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From Wuw Archive


No. 0 in Organization XIII. Not much is known about him, really. He and Namine are the only Organization XIII members left (he considers Namine a member, even if she isn't by technical means) due to the deaths of the other members. He holds the element of poison, and his weapon is a green staff. His Heartless is a Venomancer by the alias of Deathbringer.

Noxigar is very calm in how he approaches others, albiet approaching them from out of nowhere. He tries to protect what remains of the Organization (weapons, Absent Silhouettes, etc.) and can transform into one of the other members, except for Roxas. His technique is known as Exchange of the Spirit.

His powers were erased when the new Wikihood was created. Instead of a staff, he has two test tubes and some chemicals as weaponry, and eventually receives a green spiked ball-and-chain to help him. In addition, any signs of other Organization XIII weaponry have been hidden or otherwise removed.

The Quotes That Never Were

  • VAN: I'd say poison. It's the only way Noxigar could kill him, seeing as how it's all he fights with. (Episode 29)
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