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Wiki User Wiki: ONLINE/Rai

From Wuw Archive

NAME: Raiku Lucifer Devil, Raggon Blade, Raggonix Blade, Megan Jesus Angel, Rage Wolf, and Arerseus.

INVENTORY: Raiku - Destiny (Gunblade), Katana. Raggon - Machine Gun. Raggonix - Laptop, Machines, Bombs. Meg - Kick Boxing Supplies, Throwing Daggers. Rage - Nothing. Arerseus - Tracker, Demon Bottle

ABILITIES: Raiku - Demon Powers (Anything a demon can do), Cyrokinesis (Ice Powers). Raggon - Pyrokinesis (Fire Powers). Raggonix - Electrokinesis (Electric Powers). Meg - Terrakinesis (Earth Powers). Rage - Wolf Powers. Arerseus - Demon-Angel Powers.

Raiku Pic
Raggon Pic
Raggonix Pic
Meg Pic

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