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Wiki User Wiki: ONLINE/Houses/Lemon

From Wuw Archive

You walk into Lemon's house. It seems to be a bowling rink.


  • Outside
  • Dojo
  • Lemon's Little Brother's Bedroom (tore down by Lemon, as his baby brother ran away)


LEMON: I got a spare!

MALOA: {doesn't see the bowling on the sign} Be right back! {leaves, returns with roller blades on}

RYAN: Here goes... {Attempts to roll the ball, but his fingers get stuck, causing him to hit himself with the ball} Ow. {falls over}

LEMON: {laughs at Ryan} Ha ha!

SEPHIROTH: They didn't call me straight shot Seph for nothing! {Grabs a ball, and throws it behind his back. It makes a strike.} BOOYAH!

LEMON: Oh crud. I'm gonna get some dynamite and make a new room!

{Lemon runs out. He runs in soon}


SEPHIROTH: WHAT THE HELL?! Okay.. no need to go mental.. Put it down...

LEMON: Having only a bowling alley sucks! I'm making a new room!

SEPHIROTH: Personally I would get a basketball court... oh wait.. {Runs out.}

{everyone runs out. He throws it and makes a dojo.}

MALOA: {enters in the roller blades. he has a DS with him} Weee!

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