the fortress is pushed through. The dome's electron blanket flicks and sparks. Inside, large shards of glassium are stabbed into the ground. The lack of smog shows the devistation. The neighbourhood is now in ruins, with buildings leveled into the geyser crater. Strong Sader flies into the air and out the side of the dome, onto the floating fortress.}

SEPHIROTH: {Still dazed.} Some.. {Presses a button, and 2 thrusters come out.} And while you're at it, commence grey goo megashower.

EKUL: Soon it will be time to get payback. NIVED! IF YOU HAVE A CAMERA, I'M COMING FOR YOU!

{Ekul flares and his radiation suit burns off, revealing his clothes underneath}

KYVES: That was unnecessary. And how did you burn off a radiation suit of all things and not your own clothes?

EKUL: Never you mind. Now let's try to treat any radiation burns or damage that might have hit us.

{The fortress decends to the ground and settles.}

STRONG SADER: We'll have to hold up here for a while. Yesturday I detected a large amount of assault turrets in the surrounding area.

{A layer of grey goo falls on them all, and starts healing them. The fortress starts to get fixed.}

SEPHIROTH: Give it a moment! The goo is healing us!

EKUL: Thanks, Seph. I'll stay here for one night, but then I'm leaving. I will not be isolated. I WILL LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD!

KYVES: Yeah, I'll see if they need me here, but I'd rather come with you.

STRONG SADER: The assault turrets have a large detection range and fiendish fire power. If we try anything like escaping or destorying them, they'll have no problems shreding us.

EKUL: Well then, we're going to need cover fire and decoy. We can use the remains of the dome as a shield as we fly above them

{Cut to the Legion of Evil's headquaters.}


NIVED: Yes, but now they have to make it through the turrets and the minefield. Don't worry, I am making a contingency plan as we speak.

DARK SADER: And they'll never figure out where we are, seeing as we're... UUNDERNEATH THE DOME!

{Dark Sader begins laughing evilly again. Nived joins in half-heartedly. Pan upward, running through a cutaway of the earth to show that the LoE is based underneath the neighbourhood, below Eric's former house. Cut back, Nived has ceased laughing, but Dark Sader continues.}

{Cut to black, credits.}

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