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Wikihood III/eps/4

From Wuw Archive

Episode 4 - "Hav-Vock"


CAST: Mecha, Sephiroth, Ekul, Kyves, Noxigar, Raiku, Van, Zoo, Specter, Unholy Tracy, Pizzaboy, Meek Sader, Garax, Man


{Open to the carnage of last episode, the mecha is crushing houses around the area. It becomes tangled in power lines, but it starts to eat them, and starts to charge up in electricity.}

SEPHIROTH: I wonder if there is an off button on it?

EKUL: Kyves!

KYVES: I'll... be... FINE!

{Kyves makes a magnetic bubble. It makes a big enough to free himself}

KYVES: Now it's my turn!

{The Mecha sends five missiles at Kyves, but Kyves detects them as he fires and forces the missiles back into the launcher and it self-destructs. It fires 50 knives in every direction}

SEPHIROTH: Let me try! {Goes into a nearby garage, and drives a truck near the mecha. He repeats his with all the other garages until 100 trucks are where the mecha is. He covers the cars with oil, and throws a lit cigarette at it. But not before having a puff himself. The trucks cause a chain explosion, damaging the mecha, but not completely destroying it. However, it is now black with soot.}

{The Mecha lends out a glitchy sounding roar to its attacker. It scans for the perpetrators. Suddenly, it sheds its outer shell and the pieces rain down all across the town. The mecha now looks like a sleeker, faster robot. The pieces suddenly detonate cross town destroying dozens of houses.}

KYVES: Good shot, Sephiroth!

{The shockwaves suddenly send Kyves and several other characters flying. Then, shrapnel starts raining}

SEPHIROTH: He's faster, but he's lost his defense. And there's lots of scrap left. ...Do you think we can deactivate him, but not completely destroy him? I've got a good idea for it.

{Noxigar sighs}

NOXIGAR: I'm thinking this build of mecha has eye sockets where one would place cameras. Blind him and he cannot attack.

EKUL: I think I know how he will self destruct. He's got a certain type of radioactive metal all throughout his body. If we can speed up time, or deplete its metal or something it should shut down... I'm a mechanic, so whatever you build, Sephiroth I can help.

SEPHIROTH: Yeah, I'm thinking of dismantling it, and redesigning it to our advantage. It has lots of opportunity.

NOXIGAR: Here's a blueprint of a mecha version of myself I've always wanted. {takes out blueprints}

SEPHIROTH: Whoa. They are good. But, if you do some adjustments here, and here, it could end up being more powerful and faster than ever. And maybe even flying capabilities.

EKUL: I was thinking of something more short and flexible. Let's redesign it later. Okay, any ideas on how to deplete its reserves?

SEPHIROTH: We could exhaust its power. I mean make it work itself out.

{Ekul creates a big ice shaft which misses the robot, but another spike penetrates its foot. The icicle sparks}

SEPHIROTH: Wait! Look! {Points to a Electrical Generator at a powershack.} Make the Mecha hit it!

EKUL: Wouldn't that supercharge it? Wait.. What if we reversed it! Kyves, make the generator absorb energy.

{Kyves modifies it quickly}

SEPHIROTH: Make sure the mecha hits it hard! Make it use the energy!

KYVES: I can attract it. Hold on!

{Kyves extends his swords and they start getting electrified and bolts fly into the air. The Mecha looks at it and sees the energy. It roars and its hand turns into a drill. Sephiroth jumps in front of the generator, and starts flashing blue and yellow. The Mecha attacks Sephiroth, and he dodges, ending up with the mecha hitting the generator. It starts shorting out as it gets weaker. Its legs deplete first and they limp, then its left arm. In one last act of defiance, it fires its head off toward Ekul and Noxigar. The head explodes upon landing on the ground and Ekul barely jumps out of the way}

SEPHIROTH: Let's take it to my place. I have a good place for stuff like this.

{Cut to Van, who is still split in half}

VAN: Is it dead?

EKUL: I'm not sure. The body could still be booby trapped... How do we move this thing to your place, anyway?

VAN: Yay! We won!

{The body tips over and falls on Van}

VAN: {ghost} Dammit.

SEPHIROTH: Don't worry. It'll be okay. It has no power source, and the radioactivity died off. How to take it to my place however, I can handle that. {Cut to a giant skyscraper. The mecha is there on the ground.} How we did this, even I don't know. But anyways, {walks to the door, and presses a few buttons on it. The land around it starts to go underground, as another piece of land covers the hole.}

EKUL: I didn't know you owned a sky scraper in the dome. AWESOME.

SEPHIROTH: Yep. If you want, I'll rent it out to you for free. We're nearly here now.

EKUL: Oh, thanks.

{Upon their arrival, Ekul steps back a little bit}

EKUL: Now, let's stand a clear distance away while I test it for possible traps, like knives popping out in inconvenient places.

{Ekul creates a crane out of ice and a rope. He attaches a metal ball to the end and runs it across the mecha. At the center, a lawnmower-like blade spins out and catches the ball.}

SEPHIROTH: Whoa. It must still hold some of its power.

{The elevator stops, revealing a giant garage. Around it are some of Sephiroth's experiments, some cool, and some weird. Examples include a Dog Robot made out of a toaster, and a TV Robot.}

EKUL: I'm trained in mechanical hammerspace. So we could make it hide weapons before it uses them and carry an incredible arsenal. Here's a modified blueprint of the old mecha.

{The blueprint has two hoverboots, and looks like a more futuristic version of Robo from Chrono Trigger}

{zoo walks in, carrying a bowl of white stuff}

ZOO977: Guys! I got the liquified paper you asked for!

VAN: {crawls in, no longer a ghost, has a rope tied to his other half} Little help here? {crawls over to Ekul and Sephiroth}

EKUL: Let me cauterize it. This is going to get hot and painful.

{Ekul cauterizes Van back together with a flame, Van is cringing on the floor}

ZOO977: So...What do I do with this? {holds the bowl up.}

SEPHIROTH: No idea man. By the way, Ekul, that blueprint is amazing, but may I make a few adjustments?

EKUL: As many as you want, this place shows me you're very experienced with robots.

VAN: Fire...hurt...

SEPHIROTH: Yeah. However, don't touch that robot over there. {Points to a Robotic version of Xenomorph incased in glass.} It is a work in progress. By the way, didn't your friends basement get destroyed? If you want, you can use this one. This has all you need. A computer, and supplies. And videogames. But I don't use those. I'm more into mechanics and carpentry. {A Monkey Robot climbs onto his head.} This monkeybot is my best creation. I call him Ooks. Oh yeah, WATERBOT! {A robot with jet cannons goes over to van, and douses him with water.}

EKUL: Cool. Although now he's likely to get infected. Ouch.

SEPHIROTH: What do you mean? It's not sewage water. But anyway, let's do some adjustments!

VAN: Thanks. I needed that.

EKUL: Okay. The problems I have are in the joints, they aren't very flexible.

SEPHIROTH: For the robot? Hmm. Yeah.. Maybe, if we base the limbs on what we have. I mean, elbows and kneecaps.

RAIKU: Lets build, Team!

EKUL: I'm a penguin, so elboes never occured to me! Thanks.

SEPHIROTH: I have some useful spare parts from previous failures! {Gets out a box labeled "Useful Failure".}

EKUL: Okay, let me weld them to match this robot.

{Ekul forms a blast shield out of ice over his face and uses his hand to weld the pieces into a pair of elbows}

SEPHIROTH: I'll work on weaponry! {Gets out a cannon, and starts to implant it inside the droid.}

{Ekul places the new limbs on the damaged mecha. He starts working on the hovershoes.}

VAN: Someone get me a crystal. I have an idea.

SEPHIROTH: Alright. {Pulls out a ruby from the pile, and gives it to Van.}

VAN: Ok. This could kill me...

{Van starts to transfer his solar energy into the crystal, but he ends up transfering the last bit of his energy. He drops to the ground}

VAN: {ghost} Aw, come on. HOW COME I DIE ALL THE TIME?!

EKUL: {sigh} Well, I guess you've got the Strong Sader Effect. Maybe his curse got copied onto you somehow.

SEPHIROTH: You are such a redshirt. {Starts electrifying the body, as Van gets sucked back into it, alive again.} There.

VAN: Thanks.

{OOC: Redshirt?}

{OOC: Here.}


{OOC: Another version is Here.}

SEPHIROTH: The robot doesn't have a head though. {Looks around the room, and sees a head like Robos.} This'll do the trick.

{Ekul starts to modify it for the new bot.}

EKUL: Let's see... I've given it two main scanners... 360 hidden scanner... heat vision... auditory... olfactory...

SEPHIROTH: And don't forget this. {Installs a speech synthesizer on the head. The head turns on.}

ROBOT: Hello? Who are you?

SEPHIROTH: Your creator, along with Ekul here.


EKUL: We gave you artificial intelligence. We're still in the process of building your body, but it is already coming right along.

SEPHIROTH: What should we name him?

ROBOT: {Happily} I'm going to have a name? Yay!

SEPHIROTH: I added the emotion just now.

EKUL: Name... name... how about Xanatos?

RAIKU: no, how about Arereus?

EKUL: Well, how about Dave?

RAIKU: Deal. Hi, Dave!

ROBOT: NO DAVE! Too normal.

EKUL: D4-V3?

ROBOT: Tacky.

SEPHIROTH: Orthello?


ZOO977: {dumps the paper on his head, turns completely white} Yay!

EKUL: Revenance?

ROBOT: Is that even a name?

SEPHIROTH: Cybertron?



ROBOT: What?! I don't run on steam!

SEPHIROTH: Well, you backup system does..

EKUL: Specter?


EKUL: Alright, everybody, he has chosen his name. His name is Specter! Hello Specter.

SEPHIROTH: I like it.

SPECTER: Hello Ekul! Hello Seph! Hello Raiku! So.. how's my body going?

EKUL: It's going to take awhile. Best go to clockswipe.

{Nothing happens}

EKUL: Uh... clockswipe? Hello?


EKUL: That's better.

{The body is done, and it looks incredibly advanced}

SEPHIROTH: I like how we combined modern, and old technology to make him. Who knew? We can get more advanced, by going in the past a bit.

EKUL: Unfortunately the dome restricts time travel...

SEPHIROTH: Yeah.. But I have lots of technology from many eras. I'm a big fan of Steampunk, as you can see. In fact, the power source for this building isn't electricity, but good old-fashioned 1900's steam and Clockwork!

EKUL: Awesome. Steampunk always reminds me of that one planet I visited in the Drax system.

SEPHIROTH: Really? Cool. I'm also into Cyberpunk, so I like to experiment around, combine the two.

EKUL: Cyberpunk is cool. It's like going to the future and seeing all the humans dead. So sad. Yet so cool.

SEPHIROTH: There not dead. They're just unrecognizable under the flashy clothing.

EKUL: Really? Well, somebody must have changed the past or something, because I remember robots and no humans in 4,950.

SEPHIROTH: Oh. I was talking about a mere 1000 years. Believe it or not, Steampunk is the next era of living. It's better than that gangsta rap stuff though.

EKUL: OH! I thought you were talking about... yeah. Well, at that time I've died and come back as Xul. I'm a pheonix, so I live different lives after I die. It's pretty sweet.

SEPHIROTH: Wait.. wait wait wait... A PHEONIX!?! But you're a penguin! With sunglasses.

EKUL: I'm kind of both actually. I mean, have you ever seen a penguin talk?

SEPHIROTH: Good point. But when I die, I want to be remembered. Have a large bronze statue of myself in the town square. Hopefully with a roof though.

ZOO977: {having trouble walking around} Liquified paper dries fast. {suddenly, the mold stops moving, and a shadow comes out of the costume. zoo morphs back into his normal self from the shadow} Now what?

SEPHIROTH: Ooh! {Picks up the Zoo977 mold, and pours searing molten hot bronze metal in it.} YOU'RE GONNA BE A LEGEND ZOO!

ZOO977: Awesome! {dives in the bronze. he immediatly jumps out, covered in seacond and third degree burns} AAAAH! AAAH! STATUES HURT! JUNE! 27TH! HYYPERACTIVE! SUPERMAN! MATCHBOX! 20! {faints.}

EKUL: Play with fire and you get burned! I guess you got a little too fiery. I guess he just got fired. What a heated development.

{zoo gets up, turns into a shadow, and picks up ekuls shadow. he trows it into the bronze. more broze gets on him. he is now covered in 3rd degree burns. he faints again}

{The mold breaks apart to make a statue of Zoo.}

SEPHIROTH: Well, it came out well.

EKUL: Wait, how did that... what the... how... what... huh...? WHAT HAPPENED?!

{Sephiroth puts on a glove, and fishes out Ekul's (Now bronze) statue.}

{zoo gets up again.}

ZOO977: Technacially, Your shadow moves with you, but you don't move with your shadow. so, my shadow threw your's into the mold. {faints again. the statue falls, and crushed his hardhat. zoo isn't harmed though.}

EKUL: That's pretty cool. That would be good for a diversion tactic... Your shadows take our shadows away, and we can sneak up on the enemy better.

NOXIGAR: Hmm... that's a good idea.

ZOO977: {getting up} Woah, what just happened? {looks around. he then notices his hardhat, with some silver mixed in} AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! JUNE! {faints}

VAN: Um...meatloaf. {hits Zoo with a frying pan}

{zoo then melts into a shadow temporarially.}

UNHOLY TRACY:{falls from the ceiling, asleep. wakes up} OW! Huh? Oh, I see you made a robot. Neat. I built this! {holds up right arm, which has been cleverly hidden before this. The arm now is encased in metal, a small screen on the forearm, and an RPG where the hand should be} I made it out of that rocket launcher I broke off of the mech. Aside from being a highly destructive weapon, it can also play Tetris! {gesture toward the screen on forearm}

EKUL: Wait... it's still radioactive though. OH NO, IT'S GOING TO BLOW!!

{Slow motion jump}

UNHOLY TRACY: Oh. Oh dear. Um... {runs into an empty room and closes door}

{the door turns green, red, and then falls down. A slightly green UT steps out of it, missing his right arm}

SEPHIROTH: Wait! I know what to do! ...This is gonna hurt. {Grabs the arm, and dips it into the bronze without the special gloves. The arm inside it explodes, and then starts to melt with the bronze. Sephiroth pulls out his arms, and his hands are missing.} Oops.

EKUL: You're arm isn't too lucky is it?

{Ekul forms an ice cast around Unholy Tracy's left arm. Then, he takes the cast and with his new knowlege of elbows, somehow flips the cast so that it looks like his right arm}

SEPHIROTH: Sorry Tracy, but your arm was doomed anyway. If you want, you can use the spare parts I have, which isn't radioactive. This reminds me of a time I built a gameboy robot, but I destroyed it because it annoyed me.

{Cut to the remains of Eric's house. After a few seconds the camera flies into the ruins and into the hole that Ekul dug last episode. On the way down, the camera passes a few pieces of Eric's house, ice frozen to the side of the hole and Jimmy Hoffer's body. The camera then breaks into an ice cave underground with the simulation computers intact. A couple of thuds eminate from a nearby wall. It cracks and then collapses to reveil Pizzaboy behind it. Strong Sader, Kyves and Meek Sader go ahead of him and he follows after. Strong Sader holds up his hand which glows with eletrical energy to illuminate the cave. Meek Sader is behind with a map.}

STRONG SADER: Just as I thought. The cooling tunnels from the power plant's reactor pass right under Eric's. Good thing Ekul saved the simulation.

{Something is heard inside the ice. The ice cracks, revealing someone poking their head through. He pops back in, and pops out right in front of Strong Sader.}

????: Hi!

MEEK SADER: Erm... Have we had the pleasure?

????: Nope. You have no idea who I am, and I have no idea who you are! Excuse me! {Pops back in, and then breaks the ice on the side of the wall. We walks out.} There we go.

KYVES: How strange... I wonder who he is?

NOXIGAR: Beats me.

????: Garax is the name, exploring is my game!

{OOC: Noxigar, I though you were with Ekul and the others.}

{OOC: Aren't we all in the same place?}

{OOC: No, Saderx2 and Kyves are in the cave. All the others are at Sephiroth's basement, just finished working on Specter.}

{Noxigar vanishes and reappears in Sephiroth's basement}

{Cut back to the basement.}

SEPHIROTH: Back so soon Noxigar?

ZOO977: {up again, clutching(?) his chest} I dont feel good. {walks offscreen}

SEPHIROTH: You could bathe youself in the grey goo chamber. It is guaranteed to make you feel better in no time.

{zoo enters again}

ZOO977: That wasn't the weird chocolate milk I love?

SEPHIROTH: No. They were cleansing Nanobots. They clean you up from the outside, and in the inside, destroys all harmful bacteria, destroys all diseases, repairs any missing limbs, and leaves you smelling minty fresh.

ZOO977: That explains it. Their trying to make me have arm's I never had!

EKUL: I suppose they should study my body so that they can heal me if necessary.

ZOO977: Well, off to the tub! {leaves}

SEPHIROTH: Don't touch the Xenomorph droid! You'll really need to go to the grey goo chamber if you do!

ZOO977: What, this? {a click is heard, as well as a powering on noise. zoo screams, and a saw blade spinning is heard, along with a weird sqush. tons of kicking and chopping is heard, and then a huge flare of flames. A screech is heard, and a bunch of crashing. finally, a choking noise. a thump is heard, and then a powering down noise.}

{Sephiroth sees Zoo977 into a bloody pulp, and the droid covered with blood.}

SEPHIROTH: I told you. It's a work in progress. Off to the chamber you go!

{zoo stuggles to move. He goes the wrong direction}

SEPHIROTH: Oy vey...

{Brings a tank full of Grey goo next to zoo. He then scrapes him off the floor, and puts him in the tank. Various mechanical sounds are made, as Zoo is being fixed.}

EKUL: You know, maybe we should go somewhere people don't constantly get hurt.

{Ekul leans near a flip-able blackboard.}

EKUL: I mean, you'll never catch me getting-

{He spins it, and it comes around and hits him on the head}

EKUL: C-concussion...

{Ekul collapses}

SEPHIROTH: Maybe we should get out of the basement...

{Cut to Sephiroth's living room. It is at the very top floor, and it quite normal.}

SEPHIROTH: Nothing dangerous here.

{two police walk in}

FIRST POLICE MAN: Yes, we've receicved a report of you mersilessly choping up, kicking, and and then choking a little boy until he was a bloody pulp.

SEPHIROTH: And I recieved a report that you are my cosplaying droids. {Rips off the uniforms to show they are droids.} Plus, it was Xenomorphbot which did it. Not me.

{the ceiling breaks, and zoo in the tb falls through, crashing into the police man before going through the floor. metal flies everywhere}


{He throws a fishing line down there, and reels Zoo in by his collar.}

SEPHIROTH: You like harming my stuff, don't you?

ZOO977: {just peeking his head through} Can I have some clothes?

{Ekul stands up and staggers}

EKUL: {slurred} Hey, who is thaaaaaa.... {trails off}

SEPHIROTH: You didn't drink all my vodka, did you? Oh no...

ZOO977: Please? {noticing the collar, see's the huge fall below him} How am I not being hanged?

SEPHIROTH: Because 1, you are being held by the front, and 2, you're standing. {Points to Zoo's feet right next to the hole. He moves him to the window, and pours the grey goo down the hole. In a matter of seconds, the hole is sealed.}

ZOO977: {covering his shame with his hardhat} I'll... Be right back. {sprints offscreen}

SEPHIROTH: Activate Guard. {The skyscraper gets encased in a unbreakable solid lazer coating.}

{OOC: Darn edit conflicts. Trying to get Bankrupt to find Will}

{Cut to Bankrupt in the city outskirts.}

BANKRUPT: I could've sworn my PSP sensors which trace people found Will here. If not, then this thing is faulty.

ZOO977: {enters again, wearing his shirt inside out} Okay, I'm back.

BANKRUPT: Wait, who are you? {points at Zoo977}

ZOO977: Zoo977.

BANKRUPT: I'm here looking for a person named Will. Know of the guy?

{Davros rides in, in a car which is flashing all colors.}

DAVROS: He's not in the south side of the city.

ZOO977: Guesuntheid.

DAVROS: Bankrupt, can I kill him?

BANKRUPT: Whatever works for you. I think Will will be wherever women and explosions are. Let's head up north.

{Bankrupt hops in Davros' car. Davros follows, and starts driving off, opening the top window, and throwing a grenade out of it. Cut back to Seph's living room. Unholy Tracy walks onscreen, now with a arm made of ice that somehow can't melt. It is glowing red, and has metal on it's shoulder}

UNHOLY TRACY:{sarcastic} Thanks for leaving me down there!

SEPHIROTH: Sorry about that, Bell. Wait... what?! How did I know that? Oh no.. Not again! Sorry Tracy, I got you confused with one of my old friends who went missing a long time ago. I just remembered him.

[Rewind to Bankrupt's scene. Pause.}

VOICE: Woah woah woah woah woah. How the #$%^ do you know his name!?

{OOC: Seph, or Davros?}

(OOC: Bankrupt is looking for Live-Action Will. Hey, Bankrupt writerguy! Get it straight! Wikihood 3's Will has been taken hostage! The live-action Will represents me stepping THROUGH the internet JUST to punch Davros in the face for being such a shitty character.}

{OOC: It was the stomach, actually.}

{zoo waklks in}

ZOO977: Hey guys! {sits upside down on the sofa, attemps to drink soda. continuously fails}

{OOC: Well, this ain't goin' nowhere. BTW: Live-Action Seth comes from real life, and returns the favour to Chwoka. He leaves. Fast foward back to Unholy Tracy's scene.}

UNHOLY TRACY: Seph, you DO know I showed you the book, revealing my connections to Bell, right?

SEPHIROTH: I know, it's just for a second, I could feel him inside you, and it felt like I knew him. It's over now.

UNHOLY TRACY: Hmm... {places left palm on Seph's forehead, concentrates for a few seconds, stops} You seem to be the Sephiroth Bell once knew, but there's something a bit different, as if you were a corrupted form of Seph.

{Cut to Bankrupt in LoE base.}

BANKRUPT: Well, I guess my sensors were in error. I am told that Will is back here, much to my sad dismay. At least I had fun though.

{the shadow behind the computer begins to look strange. it morphs into zoo}

ZOO977: {playing with neopets figurines} Boom! A bomb goes off, and he ro- {seeing bankrupt} How did I get here?

BANKRUPT: Rest assured, you're not dead... yet... Davros! He's still here!

ZOO977: {taking out a bunch of plushies} Hoorah! {begins playing with them}

BANKRUPT: Somebody get this freakin' duck away from me!

ZOO977: Then the giant chia threw the very bad {holds the faerieland playset} modeled version of a place into the air! {throws it up in the air} But it st- {gets hit by the playset. Extremely confused and acting stupid, he takes the wheel of excitment off of it} This is going straight up my nose!

BANKRUPT: {sighs} I'll go see how Princess William is doing.

{Bankrupt walks to Will's cell. Various sound effects are heard, and he is thrown back on-screen.}

DARLON: You don't really think it's that easy, do you? Also! {presses a button}

{A drill fals from the sky and goes straight through Zoo977.}

DARLON: This is how we deal with clones.

{Cut back to the dome. Zoo emits a beeping noise.}

BANKRUPT: Thanks! Who might you be?

NIVED: He is Darlon. The leader of the LoE.

BANKRUPT: Ah. I was planning on joining this "Louie".

DARK SADER: Well, there just happens to be a very "quaint" innitiation process...

{Dark Sader begins laughing evily, Nived and Darlon soon join in. Cut to the ice cave. Strong Sader removes his sweater, revieling a shirt, waistcoat and tie underneath. He also removes his hat, taking several clumps of dead hair with it, leaving his hair moderate length. He goes to examine the simulation.}

GARAX: Ooh. What's that? {Gets out a camera and starts taking picutres of it.} The press will love this! ...Man, you'll be rich!

KYVES: Strong Sader, Ekul encased the ice pretty thickly. I'm not sure if we can break through without his help. Otherwise, we could damage it.

GARAX: Try melting it.

KYVES: That could damage it too, what with the water corroding its system. Also, we don't have means to do that in an ice cave. I mean, Strong Sader and I have our ways of summoning electricity, but that would ALSO damage the system.

{Suddenly, a blue guy with hair that goes to his feet breaks into the cave with an ice axe.}

MAN: Dear gosh, where am I?

KYVES: Some ice cave.

GARAX: How about, I take more pictures of it, submit it to the press as alien technology, and I get rich of it. Yeah. We'll do that. {Snaps more pictures.}

{The man covers his face from the flashes of the camera.}

MAN: Gah! What are you doing?

STRONG SADER: I'm going to find Ekul. Kyves, would you keep a look out around here?

{Strong Sader flies up the cave to the surface. Kyves creates a magnetic field and sits down.}

KYVES: You can count on me.

MEEK SADER: So... What should we do to pass the time?

{An explosion can be heard outside. Long pause.}

KYVES: I dunno. Throw stuff?

MEEK SADER: {Picks some slushy ice from the floor} Snowball fight?

GARAX: Photofight! {Starts snapping lots of pictures, dazzling everyone.} I win!

{an arm made of red-tinted ice punches Garax in the back of the head, and then retracts offscreen}

UNHOLY TRACY:{walks onscreen} Not so fast. ...Wait. Is Garax evil? Oh well. {warps off}

{Cut back to Sephiroth's skyscraper.}

SPECTER: Beep Beep. Why are we up so high?

{Strong Sader smashes in through the wall.}

STRONG SADER: To save space in the city below.

SEPHIROTH: He's right. Why have a wide mansion, when you can have a whole 100 storie skyscraper to yourself? AND STOP BREAKING MY WALLS!! AHH!!

UNHOLY TRACY:{warps in} And it's fun to jump off of it!

{a faint blue glowing thing goes by}

UNHOLY TRACY: ... That's... Nice.

SEPHIROTH: Not mine. Wanna toss it out of the window and see what will happen to it?

UNHOLY TRACY: Sure! {grabs the blue glow, it moos} ... What...

STRONG SADER: Is Ekul here? I need his help.

SEPHIROTH: Yeah, he's here.

UNHOLY TRACY: Hmm, if squeezing it makes it moo, what happens when I kick it? {kicks the glow, it meows} ...Okay, what in God's name is this thing?!!

WEIRD BLUE THING: {in zoo's voice} Its zoo's soul! I need to get back to my dead body!

UNHOLY TRACY: Hmm... Okay. But you better not be Zoo's shadow in disguise. {forms Zoo a new body}

ZOO'S SOUL: Souls don't go into clones. {floats off}

UNHOLY TRACY: They did the last time I checked. {grabs Zoo's soul, forces it into the body}

{the body explodes. the soul leaves}

UNHOLY TRACY: Grrr... {grabs the soul again, morphs it to look exactly like Zoo, but with a halo} How about now? Now you look exactly like your old body, but now you have ghost powers!

ZOO977: Better for annoying people! {floats off}

STRONG SADER: The simulation may be the key to fixing the dome problem. It's holding up in an ice cave under Eric's old house.

EKUL: I doubt it, I think the best solution is to just wait until the thunderstorm schedueled in two days and go by that plan. Then we can use the simulation to find Nived and whoever he's working with.

STRONG SADER: If we can get it here, I could do some maintainence. I could reboot the simulation from the moment of error and analyse the LoE tracker.

EKUL: I programmed the tracker, but it's still not going to work unless we can repair the system's recollection of Nived, Darlon and Dark Sader. I suggest we see if there's any fragment or something of Dark Sader still in you. You're the only chance we have.

{Timeswipe, two hours later. Strong Sader and Ekul hoist the simulation out of the ice cave with Kyves, Meek Sader, Pizzaboy and Garax riding on top. It's dropped into an unused room in the tower, and carefully thawed out by Ekul.}

STRONG SADER: There's a sample of all of our uncorrupted DNA stored inside the simulation's databanks. If I can get to it, I may be able to insolate Dark Sader's mental patterns.

EKUL: Wow, this thing has a ton of memory. You're saying that this thing has the DNA of every living person who ever entered the simulation? Well, I'd better get to fixing.

{Ekul takes out a soldering gun, and starts working. Strong Sader boots the main screen, pounding it several time to get it working. Eventually, it displays a highly pixelated view of the simulation. The landscape is now barren and volcanic, having been ravaged by the system crash.}

STRONG SADER: Wow. This place has REALLY gone to Hell.

EKUL: We can do a system restore to restore the landscape... hmm... wait a second... That's it! I can use their past actions to map their cognitive levels.

{Ekul sets up the system restore program. However, it goes very slow}

EKUL: Well, what do you want to do now while we wait?

STRONG SADER: Well, we could-

{Strong Sader is cut out by the episode end. Credits.}

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