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Unbridled Rage/eps9

From Wuw Archive



List Of Iotas Being Parodied For Sheer Creditation

  1. Even Lexon can improve his drawing in Namine's sketchbook, despite it being... laughable.
  2. Lexon is playing Batman: Arkham Asylum as a reference to Episode 7.
  3. Chwoka sent a message about Osmosys Productions sometime when this episode was constructed.
  4. Darlon and Vanhock are parodies of themselves. They are not nearly as dimwitted as other villainous duos, though.
  5. Lexon gets approved to draw in the sketchbook! Wait... what does that parody?
  6. Chwoka made Episode 10. How else does he end Episode 9?


{Noxigar is in the room in the KH2 mansion. He is perusing Namine's sketchbooks.}

NOXIGAR: Seems like cool stuff was made. I should probably congratulate Lexon by making of a trophy.

{Noxigar goes to Lexon's room. He is playing Batman: Arkham Asylum.}

NOXIGAR: Hi there, Lexon. Hey, I wanted to compliment your particular effort regarding the comic genius on some of the last drawings! You're really improving parabolically.

LEXON: {without averting his gaze on the television screen} Thanks. Are you gonna tell me when Namine gets home?

NOXIGAR: She hasn't been home yet for a while. I presume nothing is up, given she goes to other worlds near Twilight Town to do stuff for them.

LEXON: Hey, do you have any other viderogames?

NOXIGAR: I do not recall. I'm not in control of what videogames Namine decides to keep after she's played them.

LEXON: Oh. Cool.

{Chwoka arrives, dressed like a businessman.}

CHWOKA: {robotic voice} THE ACTION NEVER STOPS is a trademark of Osmosys Productions. Cease and desist.

NOXIGAR: Hi there, cool robot!

{Darlon and Vanhock arrive}

DARLON: That's a Chwokabot. Wanna buy one?

NOXIGAR: Sure, why not?

VANHOCK: Image:Well.PNG, too bad!


DARLON: Come on Vanhock, let's go shopping!

{Darlon, Vanhock, and Chwoka walk offscreen. Cut to Tornadoman in his house, with Cloak and Dagger}

TORNADOMAN: Ugh, what was I doing?

CLOAK: Sitting around and calling yourself Roxas.

DAGGER: Something tells me there's more to you than I can see with my own two eyes.

CLOAK: Shall we-

{SkullB runs through Tornadoman's window}

SKULLB: Oh hi thar. I'm here to run you all over.

{SkullB runs all of them over}


{Darlon and Vanhock walk onscreen}

DARLON: Join us...

VANHOCK: Join us...

DARLON: And together...

VANHOCK: We can destroy...

DARLON: Your worst enemy!

VANHOCK: That guy who claims to be an Organization XIII member doesn't stand a chance if we unite!

DARLON: Fo realz!

TORNADOMAN: No! Get out of my house!

VANHOCK: Fine! We don't need your smelly wind-breaking anyway!

DARLON: Let's go get some shoes, or something!

{Vanhock and Darlon walk offscreen}

TORNADOMAN: Just what was that all about?

{Cut back to that room in the KH2 mansion}

LEXON: Okay, so I don't know what happened to that last sketchbook.

NOXIGAR: You left it on the dinner table?

LEXON: Oh, yeah.

NOXIGAR: Anyway, if you want to draw in Namine's sketchbooks, it's okay, man!

LEXON: Really?!

NOXIGAR: Sure. Just, don't break the spines of the sketchbook. I saw so many pictures of Sora in one of them that I did. And I went to buy clear, decent tape.

LEXON: Okay.

{Lexon goes and draws in Namine's sketchbook. Noxigar leaves the mansion to see all of Twilight Town before the screen blacks out.}

CHWOKA: {offscreen} I told them to cease and desist.

{End credits}

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