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Wikian Galaxy/SkullB

From Wuw Archive

Hail Fruitopia!

Ενας Καρποφόρος Παράδεισος!
A Fruitful Paradise!


Size: Just a bit smaller than Earth.

Landscape: Extremely similar to Earth. However, the only living beings on the planet are fruit and veggies. They talk and stuff because they can.

Looks: Much like Earth, the planet is divided into continents, the largest being named Fruitalia. The smaller one was named Vegetalia, and the polar icecap was left unnamed. The capital of Fruitalia, Tomatopolis, is home to the majestic Tomato Castle, ruled by King Tomatillo. The capital of Vegetalia, Potatopolis, is ruled by King Tuberius. The second biggest city is Pear City, home to Pear of his titular video game.

User's Points: 0

Pear City Talk

{The city is bustling with pears and other assorted fruits wandering to and fro.}

ZOO977: {in pear city, purchasing a toy} How much will that be?

{the pear makes incoherant noises}

ZOO977: Uhhh... I dont speak French. Er, Chinese. Er, Spanish. Er, Scandinavian?

LIAME: He said it is $999,999,999,999.99. You know, that is the most money that there is posable.

ZOO977: WHAT?!? Thats a ripoff! {dials a number on his phone} Shop wizard, I asked for the cheapest price. Try again.

SHOP WIZARD: I'm working overtime, jerk.

{Pear walks over.}

PEAR: He said it's ten dollars--we're speaking Pearish. I see you're not from around here. Hi, my name is Pear.

ZOO977: {closes phone} Oh. Sorry. {pays the pear 10 dollars, leaves the store. He goes to a cafe} I wonder what fruits and vegetables eat.

LIAME: They eat human, as we eat fruits and vegetables. Thank god I'm not human... Oh and, I know this stuff because I study Fruitopia in collage.

PEAR: No, you're stupid. We eat different fruits. Try a Aquaberry Smoothie!

LIAME: Aquaberry isn't really water, but is called an Aquaberry because it has juicy flavors.

ZOO977: Oh, thanks! {purchases a smoothie. he sips it. his face quenches very much} Its sour. Yay!

PEAR: And how do you {looks at Liame} know how we live our lives?

{Pear walks up to the counter. He talks to the cashier, who hands him a cup with a blue drink in it. Pear takes a sip. Suddenly, he burps a series of bubbles, which make musical sounds when they pop.}

PEAR: Bubbleberry!

ZOO977: Ima go get me a hotel room. {Walks down the street, looking for a hotel. he stops at a town map}

{A cherry walks up to Zoo.}

CHERRY: Can I help you?

ZOO977: Yes, please. Im trying to decide which hotel to stay at. Which would you suggest?

LIAME: I need a hotel, too.

CHERRY: I suggest the Walnut-Astoria, but if you're tight on money, there's a nice place in east Pear City.

{The HOTEL has been opened to the public!}

Hotel Pear Talk

GAVINO: Nice hotel!

{A pear comes from behind the counter.}

BELLHOP PEAR: Thank you! Would you like a room?

GAVINO: Yes please!

BELLHOP PEAR: Right this way, sir.

{Liame walks in}

LIAME: Hello, anybody here? I need a room.

GAVINO: Like your "Currently Untiteld" fic, Liame

BELLHOP PEAR: Here we are, sir!

ZOO977: {on his cellphone} See you guys soon! Bye! {closes phone} May I please have a room?

LIAME: Zoo, you are gonna love it here.

BELLHOP PEAR: But of course!

FRUIT RAD: One room please!

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