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WUW talk:Disputes

From Wuw Archive

I think it's time to take this page out of retirement. *Wink wink* - The good...X On Fire...And the good again. 18:35, 22 July 2008 (UTC)

...No. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 14:55, 31 July 2008 (UTC)

Gen dispute

This really needs solving. Srsly. StrongIntelligent


Third gens: Stop complaining about how everyone is mean to you and IGNORE IT. It always looks like these conversations about gen racism are made by third gens themselves! Nobody cares when you joined, we only care about what kind of user you are! -- NachoTalk 20:04, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

no we don't 3rd gens stupid rite --Dinoshaur gaycm 20:05, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

Yed we are, not a few others though. StrongIntelligent
Okay, honestly (I am talking like a big boy because this is srs bzns), what do you all expect the second gens to do with all this arguing and complaining? What do you see as the result? This is not rhetorical, I really want to know. You know that no one's going to seriously say "Oh, you're right, let's get on with our lives here in harmony." This doesn't even need pointing out, but I'll say it again, since it doesn't seem to be getting through: It's a joke, just like any other joke on here. Chill, guys. If you make good stuff, you'll get acceptance/recognition/whatever you're craving with all this. TheCheese 21:10, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

It's dot com was right. All this generation crap is unneeded. Stuff like this can cause productive users to overlook this place. jcmsig1.pngjcmsig2.png 21:15, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

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